How to create laravel custom storage:link? - laravel

How to create laravel custom storage:link?
I would like to point
project/public/storage >> project/storage/app/tenancy/tenants

In config/filesystems.php :
'links' => [
public_path() . '_html\storage' => storage_path('app/public'),
after following this tutorial to change /public to /public_html

At this moment it is not possible to customize the path with this command. I looked at the source code and couldn't find any hints regarding to this issue.
The simplest thing you can do is make the symbolic link yourself.
The only thing this command does is create that symlink with PHP. This is the source code:
if (! windows_os()) {
return symlink($target, $link);
$mode = $this->isDirectory($target) ? 'J' : 'H';
exec("mklink /{$mode} \"{$link}\" \"{$target}\"");
If you really need to make a command for it. You can create your own. If you want to see how Taylor did it, you can look in the following file:


Mews\Purifier\Purifier::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem

I installed Mews-Purifier on laravel 5.1
I used Froala Editor.
I expect result.
but, I am not see it.
when save it,
$data['detail'] = app('purifier')->clean($data['detail']);
if use Purifier::clean($data['detail']), It send error message me.
Non-static method Mews\Purifier\Purifier::clean() should not be called statically
so, It changed.
$data['detail'] = (new \Mews\Purifier\Purifier)->clean($data['detail']);
send error message too.
Type error: Too few arguments to function Mews\Purifier\Purifier::__construct(),
so I do changed.
(new Mews\Purifier\Purifier($data['detail'], ['AutoFormat.DisplayLinkURI' => true] ))->clean($data['detail');
Type error: Argument 1 passed to Mews\Purifier\Purifier::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem, string given, called in
what Filesystem? what file??
Let me know How should I use it?
If I wasn't good at installing, what would it be?
Oh the installation did the following.
composer require mews/purifier
'providers' => [
// ...
'aliases' => [
// ...
'Purifier' => Mews\Purifier\Facades\Purifier::class,
php artisan vendor:publish
check created file. /config/purifier.php
Thanks for watching
Please let me know if you know.

Laravel Invention Image - How to DELETE image from Storage

I created Laravel app where I wanted to upload images + resize and crop them, for that I used Invention Image
Here is my code how I'm storing images:
/*just image cropping + resizing*/
$light_image = Image::make($request->file('startup_screenshot'));
$light_image->resize(300, null, function ($constraint) {
$light_image->crop(300, 275, 0, 0);
/*just image cropping + resizing*/
/*image storing*/
$hashed_light_image = md5($light_image->__toString());
$light_image_name = $hashed_light_image . time() . '.jpg';
Storage::put('public/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/' . $light_image_name, $light_image->__toString());
$path_to_light_image = '/storage/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/' . $light_image_name;
/*image storing*/
I tried to use this code to delete images but it doesn't work:
$startup_to_update = Startup::find($request->id);
Storage::delete($startup_to_update->screenshot_light); // pay attention
How Can I delete those images ?
Thank you all very much for any ideas!
I realy appreciate this ))
From what you write we can only get conjetures but well, are you sure that you are storing the correct path?, remember that Storage will be storage/app (you can check it in config->filesystem) so it would be stored in
storage/app/public/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/ . $light_image_name
But for what i can see/think you are looking inside of
/storage/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/' . $light_image_name
in any case if you think that what is inside $startup_to_update is the real path then you can check if it exist with
if it return true, then the file exist and you may have a problem with permissions.
ProTip, for these cases i use to make my own disk inside config->filesystems.php
'light_previews' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('/app/public/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'storage/app/public/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/',
'visibility' => 'public',
And then i use it like these
Storage::disk('light_previews')->put($fileName, file_get_contents($file));//store
You don't have to use intervention to delete images from storage. Intervention only acts as a image helper, not a file system helper.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
I fixed this, path wasn't correct,
I used this type of path to store my images: "/storage/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/image_name.jpg" , you can see code example below:
Storage::put('public/images/startups-screenshots/light_previews/' . $light_image_name, $light_image->__toString());
As you can see I used "public/images/...." on the begining, but when I tried to delete this I couldn't because I should point path of that type "public/images/...." , not that one which I used: "/storage/images/...."
so I just changed path from "public/images/...." to "public/images/...."
and it works now
Thanks all for good ideas!

Laravel change filesystem disks path on run time

I am aware of the filesystems.php to create disks and I'm currently using it, having ~~ 20 disks configured.
I have a new problem with these, I'm currently trying to prefix to every disk, a string. The problem is that the paths are being saved when the php artisan config:cache is run but I need to change them on run time, as n example, for User Sergio it would need to append Sergio/ to the following disk for example:
'random' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/random'),
//outputs /var/www/html/project/storage/app/random
and the goal is setting configurations in for example the middleware i'm currently setting the tentant database already like this
Config::set('database.connections.tenant.database', "Sergio");
I can currently set the paths correctly with
But i'm worried since that if before that line I try to reach to the path, the storage saves the initial path in memory instead of re-fetching it after it is altered.
For example. doing this without any middleware.
$fullPath1 = Storage::disk("random")->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix();
$fullPath2 = Storage::disk("random")->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix();
What was intended to happen is that $fullPath1 would output the initial path which is /var/www/html/project/storage/app/random and then $fullPath2 would output /var/www/html/project/storage/app/Sergio/random
Is there any way of letting the Storage know that I've changed the disks local paths?
How about adding a new config instead of updating the already loaded one, something like this:
private function addNewDisk(string $diskName)
config(['filesystems.disk.' . $diskName => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/' . $diskName),
and prior to using the Storage facade, call above method that way the config will be updated and when you use new disk, it will try to resolve again based on updated config.
Storage::disk('new_random')->get('abc.txt'); // or any another method

Make directory inside directory Laravel 5.4

I am trying to make a directory inside a directory using the following code:
Storage::makeDirectory('app/public' . $data['code'] . '/' . 'themes', true);
So the structure will be :
Folder 1 :
Folder 2:
I have been trying for the last 2 hours. I hope somebody can help. Thanks !
You can create the directories recursively by calling makeDirectory() method
overFile` object
$result = File::makeDirectory('/path/to/directory', 0775, true);
In Your case, To create the themes directory inside storage directory
Storage::makeDirectory('themes', 0775, true);
To create a file inside the public directory
$result=File::makeDirectory('app/public/' . $data['code'] . '/' . 'themes',0755, true);
The problem was the path structure.
The following code worked :
Storage::makeDirectory('public/' . $data['code'] . '/' . 'themes');
In your app check what the path given in config/filesystem.php on line 44. So when you trying to create directory or a file check the storage directory

Using Laravel core in scripts built without it

I have built a Laravel 3 application, it involves a lot of per-user content management.
For prototype and internal testing I got away with plain configuration of KCFinder, now we're about to start a closed beta.
Firstly, I must lock the KCFinder behind Laravel applications Auth system.
Secondly, I must configure the KCF with a per-user settings.
While it may seem like those are two questions, I doubt they are.
My Laravel is installed in /srv/http/, KCFinder in /srv/http/public/php/kcfinder/.
KCFinder exposes two incoming files - browse.php and upload.php. These files include core/autoload.php, that ultimately ties the KCF together.
I tried requiring Laravel's public/index.php inside it, then tried to access something KCF (/php/kcfinder/browse.php) through browser. Got redirected to a mix of the request path and Laravel applications root route: /php/kcfinder/browser.
How could I prevent the Routing from Laravel and be able to use Laravel inside the KCF scope?
P.S. I did try to go the Bundle way, but apparently KCF is so poorly written that it appears that in order to Bundle it up, I'll have to rewrite everything there.
I managed to do it with a very, very dirty hack.
In /srv/http/public/php/kcfinder/core/autoload.php I appended the lines:
require '../../../paths.php';
require path('sys').'core.php';
$KCFinderRoot = addslashes(realpath(dirname(__FILE__). '/../') . DS);
'browser' => $KCFinderRoot . 'core/browser.php',
'uploader' => $KCFinderRoot . 'core/uploader.php',
'type_img' => $KCFinderRoot . 'core/types/type_img.php',
'type_mime' => $KCFinderRoot . 'core/types/type_mime.php',
'gd' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/class_gd.php',
'input' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/class_input.php',
'zipFolder' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/class_zipFolder.php',
'dir' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/helper_dir.php',
'file' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/helper_file.php',
'httpCache' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/helper_httpCache.php',
'path' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/helper_path.php',
'text' => $KCFinderRoot . 'lib/helper_text.php',
if (!\Laravel\Auth::check())
die('no user :(');
Wherever KCF had some file inclusions, I had to squeeze in $KCFinderRoot, in some methods even requiring to global them before.
In KCF's config I added:
// ...
'uploadURL' => "/useruploads/" . sha1(Auth::user()->id . Auth::user()->email),
'uploadDir' => path('public') . "useruploads/" . sha1(Auth::user()->id . Auth::user()->email),
// ...
The end result works like I wanted it to, except I have no idea how "smart" this is.
P.S. In the following days I'm going to try to bundle, IoC this up while leaving KCF files intact.
