Intellij Idea not deploying artifacts in JBoss Eap 7.0.4 deployment - spring-boot

we have a multi-modules gradle project. I have imported that project as gradle project in IntelliJ 2017 and Configure JBoss eap server. Server started but artefact doesn't deploy. Gradle task creating artefacts and I have added these to deployment.

In Spring-boot application we have to configure devtools which basically reload classes. Intellij sever configuration doesn't work with spring-boot unless devtool configured.


Package and deploy OSGi bundles and Karaf features in Karaf Container

Recently, I have been working on Apache Karaf project.
The first one is a CXF REST service example and the second one is an Apache Karaf Maven example to run and deploy a Karaf container.
What I would like to do is to combine these two. The idea is to download a couple of JAR files from a repository and then package them into a Karaf.
Building Karaf Assembly manually then deploying the created JAR files in my deploy folder under Karaf is not a good idea if the task is reccurent each day. I would very much like to automate this if possible?
To achieve automatic deploy of Java project in Karaf, follow these steps:
Create a feature project: It is a Maven project and its goal is to create a descriptor of JAR (bundles) to be deployed under Karaf. The packaging of this Maven project is feature.
For your project of Karaf Assembly, add your feature as dependency and add it as boot feature so it can be installed when Karaf is up.
Look at this project
It has all the necessary configuration to automate Karaf building and deploy.

Project not working after Maven build

I am working in a Spring Legacy Project.It has a pom.xml file.Project works and deploys fine without the maven clean and install.But after maven build,the name of the war changes and the application is not up again.
The tool is Spring Suite Tool and the server is Jboss.
Please help me on this.

Deploying on JBoss EAP 6 using Jenkins and Maven Deploy plugin

I am setting up a CI environment to build and deploy java projects to a remote server using mvn jboss-as:deploy goal.
Couple of questions
1. Do i need to do anything specific on jboss standalone.xml to enable hot deployment. For example
auto-deploy:exploded option needs to be enabled?
Presently the deployment is manual process: copying the war to deploy folder and then touch the ar file. Do I need to remove the old wars under deploy folder for remote hot deployment to work successfully?
Once hot deployment is performed using jenkins, if a server restart is performed, older version of the war is getting deployed. Any clue on this?
Please help.
I figured out the issue. Since previously the war was deployed manually, I had to remove the war files from Standalone/deployments folder. On a server restart the war under this folder would be deployed causing older version of the application to show up.

maven does not copy dependencies

I have Dynamic Web Application project in eclipse that was converted to maven project.
Problem is that all dependencies are copied to:
not <project>/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
so when I run application from eclipse, there are no libs from maven and I get some errors.
I assume that application started from eclipse i.e on tomcat server gets it source from <project>/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib.
You should use m2e (Maven Plugin for Eclipse). It automatically adds Maven dependencies to the classpath, so you donĀ“t need them in /WEB-INF/lib while running from Eclipse.

Weblogic Maven Plugin Deployment Issue

I'm using eclipse Kepler, Weblogic 10.3.5 and Maven 3.0.5 with the Weblogic-Maven-Plugin. When I deploy my application using eclipse Run As...Run On Server, this is what I get:
When I deploy this way, you see the application on the Weblogic Server and I'm able to reach my application through my localhost link.
When I use the Weblogic-Maven-Plugin, this is what I get:
You see the application has been placed under the adminServer and I get an error when I try to reach the application through my localhost link (Yes, I even ran the start-app command).
I have few questions:
Why is it that when I use the weblogic-maven-plugin, it deploys under the adminServer?
Is there a way to have the weblogic-maven-plugin deploy in a similar fashion as the Run As option in eclipse?
Why can I not reach the application with my localhost link after deploying with the plugin?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I face this problem some weeks ago but in another environment Jdeveloper 12c with Maven and OJMake and OJDeploy.
The deployment is the last step on your way to run our application on WLS(WebLogic Server)
How do i solve the issue?
I create an Maven Ear projet
I create also Maven War project
I add the war project in the ear project also dependency and later also web_module
My deploy(to WLS) Configuration is in the pom from Ear project.
I you use run as from Eclipse or Jdeveloper there is a complex mechanism which do the work for us. If we want maven to do the job for us, then we must tell him what to do. We must also know what type of archive file we suppose to send/deploy to WLS
