Laravel change filesystem disks path on run time - laravel

I am aware of the filesystems.php to create disks and I'm currently using it, having ~~ 20 disks configured.
I have a new problem with these, I'm currently trying to prefix to every disk, a string. The problem is that the paths are being saved when the php artisan config:cache is run but I need to change them on run time, as n example, for User Sergio it would need to append Sergio/ to the following disk for example:
'random' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/random'),
//outputs /var/www/html/project/storage/app/random
and the goal is setting configurations in for example the middleware i'm currently setting the tentant database already like this
Config::set('database.connections.tenant.database', "Sergio");
I can currently set the paths correctly with
But i'm worried since that if before that line I try to reach to the path, the storage saves the initial path in memory instead of re-fetching it after it is altered.
For example. doing this without any middleware.
$fullPath1 = Storage::disk("random")->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix();
$fullPath2 = Storage::disk("random")->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix();
What was intended to happen is that $fullPath1 would output the initial path which is /var/www/html/project/storage/app/random and then $fullPath2 would output /var/www/html/project/storage/app/Sergio/random
Is there any way of letting the Storage know that I've changed the disks local paths?

How about adding a new config instead of updating the already loaded one, something like this:
private function addNewDisk(string $diskName)
config(['filesystems.disk.' . $diskName => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/' . $diskName),
and prior to using the Storage facade, call above method that way the config will be updated and when you use new disk, it will try to resolve again based on updated config.
Storage::disk('new_random')->get('abc.txt'); // or any another method


Laravel Storage not storing created PDF files

I am facing an issue where my created PDF's are not being stored in laravel.
I have the following set in my filesystems.php under the disks tag
'completedforms' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/storage/completedforms'),
In my controller I have the following:
$pdf = PDF::loadView('report.form19', compact('generalreport','monthlyRoll', 'nightsInMonth', 'groupfee', 'subs', 'wing','weeksinmonth', 'meetingnights', 'lastRollMap', 'month_name', 'totalmember', 'totalcadets', 'totalnco', 'totalto', 'totalofficer'));
Storage::disk('completedforms')->put('Form 19 - '.$month_name . ' ' . $lastRollMap->roll_year.'.pdf', $pdf->output());
return $pdf->download ('Form 19 - '.$month_name . ' ' . $lastRollMap->roll_year.'.pdf');
I have added use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; to my Controller
The pdf is created and downloads no issues, however the file is not being saved in the located as difined for the disk in the filesystems.php.
I have created the folder manually to ensure it exists. I have even set the file name to test.php to remove any variables fromm the file name
storage_path already starts at: /storage,
so change it like so:
'root' => storage_path('/desired'),

Error: Unsupported DB driver for windows and wamp

I already config my .env file and db.php file for craft with the same information, before i used 'mysql' as driver but i try it as empty and throws the same error.
* Database Configuration
* All of your system's database connection settings go in here. You can see a
* list of the available settings in vendor/craftcms/cms/src/config/DbConfig.php.
* #see craft\config\DbConfig
return [
'driver' => getenv(''),
'server' => getenv('localhost'),
'user' => getenv('root'),
'password' => getenv('****'),
'database' => getenv('craftyblog'),
'schema' => getenv(''),
'tablePrefix' => getenv(''),
'port' => getenv('')
# The environment Craft is currently running in ('dev', 'staging', 'production', etc.)
# The secure key Craft will use for hashing and encrypting data
# The database driver that will be used ('mysql' or 'pgsql')
# The database server name or IP address (usually this is 'localhost' or '')
# The database username to connect with
# The database password to connect with
# The name of the database to select
# The database schema that will be used (PostgreSQL only)
# The prefix that should be added to generated table names (only necessary if multiple things are sharing the same database)
# The port to connect to the database with. Will default to 5432 for PostgreSQL and 3306 for MySQL.
And i'm using WAMP with this versions:
PHP 7.1.16
Apache 2.4.33
MySQL 5.7.21
I expect solve the problem, thank you.
In your config.php, it appears you're trying to pull in environment variables via getenv(), but you're passing along the actual values you want to use as strings to the getenv() function instead of the environment variable name. The values are set in the .env file so it's more portable for collaborative developers.
In that .env file, there isn't have an environment variable set for the database driver, so you can just pass a string to 'driver' instead in config.php.
If you'd like to pull the values from your .env file, pass the variable names as strings for the environment variables in the expected format for getenv(), like so:
return [
'driver' => 'mysql',
'server' => getenv('DB_SERVER'),
'user' => getenv('DB_USER'),
'password' => getenv('DB_PASSWORD'),
'database' => getenv('DB_DATABASE'),
'schema' => getenv('DB_SCHEMA'),
'tablePrefix' => getenv('DB_TABLE_PREFIX'),
'port' => getenv('DB_PORT')
Your .env file already seems setup for everything, so you should be good to go. However, to use the values from the .env file in the config.php file, you're going to need to pass the variable names as strings. Hope this helps!

How to create laravel custom storage:link?

How to create laravel custom storage:link?
I would like to point
project/public/storage >> project/storage/app/tenancy/tenants
In config/filesystems.php :
'links' => [
public_path() . '_html\storage' => storage_path('app/public'),
after following this tutorial to change /public to /public_html
At this moment it is not possible to customize the path with this command. I looked at the source code and couldn't find any hints regarding to this issue.
The simplest thing you can do is make the symbolic link yourself.
The only thing this command does is create that symlink with PHP. This is the source code:
if (! windows_os()) {
return symlink($target, $link);
$mode = $this->isDirectory($target) ? 'J' : 'H';
exec("mklink /{$mode} \"{$link}\" \"{$target}\"");
If you really need to make a command for it. You can create your own. If you want to see how Taylor did it, you can look in the following file:

Multi storage paths

I have server with 2 hdd. I want to use one for all media files, which are on storage/app/media for current media files and other for all files before 2018.
How can I switch storage path depends on query I make.
All media are saved on media table. I can make changes on table if needed.
In your config\filesystem.php update disk array and add your new disks like this:
'public_two' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/public/public_two'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage/public_two',
'visibility' => 'public',
and you call your diks like this: Storage::disk('public_two');
Please be free to read the FileSystem Documentation

How do I make puppet copy a file only if source exists?

I am trying to provision a vagrant VM to allow users to supply their own bash_profile.local but I don't want this file tracked in the vm's vcs repo. I have a tracked bash_profile.local.dist file that they can rename. How can I tell puppet to only create a file if the source file exists? It is currently working correctly but logs an error during provisioning and this is what I'm trying to avoid.
This is the manifest:
class local
file { '.bash_profile.local':
source => 'puppet:///modules/local/bash_profile.local',
path => '/home/vagrant/.bash_profile.local',
replace => false,
mode => 0644,
owner => 'vagrant',
group => 'vagrant',
You could abuse file in this way :
$a = file('/etc/puppet/modules/local/files/bash_profile.local','/dev/null')
if($a != '') {
file { '.bash_profile.local':
content => $a,
This is not exactly what you asked but you can supply multiple paths in the source, so you can have a default empty file if the user didn't supplied his own.
class local
file { '.bash_profile.local':
source => [
path => '/home/vagrant/.bash_profile.local',
replace => false,
mode => 0644,
owner => 'vagrant',
group => 'vagrant',
You can try something like this:
file { 'bash_profile.local':
ensure => present,
source => ['puppet:///modules/local/bash_profile.local', '/dev/null'],
path => '/home/vagrant/.bash_profile.local',
before => Exec['clean-useless-file'],
exec { 'clean-useless-file':
command => 'rm .bash_profile.local',
onlyif => 'test -s .bash_profile.local',
cwd => '/home/vagrant',
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
If the admin don't make a copy of ".bash_profile.local" available in "modules/local/bash_profile.local", the file resource will use the second source and then create a blank file. Then, the "onlyif" test fails and the exec will remove the useless blank file.
Used this way this code can be a little cumbersome, but it's better than a provisioning failure. You may evaluate if retaining a blank .bash_profile.local file can be okay in your case. I normally use a variation of this, with wget instead of rm, to get a fresh copy of the file from the internet if it was not already made available as a source.
If you're using puppetmaster, be aware you can use it to provision the own server, presenting two versions of the catalog, according to the .bash_profile.local is present or not.
