ObjectiveC/Cocoa Screencapture/Crosshead mouse pointer selector help - xcode

I want to write a basic app so I can upload some images to my personal server and as the CMD+Shift+4 Screen capture method apple offers doesn't let you upload your images I thought I would start from scratch... I've looked around quite a lot on how to make something what lets me grab a selection of my screen (like the crosshair apple offer) and can't find any samples/pointers however I've seen other tools such as gyazo use the exact same capture system apple offer :S... Is it some sort of framework I can access in Xcode or something?
If anyone knows how its done I would be very grateful.

You can just run screencapture(1) and capture to a temporary file location which your app then reads.


CTFontManagerRegister... for a 3rd-party app

This is a bit basic but I have been struggling finding good documentation around NSFontManager and CTFontManager to achieve this. So here's the scenario:
Keynote (or any other existent app from a different developer) opens a file which uses a font that's not activated.
My app has the font and I use CTFontManagerRegisterFontURLs or one of the similar methods to get it activated.
Keynote gets a notification that the font is now available.
I would imagine there's a NSFontManager notification for missing fonts, but haven't found anything. The notifications seem to be within the sandbox of my own app. Does anyone here have an idea where I can find anything that does this (or almost does this)?
Thank you so much.

Native Windows: How to capture windows that are covered by other windows like Google Hangouts does

I'm working on a feature that allows users to capture windows and stream them. Using native windows api calls, I'm able to get a windows location and capture it.
BUT, if there is a window over it... I'm not able to capture that blocked portion and I just replace that area with gray.
SOMEHOW... google chrome, a non-microsoft app... figured out how to capture a window while it's behind other windows. Skype for Business, a Microsoft product, can't even do that.
Has anyone worked on something like this before? If so, a point in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.

Adding screenshot in iTunes Connect without real Device

I am about to submit my app in iTunes connect.
Now it is asking me for screenshots for a 3.5-inch, 4-inch, 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch.
Since I coded it in swift I guess I can skip the 3.5inch part?
But my question is: I only have an 4-inch device available. How can I add the screenshots of the 4.7 and 6inch? maybe with the simulator?
Thank you
In the iOS Simulator File > Screenshot
That saves a screenshot to your desktop.
Simulator should be fine. You can edit it using Sketch, I found it really helpful.
I tried a few different methods, and what worked best for me in a short amount of time was to capture screenshots in the iOS Simulator at 100% scale and then resize them using GIMP, which is free unlike Sketch.
If you're in the business of creating screenshots for many devices, across locales or with frequent screenshot update needs it's best to look into automation with tool like Snapshot.

Can anyone help me think of an app that uses a set of almost wireframe instructional elements before the user starts using the app?

Can anyone help me think of an app that uses a set of almost wireframe instructional elements before the user starts using the app? I know I have used a few apps like that. They will show a stencil of a hand and show you how to work through the app. I am working on a UX exercise and I need some ideas on how to incorporate something like that into my project to help the user to get up and running faster in my application. Any help would be much appreciated.
Yes, that pattern is called "coach marks" and is available in many apps. You can see it on The Weather Channel's new weather app for the iPhone or iPad (shameless plug). There is also a reference on coach marks, with many examples which can be found here.

simple record and play application!

I am trying to make a simple application which will store the sound said by user , say on click of record button and will play it back to him/her , say on click of play button.
Can anyone suggest me some appropriate way to do this ??
You can use QuickTime Kit's capture APIs to record a movie of the audio, and QTMovie (from the same framework) to convert it to a more conventional format for audio files and to play back both the intermediate file and the converted file.
There used to be a QuickTime Kit Programming Guide, but it didn't cover capturing and is now gone from developer.apple.com. You should file a bug against the docs.
This answer will work in a Cocoa (Mac) app. If you meant to ask about the iPhone, you should re-tag your question, as the solution will be completely different for a Cocoa app vs. a Cocoa Touch (iPhone) app.
I used direct sound to create an entire internet phone application a few years ago. Your question is far simpler, you won't have to deal with the circular buffer as critically. Direct sound is pretty main stream and you can find a lot of help with it in forums, and it's free!
