MikroTik RouterOS 6.43.4 - CAP mode via reset button - mikrotik

It seems that with MikroTik RouterOS 6.43.4 setting a device to CAP mode is not persistent across reboots.
More detailed, steps I took that reproduce the problem:
Connected the wAP AC to my CAPsMAN router's POE port while holding the reset button for ten seconds, until the AP/CAP led starts blinking.
Verified that the wAP device went into CAP mode.
Verified the connection in the CAPsMAN Remote CAP list, and connected over wifi with the SSID set in the CAPsMAN config to the device.
Verified my connection in the registration table.
So far all good.
unplugged the wAP device, and plugged it back.
The device has reset itself, it broadcasts the default wifi SSID, and did not set a persistent CAP mode.
RouterOS 6.43.2 with the same setup worked fine.
Can anyone confirm this as a bug in this version?

After consulting with MikroTik support, it seems that this is a kind of new security feature. So here are all the steps to set a routerOS device to a permanent CAP client.
Connect to the default MikroTik-MAC based wireless network
Access WebFig under or use any other access method
under System -> Packages, Check for Updates
Update to the latest version.
Poweroff, the hold reset while powering on.
The 2Ghz 5Ghz LED's will be blinking, and after about 10 seconds, when the AP/CAP LED starts blinking instead, release the reset button.
The device is now in a temporary CAP mode when the boot process completes.
Log in to your router running the DHCP server on your network, and find out what IP address the device has.
Either use a native Terminal, or the web based terminal next to the WebFig button, and connect to the device via shell.
The login banner will contain the current configuration set to CAP mode, and it will stop for a dialoge-question, to remove configuration with keypress of r or to continue with conforming configuration with any other key. Press enter.
With version 6.48.3 the step to confirm CAP mode became obsolete. New it is enough to set CAP mode via reset button after the update of packages.


connect to a terminal from usb dongle

i am making a micro-controller based dongle and i need it to interrogate host state when connected and display status (status={HOST_OFF,HOST_BOOTED,SERVICE_DOWN,SERVICE_STARTING,SERVICE_UP,SERVICE_ERROR}
i can get all the statuses from a terminal so i wanted the device to be able to login and run some commands to check stuff.
I considered the option of using CDC-ACM and a monitoring service running to update the device but that only works if the monitoring service doesn't fail (say because of disk space or port unavailable etc), and when it fails i cannot get errors.
I am basically trying to eliminate the reason for sending a tech just to look at the screen to see whats going on.
I tried just identifying device as tty device but this seems to expect a service to connect to it from the host side before i can send and characters

Initial Connection for network setup from Smartphone to raspberry

I have Raspberry Pi 3 model B
OS: Raspbian(jessie)
I want to create a connection from my smartphone to a headless raspberry, and connect the headless raspberry to a network(which the smartphone is conencted).
like the vacum cleaner robot (IRobot) or Web camera which has an app, or any device that needs an initial connection to setup it's network.
the initial connection needs to be from a remote device, mainly a smartphone app.
What did i try:
1. bluetooth - i've managed to setup the bluetooth in the raspberry. when i try to connect, a popup appears on the raspberry which ask to confirm connection, because the raspberrry needs to be headless, this option is not good for us.
if i set the bluetooth as follow: sudo hciconfig hci0 sspmode 0
when i try to connect to the raspberry, a popup appears in the smartphone required a PIN code, this option may be good, if i new the PIN code.
2. P2P - i try use wifi direct from my smartphone
i've create file called p2p.conf inside /etc/wap_supplicant
inside this file i wrote the following:
then stop the wpa_supplicant and change
sudo wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -Dnl80211 -c/etc/p2p.conf
i've started wpa_cli
and then p2p_find
it's started scanning
when i search from the smartphone for the raspberry, i found the raspberry, when i try to conenct it asks me for PIN code, the PIN code is showen in the raspberry wpa_cli.
two problem i have from this option:
1. the network needs to be connected.
2. the PIN code changes, and i can't make it fixed.
Is there a way to make an initial connection to setup a network from the smartphone to a headless raspberry?

How to prioritise Networkadapters in Windows

I have a Windows 7 / 8.1 Laptop in a docking station connected via 2 networkadapters(LAN & WiFi) to 1 private network.
Now an application should connect to a Server inside this private network but first prio should have the LAN adapter. If the laptop gets removed from the docking station it should switch automaticaly to the WiFi adapter without losing connection or TCP packages.
I'm at the opinion that not the application layer is responsible for that. The switching and TCP packet resending should be managed by the OS.
However I don't know how to setup Windows for that, any help is appreciated.
Go to your network adapters (Control Panel ->..) --> (then press alt for menu bar) -->
In the following settings you can change the order / priority of the adapters:
I dont know if connection can changed without losing connection or TCP packages shortly, cause Windows normaly says: I have a connection - why i should also hold the second active ?
Therefor you can look at the energyoptions of the pc for standbytime of the wifi-adapter and set it to highest performance, but i dont know if this will help properly.

RN-42 Drops connection on SPP profile

I am using RN42 on embedded device connected to UART. Baudrate is 115200 ( I tried lowering it but didnt help. )
I am using default settings.
Every time when I pair a device with PC I can open a serial port to remote device, but as soon as i Close the port, and I try to open it again It will fail with "semaphore timeout error".
If I want to restore connection I have to delete device from PC and add it again, then it will work for 1st time and fail again.
Does anyone have similar issues or maybe solution to this? If you need more info ask, I realy dont know what info to supply in this case.
On PC side I have USB Bluetooth device and integrated one. The both behave the same.
On embedded side RN42 is connected to UART of AM3517.
I hope you can help me.
I found the issue. It was PIN3 (GPIO6) connected high. This way after 1 connection module switched to auto master and was unable to connect to other masters.

error 734 the ppp link control protocal was terminated

I want to connect my mobile internet to pc using bluetooth device. I installed blue soleil software in my pc.
I can able to pair my cellphone with pc bluetooth device.
I selected my device and select bluetooth dialup networking service.
It asks an alert "DUN connection with device?" in my mobile.
After Clicked "YES", connect bluetooth DUN connection window opens.
In that window there was a fields "User Name", "PassWord" which i leave empty and then in "Dial = *99***1#" and click Dial button.
After that it say "Registering your computer on the netwok.." and become fails.
The Error is as "error 734 the ppp link control protocal was terminated"
The same procedure should be followed for Nokia 3110c it works fine.But in my samsung mobile c3053 it not connected also i am tryig with samsung corby pro BT3510 mobile .
Is there any settings changes needed for samsung mobiles ?
When I've seen this error in the past, it generally indicates that the username and password for the connection is not correct. (Many GPRS configurations do not require a username and password, but some do.)
Or, the GPRS APN is not configured correctly.
If you are trying to use the device as a general purpose modem, it can be difficult to set the GPRS APN without extra dialer software. The easiest way is to add an "AT+CGDCONT" command to the "extra initialisation commands" that can be configured for the modem in the Windows control panel.
A specific example of what would be configured for this "extra initialisation command" is:
You would replace internet in this example with the name of the GPRS APN to which you want to connect.
Also, you can refer the following link for checking the connection:
I almost got mad as a result of this problem few days back. I tried all the solutions suggested in different forums but to no avail.
My issue was not of insufficient airtime as suggested by some folks, nor the ppp link settings but because i had a space before the username input in my username and password field input in my dial up box.
So folks, if you are getting a PPP link termination error, check user name and password fields carefully for a single SPACE in this field will automatically call up this error when you dial. eg
My user name is: 7032564825#bluebroadband.com
Password: 1234
A space before the first number (that is 7 as in the example above) will trigger this error message. So guys give it a check before you search for other options like airtime and dial up settings.
If you get "734 the ppp link control protocal was terminated" with a SAMSUNG mobile phone, the problem is in the phone. On Phone Settings -> PC Connections select that your phone will always be in "PC Studio" mode. If you select other modes or "Ask each time" you will get 743 when trying to use the phone as a modem.
the solution is very simple. you just need to put extra initialization command.
Please don't read too much tech about ppp and its meaning.
i had same problem in 2006 what you have to do is in modem( the active e.g. bluetooth DUN modem or hardware modem or mobile as a modem) just go to propertise of : my computer>device manager> modem
then modem propertises> advance> Extra Initialization command
here you just have to put command
e.g i use bsnl net so command will be:
bsnlnet is APN, if you use airtel, anp is "airtelgprs.com"
I too faced the same problem, I even searched on line for a solution, but I figured my self based on the instructions that were given from the customer service centre. I have been using a bsnl network, to avoid ppp link control termination problem
Activate GPRS by sending START sms to BSNL service initiated number
Wait for some time at-least 2 hours to get activated after activation you will receive a activation message.
Since bsnl network, we have to create a APN - Access Point Network
i) create an APN as - bsnlnet
ii) password as 1111
Now change your access point network as bsnlnet switch on your mobile data.
Enjoy Internet.....
