Make directory inside directory Laravel 5.4 - laravel

I am trying to make a directory inside a directory using the following code:
Storage::makeDirectory('app/public' . $data['code'] . '/' . 'themes', true);
So the structure will be :
Folder 1 :
Folder 2:
I have been trying for the last 2 hours. I hope somebody can help. Thanks !

You can create the directories recursively by calling makeDirectory() method
overFile` object
$result = File::makeDirectory('/path/to/directory', 0775, true);
In Your case, To create the themes directory inside storage directory
Storage::makeDirectory('themes', 0775, true);
To create a file inside the public directory
$result=File::makeDirectory('app/public/' . $data['code'] . '/' . 'themes',0755, true);

The problem was the path structure.
The following code worked :
Storage::makeDirectory('public/' . $data['code'] . '/' . 'themes');

In your app check what the path given in config/filesystem.php on line 44. So when you trying to create directory or a file check the storage directory


passing image path from storage in Laravel failed

I have stored my images in storage/app/public/images.
and i have done the storage:link.
now i want to get a path for an image that exists in /images and i want to send it with an API.
i do the below to pass it to HTTP::attach():
$path = storage_path('images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $new_file);
and then:
$response = Http::attach('new_file', file_get_contents($path))->post('http://localhost/imageresizer/service.php', $sizes);
when i dd($path), everything seems OK and i get the path i expect.
but there's the below error when i log::debug:
file_get_contents(C:\laragon\www\myblog\storage\images\SVoGGKjERVMYxy9qDciAhgOse9kzQsIuvBg64hjE.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
what's the problem with file_get_contents ?
If your file is in storage/app/public/images, you'll want to use:
$path = storage_path('app/public/images/' . $new_file);
NB the additional 'app/public/'.

Laravel file upload creates folder with a temp file

I'm trying to get my application to upload files to "public/uploads/documentos/{the-id}" but can't figure out what's wrong with my current setup. Right now, if I upload a file called "myfile.pdf", it creates a folder named "myfile.pdf" and inside of it a *.tmp file. In my database, "{the-id}/myfile.pdf" is saved as the file url but this takes me to the folder view, when what I want is to see the file inside of it.
How can I change it so that when a document is upload, it creates the file "myfile.pdf" directly under "public/uploads/documentos/{the-id}" so that I can access it like that? {the-id} is a folder created based on the patient's id, so all documents belonging to them are saved to the same folder.
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'tipo' => 'required|max:100',
'descripcion' => 'max:200',
'fecha_documento' => 'max:20',
'archivo' => 'required|mimes:doc,docx,pdf,jpg,png,jpeg',
'mascota_id' => 'required',
'mascota_num' => 'required',
$documento = new Documento;
$documento->mascota_num = $request->input('mascota_num');
$documento->mascota_id = $request->input('mascota_id');
$documento->tipo = ucfirst($request->input('tipo'));
$documento->descripcion = ucfirst($request->input('descripcion'));
$documento->fecha_documento = $request->input('fecha_documento');
if($request->hasFile('archivo')) {
$archivo = $request->file('archivo');
$archivo_folder = public_path('/uploads/documentos/') . $request->input('mascota_num');
$archivo_nombre = $archivo->getClientOriginalName();
$archivo_url = $archivo_folder . '/' . $archivo_nombre;
if (file_exists($archivo_folder)) {
$archivo->move($archivo_folder . '/' . $archivo_nombre);
} else {
File::makeDirectory($archivo_folder, $mode = 0777, true, true);
$archivo->move($archivo_folder . '/' . $archivo_nombre);
$documento->archivo = $request->input('mascota_num') . '/' . $archivo_nombre;
return redirect()->route('', [$request->input('mascota_num')])->with('message', 'Documento agregado exitosamente.');
How my uploaded files look with this code:
-- 1
-- file.pdf /folder
-- random_name.tmp /file
-- 2
-- file.pdf /folder
-- random_name.tmp /file
-- otherfile.pdf /folder
-- random_name.tmp /file
What I want
-- 1
-- myfile.pdf /file
-- 2
-- myfile.pdf /file
-- otherfile.pdf /file
Ideally, I'd like to keep the files private, so I tried to upload them to the storage folder with this code:
Storage::put('documentos/'.$request->input('mascota_num').'/', $archivo_nombre);
$documento->archivo = Storage::url('documentos/'.$request->input('mascota_num').'/'.$archivo_nombre);
but {the-id} folder wasn't created and the files weren't saved, all I got was:
-- 1 /file without extension
-- 2 /file without extension
I'd settle for making the first part work for now. Thanks in advance for your help.
After much trial and error, I managed to upload files to the storage folder of my application.
if($request->hasFile('archivo')) {
$archivo = $request->file('archivo');
Storage::disk('documentos')->put($request->input('mascota_num') . '/' . $archivo->getClientOriginalName(), File::get($archivo));
$documento->archivo = $request->input('mascota_num') . '/' . $archivo_nombre;
Files are saved to /storage/app/public/documentos/ under the correct patient id folder and with the correct file name.
I haven't found a way to correctly link to the files from my show blade, Storage::url('documentos/'.$documento->archivo)) shows a 404 error page, even though the file path is correct. Hopefully I can get this working next.

How to change the loaction of compressing folder for css/js in magento

I am using potato compressor extension in my site to compress the css/js files. I am getting those css/js inside the media folder. But I want them in the skin folder. Is there a way to change the location of compressing folder in potato compressor.
Following steps worked fine for me:
1. In File Package.php:
function getMergedJsUrl($files):
return Mage::getBaseUrl('media', Mage::app()->getRequest()->isSecure()) . $filePath . '/' . $targetFilename;
return Mage::getBaseUrl('skin', Mage::app()->getRequest()->isSecure()) . $filePath . '/' . $targetFilename;
function getMergedCssUrl($files):
$baseMediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl('media', $isSecure);
$baseMediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl('skin', $isSecure);
2. In File Package.php:
Change 'media' to 'skin' at all locations.
3. In File Package.php:
function getRootCachePath()
return Mage::getBaseUrl('media') . self::MAIN_FOLDER;
return Mage::getBaseDir('skin') . DS. self::MAIN_FOLDER;
function getRootCacheUrl()
return Mage::getBaseUrl('media') . self::MAIN_FOLDER;
return Mage::getBaseUrl('skin') . self::MAIN_FOLDER;
NOTE IN case if you have override the Potato/Compressor/Model/Design/Package.php then update that method with this:
In File Package.php:
function getMergedJsUrl($files):
return Mage::getBaseUrl('media', Mage::app()->getRequest()->isSecure()) . $filePath . '/' . $targetFilename;
return Mage::getBaseUrl('skin', Mage::app()->getRequest()->isSecure()) . $filePath . '/' . $targetFilename;
function getMergedCssUrl($files):
$baseMediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl('media', $isSecure);
$baseMediaUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl('skin', $isSecure);
Clear your magento and browser cache and js/css cache. Check the url of po_compressor file path by going to source of your site code, that will change to skin/ instead of media/
There is a config option Cache Directory under JS/CSS Compressor settings.
It becomes visible after enabling whether Merge JavaScript files or Merge CSS files option.
There are three possible values:

Laravel / Snappy: can not generate PDF or create folder

This is my code:
$offer = Offer::find($id);
$url = URL::to('/offers/view/' . $id . '/pdf');
->save('/tisa/src/public/pdf/offer/Tisa-ponudba_'. $offer->code .'.pdf');
I am getting following error:
RuntimeException in AbstractGenerator.php line 517:
The output file's directory '/tisa/src/public/pdf/offer' could not be created.
Any ideas what could be wrong? I can not determine if a file can not be created or is the folder path?

How to delete a file in laravel 4

I'm using laravel 4 and I need to change an uploaded image, I have it in:
When editing the new's I want to make a change image form, but how could I delete and upload another file. I am using:
Input::file('img')->move('uploads/news', $id.'_news.jpg');
The problem it's that it doesn't work, it's not replacing the file, so how could I delete The image so I could upload again.
In laravel 3 I only used:
But I don't see anything about removing files in laravel docs.
I think you should append public_path() to file names , to get real file path, like this
There is still the delete method in Laravel 4:
otherwise just use good old unlink()!?
You can easily do something like:
$filename = public_path().'/uploads/';
if (File::exists($filename)) {
Reference: Laravel-recipes Delete a File
Other delete usage:
// Delete a single file
// Delete multiple files
File::delete($file1, $file2, $file3);
// Delete an array of files
$files = array($file1, $file2);
$destinationPath = 'uploads/my-image.jpeg'; // from public/
if ( File::exists($destinationPath) ) {
This works on laravel 4.2.
// Here are some other paths to directories laravel offers, Hope this
/* Path to the 'app' folder */
echo app_path();
/* Path to the project's root folder */
echo base_path();
/* Path to the 'public' folder */
echo public_path();
/* Path to the 'app/storage' folder */
echo storage_path();
