error 734 the ppp link control protocal was terminated - windows

I want to connect my mobile internet to pc using bluetooth device. I installed blue soleil software in my pc.
I can able to pair my cellphone with pc bluetooth device.
I selected my device and select bluetooth dialup networking service.
It asks an alert "DUN connection with device?" in my mobile.
After Clicked "YES", connect bluetooth DUN connection window opens.
In that window there was a fields "User Name", "PassWord" which i leave empty and then in "Dial = *99***1#" and click Dial button.
After that it say "Registering your computer on the netwok.." and become fails.
The Error is as "error 734 the ppp link control protocal was terminated"
The same procedure should be followed for Nokia 3110c it works fine.But in my samsung mobile c3053 it not connected also i am tryig with samsung corby pro BT3510 mobile .
Is there any settings changes needed for samsung mobiles ?

When I've seen this error in the past, it generally indicates that the username and password for the connection is not correct. (Many GPRS configurations do not require a username and password, but some do.)
Or, the GPRS APN is not configured correctly.
If you are trying to use the device as a general purpose modem, it can be difficult to set the GPRS APN without extra dialer software. The easiest way is to add an "AT+CGDCONT" command to the "extra initialisation commands" that can be configured for the modem in the Windows control panel.
A specific example of what would be configured for this "extra initialisation command" is:
You would replace internet in this example with the name of the GPRS APN to which you want to connect.
Also, you can refer the following link for checking the connection:

I almost got mad as a result of this problem few days back. I tried all the solutions suggested in different forums but to no avail.
My issue was not of insufficient airtime as suggested by some folks, nor the ppp link settings but because i had a space before the username input in my username and password field input in my dial up box.
So folks, if you are getting a PPP link termination error, check user name and password fields carefully for a single SPACE in this field will automatically call up this error when you dial. eg
My user name is:
Password: 1234
A space before the first number (that is 7 as in the example above) will trigger this error message. So guys give it a check before you search for other options like airtime and dial up settings.

If you get "734 the ppp link control protocal was terminated" with a SAMSUNG mobile phone, the problem is in the phone. On Phone Settings -> PC Connections select that your phone will always be in "PC Studio" mode. If you select other modes or "Ask each time" you will get 743 when trying to use the phone as a modem.

the solution is very simple. you just need to put extra initialization command.
Please don't read too much tech about ppp and its meaning.
i had same problem in 2006 what you have to do is in modem( the active e.g. bluetooth DUN modem or hardware modem or mobile as a modem) just go to propertise of : my computer>device manager> modem
then modem propertises> advance> Extra Initialization command
here you just have to put command
e.g i use bsnl net so command will be:
bsnlnet is APN, if you use airtel, anp is ""

I too faced the same problem, I even searched on line for a solution, but I figured my self based on the instructions that were given from the customer service centre. I have been using a bsnl network, to avoid ppp link control termination problem
Activate GPRS by sending START sms to BSNL service initiated number
Wait for some time at-least 2 hours to get activated after activation you will receive a activation message.
Since bsnl network, we have to create a APN - Access Point Network
i) create an APN as - bsnlnet
ii) password as 1111
Now change your access point network as bsnlnet switch on your mobile data.
Enjoy Internet.....


How does my computer know that it is connected to the Internet?

Sorry for asking such a mundane question, but I'm suddenly curious. If I open the network connections dialog on my Windows machine, it shows me a cute little picture of my computer connecting to a router and then to a globe (labeled Internet). What is Windows trying to connect to in order for it to decide that the computer has Internet connectivity? I assume there is no IP4 address for 'The Internet', so where is it going? Is it just sending a ping to an address back at the Microsoft home office? If that address were to disappear, would my window's machine suddenly decide that it no longer has a route to the Internet? Would Windows boxes that were 'close' to that address incorrectly report that they could get to the Internet when they couldn't.
I'll stop now before this gets too silly. But seriously, what criteria does a Windows box use to determine that it has Internet connectivity? I'm assuming that Linux and iOS systems have an equivalent feature. Do they use the same criteria?
The general IP address that is used for 'the internet' is - or
If you can ping it, and get a web page from it, then there's a pretty good chance you can get to at least some of the internet.
But for specifically Windows - Network Connectivity Status Indicator - it uses a different domain:
It will (unless disabled by GPO):
resolve the name, and verify it has the 'right' IP (
fd3e:4f5a:5b81::1 )
Perform a HTTP get to this address and check it gets a result. NCSI
Presumably if different responses are retrieved, then it can tell if it has a wi-fi login or similar.
Your intuitions seem correct. I am not on a Windows machine but you could find out by firing netstat and then connecting.
If I was programming this I'd make Ping, TCP and HTTP requests. Some devices are connected through proxies such as firewalls, captive portals and others. the only way to be sure is to send something and receive a reply.
My Android device for example can detect captive portals. It probably does that by trying to HTTP connect somewhere.

Why is whitelisted Chromecast IP for development blocked with err_connection_refused?

I already read this (Can not access Chromecast receiver debug page by http://chromecastIP:9222?) and similar threads. I am not sure if they are outdated from the pre-release SDK but at any rate here is my tale of woe...
Chrome is giving me these details when attempting to browse my Chromecast IP:
Google Chrome's connection attempt to was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured.
NOTE - I did remember to add the :9222 suffix
My Chromecast device appears to be whitelisted.
From the console page it lists both my Application ID and my Serial #.
The App ID is fine if that even matters as I have successfully run many github sample apps using it.
The serial # I entered is correct as I was meticulous reading it with a magnifying glass off the device (felt like Sherlock Holmes).
The status for my Serial # lists, "Ready for testing"
I did this all after a factory reset today.
I then unplugged the USB cable from the Chromecast dongle and counted to 30 and reseated it.
This is exactly what the instructions on the cast developer site instructed.
I have seen some posts where people say it could take hours but that seems to be pre-release posts where there were alot of issues.
So basically I ready every stackoverflow post on this, followed all instructions, everything looks good and works right (I can cast no problem) even with my own code for both Android & Web but I just cannot browse, http://:9222
I just get err_connection_refused
I can ping it without the :9222 suffix as well.
Since it says, "Ready for testing" I assume I do not have to wait for Google to process this.
Finally I was triple sure to check, "Send Serial # to Google for updates" in installation app.
Can anyone provide guidance please?
These are the instructions I followed (meticulously I might add)
To register your Google Cast device:
Sign in to the Google Cast SDK Developer Console.
From either the Overview page or Devices page, click Add New Device.
Enter the serial number of your device. ( I TRIPLE CHECKED THIS)
The serial number on a Chromecast is a 12-digit alphanumeric string, laser-etched (not printed) on the back of the device and begins with a 3, 4 or 5. It may be easier to read if you take a picture of the serial number then enlarge it. The serial number is also printed on the package.
Enter a description, and click OK.
This is just a friendly name for your device (it does not need to match the name you gave to the device during user setup).
Wait fifteen minutes before continuing. (I waited till it says, "Ready for testing")
Once registration is complete, the Status for the device will read "Ready for Testing."
In the Chromecast setup app, select your Chromecast and check the box, Send this Chromecast's serial number when checking for updates.
Restart your Chromecast by disconnecting the USB cable from the device, then reconnecting it.
After restarting the device, check whether you can access http://:9222 from a chrome browser on the same WiFi network.
Once you can access the URL, your device is ready for development. If you can't access the URL, check the serial number you entered in step 3, above.
Please read the documentation here (search for Debugging). The Registration page will be updated later today or tomorrow to remove item number 8 at the bottom of the page. In short, you need to have your own application running on the Chromecast device to be able to attach your chrome debugger to it. Also see this post.

Script to switch Local Area Connections according to website [not proxy]

Can I write a Windows Task or some kind of configuration script that will choose between two Local Area Connections according to the website I am visiting?
It may not be the best answer to my problem, but if it is possible, at least I know it will work.
The issue in full:
My main ISP currently has an issue routing me to my own websites (all hosted on the same server). It also has a 'sticky IP address' (note, not static) - it will only change your IP address once a fortnight, and they can't (won't) even force a change. Their second line support are working on the issue, but so far, no good, and I cannot access my own websites via their internet connection.
So, currently, I am switching from my main network to my mobile 3G network (tethered) any time I want to work on or view my own websites.
I would like to write a script that will make Windows automatically choose my mobile network for FTP, email and browsing my own websites, but use my main ISP for all other online activity.
Haven't a clue where to start - any help appreciated! Thanks,
Well, that was simple, no scripting required. If you're using IPv4 (you can check here,d.d2k)
Turn Windows features on or off.
Turn on RIP Listener.
Disable your internet connection that cannot connect to the website you are trying to access, and 'tracert' to the website: make a note of the IP address of the website, and the first IP address in the hop list ([FIRST IP]).
Type in 'route print' and make a note of the Interface number of your secondary internet connection.
Type in 'route add -p [WEBSITE IP ADDRESS] mask [FIRST IP] IF [INTERFACE NUMBER] metric 1'
All traffic to the website IP address (be it mail, FTP, whatever) will go through the secondary connection, all other traffic goes through the main connection.
IPv6 instructions here:
My setup is just an iPhone connected via USB as secondary connection and a Home Hub connected via ethernet as primary.
Hope this is useful to someone else - but of course, no one should ever think of using this to get around IP blocks on message boards...

How to debug whitelisted Chromecast

I have completed Google's form to enable my device to be whitelisted and have been provided with an AppID.
I have followed the procedures outlined here to try and debug the device with no success:
I am able to ping my device by the IP, but connecting to port 9222 results in failure. Telnet to that port is also unsuccessful.
Does anyone know why this might not be working? I must be missing something simple.
The problem was that my Chromecast device was not sending the serial number to Google.
I was able to get it to work by enabling the sending of the devices serial number in the Windows settings utility (changing this setting in the android app didn't seem to work). After changing the setting I rebooted the device, and now I can connect on port 9222. I am not sure why this isn't in the developer walk through... or maybe I missed it?
I only got this option when I opened "Options" in the Google Cast Extension inside Chrome and then clicked on the blue icon about a dozen times very quickly. Suddenly a new option appeared at the bottom where I could enter the hostname of my whitelisted URL:
I also made sure that "send serial number" was enabled in the (and make sure to reboot!)
Now, I am able to hit port 9222 in a browser and can see my app at http://{my-chromcast-ip}:9222/. I can use dev tools in Chrome to debug, refresh the page, inspect on-screen elements, etc.
Something else that I haven't seen others mention yet. If you're going to the right IP and getting the link to remote debugging, but you don't see your source, elements, etc. It could be blocked by security settings. This stumped me for a while until I noticed a small shield icon in my url bar. Click on this and allow it to load sources. Once I did that everything populated as expected.
I struggled a bit with this one. I think some things might have changed with the last firmware update on the Chromecast. I could connect to port 9222 after I did the following:
Registered the custom receiver and host it on the outside of my network (on Google Drive:
Launch the receiver. I used the Chromecast example
Make sure the app ID in chromehellotext.html is the one registered on your account.
When After this, I could connect to the debugging port.
The port is only open when your custom receiver is running on the Chromecast.
I also might be useful to enable debugging on the chrome extension. This will show what's going on between the Chromecast and sender:
I realize that this is an ancient question, however my answer might help people searching in the future.
Simply rebooting the Chromecast after having set up my details in the Cast console helped for me.
You must cast to a custom receiver first (at least once) before trying to access the IP with debug port. Otherwise debugging won't be enabled.

Windows Phone: possible to open URLs with :port?

I am trying to open a node.js application on my Nokia Lumia 820 (WP8). When I enter the address in the browser ( I get an error:
"Internet Explorer Mobile doesn't support this type of address and can't display this page".
Is there a workaround or something to get WP8 opening that URL?! I don't really want to use a reverse proxy since I'm trying to test a websocket application running on that port.
(As suggested by Luke Puplett, here is my answer)
My assumption is that you simply forgot to specify the protocol. So instead of typing
I would recommend to try using
So that the browser knows how to interpret the : before the "8088" (i.e. as a port separator, not as a protocol separator).
