Deploy / build application for OSX - macos

I have created my first XE2 FM HD application.
I have my OSX machine connected and running debug builds on OSX works fine, but I don't have a way to create a release version and copy it to another computer.
I tried just copying over the Package made by the debug but that's missing files.
Inside XE2 I went to Project -> Deployment.
For the OSX Debug deployment I have a green button, but under OSX Release deployment I don't.

Here's step-by-step instructions for building the App bundle and putting in the required dynamic link library:
Create a folder called
Create a subfolder in called Contents
Create a subfolder in Contents called MacOS
Create a subfolder in Contents called Resources
From your build, copy Info.plist into Contents
From your build, copy the Mac binary to MacOS
From your build, copy the icon to Resources
Copy libcgunwind.1.0.dylib to MacOS
Copy the .app folder to your Mac and double-click it to run
You will find libcunwind.1.0.dylib on your Mac where you installed the platform assistant, most likely:
Here's a video tutorial on how to create the manual install Disk Image installer on the Mac.


shared preferences don't work on ios [Xcode Debug]

I am trying to save the data locally in my application trying to use the shared preferences, while on android and chrome everything is ok, on ios by problems. When I debug with xcode this warning comes out "shared_preferences_ios not found".
Follow this steps
Backup ios/Runner folder.
Delete the ios folder.
Run flutter create (your project name). in the previous folder where you have your project(cd users/user/"projects_folder") (this will recreate your ios folder).
Paste your Runner backup in the ios folder (into the project).
Open Runner.xcworkspace (into ios folder) and there, check the Version, the Bundle ID, all the info.
(If do you Have Firebase, you have to copy and paste again the Google Service-Info.Plist into the Runner folder (Always through Xcode) (If do you do this manually, it doesn't work).
Finally, flutter run and should work!
If flutter run fails:
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
flutter run

Windows store APPX package install file in different location

So I have recently developed an app for the windows store, I packaged it into an APPX package. The problem is that windows auto installs it into a non-accessible folder meaning I cannot reference .exe and .pdf files.
Is there a way to make it always install 2 files in the same place, for example the two files which need to be edited install on desktop and the rest of the app in the usual install location?
Can I do this using two separate .APPX files?
No, all APPX/MSIX packages are installed/extracted under the ProgramFiles/WindowsApps folder.
This folder is read-only, only the OS can write in there (when it's installing the app).
The solution is to copy the files you want from the install folder, the first time a user launches your application.

How to symbolicate for Xamarin.iOS on Windows

I submitted an iOS app which failed review due to a crash. I was given the crash report which unfortunately for me, was useless because I didn't keep the dSYM files and .app file that I apparently needed to decipher the crash report.
First question -
I've built a new release and I've stored the dSYMs folder away for safe keeping, but I can't find the .app file that I apparently need. this link here suggested that I could change the .ipa file to a zip and then get the .app from unzipping it but there was nothing in the zipped folder once I changed its extension to .zip How to symbolicate crash/error logs from a Xamarin Forms iOS project?
Second question - How do I symbolicate on windows? I've seen guides like this one, but it only shows you how to do it on a MAC. The problem I have is that the project is entirely built on my windows machine which is networked to a MAC.
I was able to symbolicate the crash reports given by apple from the review by using this guide:
How to symbolicate crash/error logs from a Xamarin Forms iOS project?
Basically what you need to do:
Get the .dSYM and .app file from the archived release folder and put it on your MAC in a folder some where. Additionally, put the crash report in the same folder. (The crash report on App Store Connect will be a .txt file. Change it to .crash) Open up the terminal and change the current working directory to that folder I just mentioned. e.g. cd /Applications/crashFolder
Run the following terminal commands
alias symbolicate="/Applications/ -v"
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"
Symbolicate your .crash file with this terminal command:
symbolicate -o "symbolicatedCrash1.txt" "crash1.crash" ""

packaging air application with air runtime in one installer - windows .exe

I've been approved to distribute the adobe air run time. I've been able to a packaged .dmg file without any problems, now I'm trying to create a package of my application with the runtime for windows.
I've followed the same instructions and the windows installer (MyApp 2.0 Installer.exe) is working properly when I double click it form the installer directory that I created.
Now I'm trying to package everything from that directory into one .exe file. I've tried using the standard windows Iexpress, but it doesn't seem to work properly.
I'm just wondering how I should go about creating the final .exe file.
It's easy enough, but you need a license from Adobe to be able to distribute Air with your application. Personally, I'm not a fan of distributing Air in the installer because of the extra filesize it adds.
Here's how you can create a native .exe installer:
Install the SDK:
If you haven't already done so, download the AIR SDK and extract it to C:\AIR
Hit Win+R, and type control.exe sysdm.cpl,System,3 - press OK
Click Environment Variables...
In the lower pane (System variables), find Path and click Edit...
On the end, add ;C:\AIR and hit OK all the way out
Open a Command Prompt window, and cd to the location of your .air file
Run this command:
adt -package -target native "Output file.exe" "Input file.air"
You must use ADT on the same operating system as that of the native installer file you want to generate. So, to create an EXE file for Windows, run ADT on Windows. To create a DMG file for Mac OS, run ADT on Mac OS. To create a DEB or RPG file for Linux, run ADT from the AIR 2.6 SDK on Linux.
Just as your .air file can be signed, your .exe file can be signed too
For more information, see the Packaging a desktop native installer article on Adobe's website

How to make a .pkg that the Mac Installer will simply install (copy) files from?

My goal is to create a .pkg that will simply instruct the Mac Installer to simply install files, like fonts, from the .pkg to a directory when run. I've tried using Xcode, but it seems more application oriented.
How do I configure Xcode with a generic document so I can Build and Archive, then Share using the Organizer to create the .pkg?
The Copy Files Target appears to be in use only at build time, so that doesn't seem to be much help.
You should use the PackageMaker application, not Xcode. You can find it under /Developer/Applications/Utilities.
