How to prioritise Networkadapters in Windows - windows

I have a Windows 7 / 8.1 Laptop in a docking station connected via 2 networkadapters(LAN & WiFi) to 1 private network.
Now an application should connect to a Server inside this private network but first prio should have the LAN adapter. If the laptop gets removed from the docking station it should switch automaticaly to the WiFi adapter without losing connection or TCP packages.
I'm at the opinion that not the application layer is responsible for that. The switching and TCP packet resending should be managed by the OS.
However I don't know how to setup Windows for that, any help is appreciated.

Go to your network adapters (Control Panel ->..) --> (then press alt for menu bar) -->
In the following settings you can change the order / priority of the adapters:
I dont know if connection can changed without losing connection or TCP packages shortly, cause Windows normaly says: I have a connection - why i should also hold the second active ?
Therefor you can look at the energyoptions of the pc for standbytime of the wifi-adapter and set it to highest performance, but i dont know if this will help properly.


MikroTik RouterOS 6.43.4 - CAP mode via reset button

It seems that with MikroTik RouterOS 6.43.4 setting a device to CAP mode is not persistent across reboots.
More detailed, steps I took that reproduce the problem:
Connected the wAP AC to my CAPsMAN router's POE port while holding the reset button for ten seconds, until the AP/CAP led starts blinking.
Verified that the wAP device went into CAP mode.
Verified the connection in the CAPsMAN Remote CAP list, and connected over wifi with the SSID set in the CAPsMAN config to the device.
Verified my connection in the registration table.
So far all good.
unplugged the wAP device, and plugged it back.
The device has reset itself, it broadcasts the default wifi SSID, and did not set a persistent CAP mode.
RouterOS 6.43.2 with the same setup worked fine.
Can anyone confirm this as a bug in this version?
After consulting with MikroTik support, it seems that this is a kind of new security feature. So here are all the steps to set a routerOS device to a permanent CAP client.
Connect to the default MikroTik-MAC based wireless network
Access WebFig under or use any other access method
under System -> Packages, Check for Updates
Update to the latest version.
Poweroff, the hold reset while powering on.
The 2Ghz 5Ghz LED's will be blinking, and after about 10 seconds, when the AP/CAP LED starts blinking instead, release the reset button.
The device is now in a temporary CAP mode when the boot process completes.
Log in to your router running the DHCP server on your network, and find out what IP address the device has.
Either use a native Terminal, or the web based terminal next to the WebFig button, and connect to the device via shell.
The login banner will contain the current configuration set to CAP mode, and it will stop for a dialoge-question, to remove configuration with keypress of r or to continue with conforming configuration with any other key. Press enter.
With version 6.48.3 the step to confirm CAP mode became obsolete. New it is enough to set CAP mode via reset button after the update of packages.

How to connect Dial-up connection automatically in WINCE7 for colibri T20

I am newbie to Colibri boards. I am using WINCE7 in my colibri T20 board. In this board every time I connect my modem via USB, I have to make settings in Networks and Dial-up connections. I want to make the connection automatically on start-up. For this I can make settings using registry file but Still I need to open my connections in Networks and Dial-up connections and click connect button. I can't figure out how to automate this thing. So, please help me to automate my modem connections. Thanks

How does my computer know that it is connected to the Internet?

Sorry for asking such a mundane question, but I'm suddenly curious. If I open the network connections dialog on my Windows machine, it shows me a cute little picture of my computer connecting to a router and then to a globe (labeled Internet). What is Windows trying to connect to in order for it to decide that the computer has Internet connectivity? I assume there is no IP4 address for 'The Internet', so where is it going? Is it just sending a ping to an address back at the Microsoft home office? If that address were to disappear, would my window's machine suddenly decide that it no longer has a route to the Internet? Would Windows boxes that were 'close' to that address incorrectly report that they could get to the Internet when they couldn't.
I'll stop now before this gets too silly. But seriously, what criteria does a Windows box use to determine that it has Internet connectivity? I'm assuming that Linux and iOS systems have an equivalent feature. Do they use the same criteria?
The general IP address that is used for 'the internet' is - or
If you can ping it, and get a web page from it, then there's a pretty good chance you can get to at least some of the internet.
But for specifically Windows - Network Connectivity Status Indicator - it uses a different domain:
It will (unless disabled by GPO):
resolve the name, and verify it has the 'right' IP (
fd3e:4f5a:5b81::1 )
Perform a HTTP get to this address and check it gets a result. NCSI
Presumably if different responses are retrieved, then it can tell if it has a wi-fi login or similar.
Your intuitions seem correct. I am not on a Windows machine but you could find out by firing netstat and then connecting.
If I was programming this I'd make Ping, TCP and HTTP requests. Some devices are connected through proxies such as firewalls, captive portals and others. the only way to be sure is to send something and receive a reply.
My Android device for example can detect captive portals. It probably does that by trying to HTTP connect somewhere.

A confusion about chromecast discover

When I click google cast icon in my chrome browser, it will try to discover whether there is an available chromecast around my pc.
If yes, then it will recognize it (assume that chromecast has already been set and connect to the same router which my pc is connected to).
My first confusion is, during this course, does my pc ever connect to chromecast's own wifi signal? Or they ONLY talk via my router?
My second confusion comes from a test:
I set 2 routers: router_A on top;router_B connects to LAN port of router_A;
My pc also connects to router_A;
chromecast dongle connects to router_B;
multicast/upnp of router B is enabled, firewall on router_B is disabled.
My pc cannot find chromecast in this situation. I'm confused and I think it should work since router_B obtains ip/gateway from router_A.
The third confusion is when I swapped my pc and chromcast, to let my pc connect to router_B, and chromecast connect to router_A, my pc found the chormcast......
After Chormecast is set up with a wifi network, it is discovered through mDNS. For (2) and (3), since discovery is done through multicast/mDNS, you need to read on that topic and look at the configuration settings of your routers to see how you can set things up to get what you want.

change from command line a network adapter/interface used for Internet access on Windows 7

The general situation: I have Windows 7 64-bit professional, network connection via ethernet and plugged USB GSM modem. The problem is that sometimes my Internet provider has some outage and during such time I'd like to automatically use USB modem. I've already written some Perl code that actively tests if connection is down and can run a shell command to switch the adapter used for Internet access.
The question is how to change the adapters from command prompt. I'd prefer not giving the script administrative privileges but if it's unavoidable, I can bear this.
Preliminary look-around:
C:\Windows\system32>wmic nic get name, index
Index Name
0 WAN Miniport (SSTP)
1 WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
2 WAN Miniport (L2TP)
3 WAN Miniport (PPTP)
4 WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
5 WAN Miniport (IPv6)
6 WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
7 Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
8 WAN Miniport (IP)
9 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
10 RAS Async Adapter
11 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
12 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
13 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
"netstat -rn" shows that adapter for Local Area Connection has higher priority for binding than the modem, which is good.
The usage of my USB modem for casual user consists of running a bespoke application for it and clicking a button "Connect/Disconnect". AFAIK the app doesn't have command line options.
In one direction I figured out a workaround that has additional advantage of keeping the connection alive: AutoConnect by Jarek "Shider" Wieczorek. AFAIK it has no command line options, but just running it after it has been once configured establishes GSM connection and later reconnects in case, which is great.
Now I stuck on how to switch back to LAN (which is my primary, quicker access to the net) after some time, when Internet access has been restored. After killing AutoConnect, the connection is still via modem. I suspected that switching back could be some netsh command but haven't found anything obvious in the help. In a desperate attempt I thought of disabling the modem using devcon.exe but the program downloaded from
didn't run (some errors that I won't cite because they're actually unrelated to the main issue) and before downloading huge Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 for a hopefully better version I thought I'll ask here for some suggestion/solution :)
Thank you in advance for any neat general solution or a small specific solution on how to turn off USB connection (maybe Windows will automatically use LAN then) or switch to LAN.
Belatedly, I came up with a solution. Supposing a modem connection has the name ABCD, the following terminates it after closing AutoConnect:
rasdial ABCD /disconnect
However, I still think the whole idea I presented is quite awkward and would gladly see some neat approach. Thanks.
