Xcode Provisioning Profiles Location - xcode

Where are the Provisioning Profiles located in Xcode 8.3.3 within the project and/or file directory?

Where they have been for older versions of Xcode: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles
Provisioning profiles are not stored with the project. Xcode has a common area and the profile is pulled when you build and bundled with the ipa.

Go to the Finder
From the “Go” menu navigate down to “Go to Folder”
Hit Command+Shift+G from the Mac OS X desktop or a Finder window
Search below Path
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

FWIW if you're building into a physical device, then if you dig through your derived data, you can find:
In the Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos directory you'll find your app name just like:
CoolAppName // it won't have any `.app` extension or anything.
You just have to right click on it and hit 'show package contents' or just change directory to that...
then find a file with .mobileprovision extension.
Remember you won't find this if you're building with simulator, because simulators, don't need provisioning profiles.
How to see what's inside?
Either just use Preview or see detailed instructions from Dev Forums - Quinn on how to dump it. e.g.
$ security cms -D -i ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/8d04addd-d7f5-4872-bd48-f6885bb67433.mobileprovision


In Xcode, where is the compiled .app file? (macOS application)

On iOS I did not bother with that info, because you run the app on the device or simulator.
This is macOS application.
I want to launch my app without Xcode. Where is the app file location?
I'm using Xcode 10.
It is in the Products group in Xcode.
If you want to know the actual location in the file system:
Right click > Show in Finder:
After the build, you can find it under Products, you can find it in the Project navigator writing .app (it is located on disk in the derived data folder).
In case you are looking for the folder of compiled programs:
By default it is present in :
Macintosh HD >
Users > (user name) >
Library >
Developer >
Xcode >
DerivedData is the folder where all the compiled programs are kept. You need to access the:(desired) folder > Build > Products > Debug to access the executable app.
For easy access I'll suggest to make Alias of the DerivedData folder onto desktop.

Xcode 7.2 successful archives will not show in organizer, but will show in archives folder about derived data folder

I am using Cocoapods 0.39.0 and Xcode 7.2, I have a project that archives successfully but does not populate in organizer. When I tested my podfile in a blank project the archive showed up in the Organizer just fine.
While trying to troubleshoot this I found that there was an Archives folder above Derived Data. There I actually found all the .xcarchive files of the project that won't show up in the Organizer.
When clicking on the file details, I also noticed that the working Archive had a size (228.3 MB for the test project) but my main project I want working has a size of 0 bytes.
Figured it out.
Searched Installation Directory in Build Settings
Removed #executable_path/../Frameworks as the value for Installation Directory
Typed the following for the Installation Directory $(LOCAL_APPS_DIR)
Reference: "Xcode successfully archived my application, but the Archives Organizer does not list my archive" section https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2215/_index.html
In XCode Project\Targets\Build Settings make sure
Skip Install = NO
for your Archive scheme, if you created one, or Release scheme
In my case (Xcode 8.3.3), the Installation Directory was pointing to /Applications which seemed correct, so that wasn't the issue. What worked was:
1. restart Xcode
2. Product ➞ Clean
3. delete the whole 'Derived Data' folder (to see where it is: Xcode ➞ Preferences... ➞ Locations ➞ Derived Data)
4. Product ➞ Clean
I had the same problem when I created debug build pointing to our QA environment.
Debug build was just Zero byte.
As #kareem mention above I figure that release/distributio build are having path as /Applications.
I just duplicated for my debug build and bingo !!!
Yes you can add /Application instead of current value which was '#executable_path/../Frameworks'
This way if you archive your debug build, you will have actual archive just like release build
All credit goes to kareem. I just try to enhanced by adding another prespective.
Easiest step that worked for me.
Delete folder Derived Data (to see where it is: Xcode ➞ Preferences... ➞ Locations ➞ Derived Data)
Generate the archive, select the Xcode ➞ Product ➞ Archive
Once the process is complete the archive will be displayed in the Archive screen of the Organizer dialog.
I was also facing the same issue in Xcode 12.4 then I tried with the method #kareem said.
But after that as well was not resolved.
One of the pod framework in my project is enabled for the App Extension as well. So I removed it from pod and installed using Swift Package Manager.
This resolved my issue.
Afterward I tried another way:
Also I modified the podfile like below and reintal and it worked:
target 'ProjectName'
. . .
target 'ProjectNameBroadcast'
inherit! :search_paths
target 'ProjectNameBroadcastSetupUI'
inherit! :search_paths
1. Clean
2. Build
Worked for me.

where is the plugins folder of xcode 6.1

Where can I find the plugins folder for Xcode 6.1?
Recently, I installed the dash app in my mac, here is the link: https://github.com/omz/Dash-Plugin-for-Xcode
But I don't really like it, then I try to uninstall it. Then I found that the link given from the link above doesn't work for my xcode. My xcode version is 6.1, and operating system is Yosemite GM. So where can I find the plugins folder of xcode, then I can remove this plugins?
Thanks guys.
I was able to install and build the Dash plugin for Xcode 6.1 / Yosemite, and it installed correctly in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins. Notice that it begins with ~, the /Library/ folder is not the correct one.
I have Xcode 6.1.1, here's what I did and it worked.
Right click on plugin file > Show Package Contents
Find and edit the Info.plist file.
In DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs add the key C4A681B0-4A26-480E-93EC-1218098B9AA0
Save your Info.plist file.
Then go to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns folder, and copy your plugin file there (the administrator password will be required).
You can now launch Xcode and use your plugins ;-)
It should be here ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode/Plug-ins.

Can you create Mac .app distribution from the command-line instead of from within Xcode?

Is it possible to go from an .xcarchive bundle to an .app bundle without using the Xcode Organizer? I'd like to create an automated build and get the final .app file that I can distribute. Using xcodebuild with the archive target works great for getting the .xcarchive file, but not for the final app.
With the iOS SDK, there's a PackageApplication tool you can use with xcrun, but this doesn't appear to exist with the OS X SDK.
I'd also like to do this so I can hopefully get more diagnostics from the Distribution process, which is failing for me right now with the infamous 100021 OS error code.
Have you looked inside the .xcarchive bundle? It's just a folder. Your .app targets should be inside, in a Products subfolder.
In Finder, right-click the archive and click Show Package Contents. in Terminal, use cd.
Try the -exportArchive flag in the xcodebuild command:
xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat app -archivePath <path to .xcarchive> -exportPath "My App.app" -exportSigningIdentity "Developer ID Application: My Software Company"
This command is present in Xcode 5.0.1. See the man page for more details on the optional arguments. This example exports a Developer ID signed application.
Here is what I have discovered about this issue:
As previously suggested, the xcodebuild's archive buildaction is good for getting the .xcarchive, but there does not appear to be an actual way to perform the validate or distribution commands from the command-line. I hope this eventually turns out to be false.
I was able to trick the validation tool by removing the embedded symbolic links in the embedded framework directories. This works, but after discussing with Apple support it turns out this is tricking the tool and not actually producing a valid result.
Apple support says they see this error code if one of the .plist files in an embedded framework is invalid. It turns out, in my example, I had 3 embedded frameworks and 1 of them had an empty .plist file, likely from me hand-building the project. After fixing that, the build would continue happily.

Xcode Won't Compile To Simulator

I've just updated Xcode 4.5 via the App Store, from my previous version which I got from my Apple Developer Account. Since the update I can't compile any apps into the Simulator. I can compile onto a device, e.g. my iPhone.
The error I recieve is
fatal error: file
has been modified since the precompiled header was built
1 error generated.
go in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{project name + gobly-gook} and delete folder with your project name.
EDIT After suggestion
By default Library Folder is hidden so we can't see it.
So we have three way to use this hidden ~/Library folder
1.Unhide Library folder by following command to unhide ~/Library folder
chflags nohidden ~/Library
Now you can see Library folder as /Users//Library
2. Open GO menu of finder and press Alt key and Library will be visible as new menu item.
Select that to open Library folder
3. You can access ~/Library folder by Terminal.
There's easiest way: Just "clean" project (Product > Clean)
You can just open the Organizer (top-right corner of XCode), go to the Projects tab, select your project on the left and then delete the Derived Data.
This happened when I updated Xcode from 6.0.1 to 6.1
I cleaned the project and could compile successfully!!
