In Xcode, where is the compiled .app file? (macOS application) - xcode

On iOS I did not bother with that info, because you run the app on the device or simulator.
This is macOS application.
I want to launch my app without Xcode. Where is the app file location?
I'm using Xcode 10.

It is in the Products group in Xcode.
If you want to know the actual location in the file system:
Right click > Show in Finder:

After the build, you can find it under Products, you can find it in the Project navigator writing .app (it is located on disk in the derived data folder).

In case you are looking for the folder of compiled programs:
By default it is present in :
Macintosh HD >
Users > (user name) >
Library >
Developer >
Xcode >
DerivedData is the folder where all the compiled programs are kept. You need to access the:(desired) folder > Build > Products > Debug to access the executable app.
For easy access I'll suggest to make Alias of the DerivedData folder onto desktop.


How to symbolicate for Xamarin.iOS on Windows

I submitted an iOS app which failed review due to a crash. I was given the crash report which unfortunately for me, was useless because I didn't keep the dSYM files and .app file that I apparently needed to decipher the crash report.
First question -
I've built a new release and I've stored the dSYMs folder away for safe keeping, but I can't find the .app file that I apparently need. this link here suggested that I could change the .ipa file to a zip and then get the .app from unzipping it but there was nothing in the zipped folder once I changed its extension to .zip How to symbolicate crash/error logs from a Xamarin Forms iOS project?
Second question - How do I symbolicate on windows? I've seen guides like this one, but it only shows you how to do it on a MAC. The problem I have is that the project is entirely built on my windows machine which is networked to a MAC.
I was able to symbolicate the crash reports given by apple from the review by using this guide:
How to symbolicate crash/error logs from a Xamarin Forms iOS project?
Basically what you need to do:
Get the .dSYM and .app file from the archived release folder and put it on your MAC in a folder some where. Additionally, put the crash report in the same folder. (The crash report on App Store Connect will be a .txt file. Change it to .crash) Open up the terminal and change the current working directory to that folder I just mentioned. e.g. cd /Applications/crashFolder
Run the following terminal commands
alias symbolicate="/Applications/ -v"
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"
Symbolicate your .crash file with this terminal command:
symbolicate -o "symbolicatedCrash1.txt" "crash1.crash" ""

Xcode Provisioning Profiles Location

Where are the Provisioning Profiles located in Xcode 8.3.3 within the project and/or file directory?
Where they have been for older versions of Xcode: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles
Provisioning profiles are not stored with the project. Xcode has a common area and the profile is pulled when you build and bundled with the ipa.
Go to the Finder
From the “Go” menu navigate down to “Go to Folder”
Hit Command+Shift+G from the Mac OS X desktop or a Finder window
Search below Path
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
FWIW if you're building into a physical device, then if you dig through your derived data, you can find:
In the Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos directory you'll find your app name just like:
CoolAppName // it won't have any `.app` extension or anything.
You just have to right click on it and hit 'show package contents' or just change directory to that...
then find a file with .mobileprovision extension.
Remember you won't find this if you're building with simulator, because simulators, don't need provisioning profiles.
How to see what's inside?
Either just use Preview or see detailed instructions from Dev Forums - Quinn on how to dump it. e.g.
$ security cms -D -i ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/8d04addd-d7f5-4872-bd48-f6885bb67433.mobileprovision

Xcode Won't Compile To Simulator

I've just updated Xcode 4.5 via the App Store, from my previous version which I got from my Apple Developer Account. Since the update I can't compile any apps into the Simulator. I can compile onto a device, e.g. my iPhone.
The error I recieve is
fatal error: file
has been modified since the precompiled header was built
1 error generated.
go in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{project name + gobly-gook} and delete folder with your project name.
EDIT After suggestion
By default Library Folder is hidden so we can't see it.
So we have three way to use this hidden ~/Library folder
1.Unhide Library folder by following command to unhide ~/Library folder
chflags nohidden ~/Library
Now you can see Library folder as /Users//Library
2. Open GO menu of finder and press Alt key and Library will be visible as new menu item.
Select that to open Library folder
3. You can access ~/Library folder by Terminal.
There's easiest way: Just "clean" project (Product > Clean)
You can just open the Organizer (top-right corner of XCode), go to the Projects tab, select your project on the left and then delete the Derived Data.
This happened when I updated Xcode from 6.0.1 to 6.1
I cleaned the project and could compile successfully!!

Where does xcode resolve "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) to on my system?

When Compiling for iPhone Simulator with Xcode 4.2, if I place
Build Settings / Header search paths / Debug
and exit editing I can see it resolves to:
Where should this be on my system? I have looked in:
Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{Project Name}/Build
but I can't find a file called build that contains a folder called Debug-iphoneos.
On my system, compiling an OSX project, that resolves to an absolute path:
BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR /Users/andy/Source/MyProject/build/Debug
There are so many Xcode build variables that I keep a text file with a sample list of them which I got from executing a custom build script and viewing the output within the log tab.
If your code is going into the Library folder, then that is hidden under Lion. You can unhide it from the command line (Terminal) using:
$ cd ~
$ chflags nohidden Library
You should then be able to see its content.
Another tip: I have a ~/tmp folder where I let temporary stuff accumulate and I have set my Xcode preferences to put DerivedData and Archives into that folder so I can:
delete it now and again (I don't like temporary stuff accumulating where I cannot control it).
see it for packaging pre-release Archived project to testers.

Deploy / build application for OSX

I have created my first XE2 FM HD application.
I have my OSX machine connected and running debug builds on OSX works fine, but I don't have a way to create a release version and copy it to another computer.
I tried just copying over the Package made by the debug but that's missing files.
Inside XE2 I went to Project -> Deployment.
For the OSX Debug deployment I have a green button, but under OSX Release deployment I don't.
Here's step-by-step instructions for building the App bundle and putting in the required dynamic link library:
Create a folder called
Create a subfolder in called Contents
Create a subfolder in Contents called MacOS
Create a subfolder in Contents called Resources
From your build, copy Info.plist into Contents
From your build, copy the Mac binary to MacOS
From your build, copy the icon to Resources
Copy libcgunwind.1.0.dylib to MacOS
Copy the .app folder to your Mac and double-click it to run
You will find libcunwind.1.0.dylib on your Mac where you installed the platform assistant, most likely:
Here's a video tutorial on how to create the manual install Disk Image installer on the Mac.
