Unable to install sts in eclipse - spring

I am trying to add the Spring tool suite plugin in to Eclipse (4.4),but I am getting below errorenter image description here


Cannot install Spring STS and Microservices Plugins on Eclipse Neon.3

I am not able to install Spring STS and Microservices plug-ins to my Eclipse Neon.3. I get the following error -

eclipse do not show the setting.xml for maven - i have downloaded luna full package

I am trying to set up maven in new eclipse - i have downloaded eclipse luna full package from eclipse site. but the settings xml for maven needs to be defined .
For the very first time - there are two ways to do this
1- Using Eclipse - embedded settings of maven
2- Using External Maven -
You can follow steps at - Maven in Eclipse: step by step installation
Then you need to create a simple maven project and clean-install it . It wil download all the basic required jars and all the basic plugins required for clean-compile-install operations.
Then you can start creating maven projects using maven archetypes

AEM Eclipse plugin - New project creation issue

I have installed AEM Eclipse plugin from https://eclipse.adobe.com/aem/dev-tools (I downloaded it as archive and used in my Eclipse as local archive).
Then I faced issue with AEM wizard not showing up while creating new project. Found workaround to download the archetype catalog xml file from https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml and add it to Eclipse (Maven) as local archetype catalog. It started showing the AEM project when creating new project. I can see 3 archetypes in the dialog that opens after selecting New - AEM - AEM Sample Multi-Module Project.
I can see com.adobe.granite.archetypes:sample-project-archetype with 5, 6 and 7 versions. When I select version 7 (or even 5 and 6) and click on next button, it does not show the maven configuration dialog but stays on the same archetype selection dialog. When I click one more time, I can see the title of the dialog changes to "This step defines which server to use with the new project." but there are no options to select the server. In the eclipse log, I can see the error: "Unhandled event loop exception" and stack trace
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not process archetype: null
at com.adobe.granite.ide.eclipse.ui.wizards.np.AdvancedSettingsComponent.initialize(AdvancedSettingsComponent.java:267)
at com.adobe.granite.ide.eclipse.ui.wizards.np.SimplerParametersWizardPage.setVisible(SimplerParametersWizardPage.java:160) ....
I have tried several options of changing the proxy settings, using externally installed maven and also trying to download the archetype jar separately from the server as suggested on some sites. But not able to make it work.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using: Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Kepler Release Build id: 20130614-0229
Maven: apache-maven-3.1.1
I had the same problem and now i solved it. It seems the repository url in archetype catalog is not accessible. in my case it was proxy settings for https, which i set in settings.xml
as a check try to install the project from command line to see more information:
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=de.test -DartifactId=testAEM -DarchetypeArtifactId=sample-project-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes -DarchetypeVersion=7 -DarchetypeCatalog=file://[path to aem archetype file]/archetype-catalog.xml -DinteractiveMode=true
Hope it helps

Spring Tool Suite (STS) not downloading Maven Dependencies automatically after starting Spring Starter Project in Mavericks

Our Spring Tool Suite (STS) not downloading Maven Dependencies automatically after starting Spring Starter Project with Web Style.
We are using:
Spring Tool Suite
Version: 3.6.1.RELEASE
Build Id: 201408250818
Platform: Eclipse Luna (4.4)
Maven 3.2.3
This issue is only happening on a computer running Mavericks. Other computers running Mountain Lion seems to run fine.
We have already tried Update the Project, Refreshing, Rebooting, Re-opening STS, opening Preferences >> Maven >> Checking Download repository index updates on startup and Update Maven projects on Startup.
All without success. Anyone having the same issue? Thanks.

MyEclipse 8.5 creating 'maven-archetype-quickstart' has encountered a prob?

I use the built-in maven of MyEclipse 8.5 to create maven projects.
It shows the following error:
Image is here:pic
Sorry, because I'm new I can't post pictures here yet.
I did it twice on two computers (both are MyEclipse 8.5), but the error was the same.
I use a Eclipse to do the same job and it is successful.
But when using MyEclipse 8.5 to do the job if check "create a simple project (skip archetype selection)" during the process, the project can be created and no error happens, but there is no the folder "Maven Dependencies" in the project created in Package Explorer.
Is this a bug of this version of MyEclipse? Because Eclipse Indigo works fine on this.
If you create a simple project, the folder Maven Dependencies is missing simply because there are no Maven Dependencies in a simple project. Just add a dependency, and the folder Maven Dependencies should be created with your dependency in it.
