Confused on how to build a go project from source - go

I'm trying to build the Ethereum node Geth:
I cloned the project in my src folder ( in a folder called geth, should not metter, right? ) and when I try to run/compile does not find:
and currently these file exists, as part of the project I'm trying to compile, so I don't actually understand why is referring the repository on line, and, in any case, why it does not work

You must clone the geth source in the exact folder in your GOPATH, actual path should be GOPATH/src/


Golang: Building and running with new directory structure

Brushing up on my golang, I see that there is a new recommended directory structure for go projects: We should be emitting the "src" directory from our project.
Here is an example of such a project: , and I have also seen this mentioned in several recent articles.
Until now, I have created a package under /myproject/src/mypackage. Then, to run my project I would add /myproject to $GOPATH.
My question: If I use the new directory structure, how would I go about building and running my project? I could "hack" it by creating a symlink into a "src" directory... But that seems rather "dirty" (If I was going to do that, I could've just used "src" to begin with) .
I would appreciate if someone could point out the build and run commands for a project arranged in the structure mentioned above.
EDIT based on comments: This question is not about whether I want to use "src" or not. I definitely do want to embrace this new project structure. It's just that I cannot find instructions on how to build and run a project with such a directory structure. For example: How would I reference the files in the pkg directory if it's not in my "$GOPATH/myproject/src"?

How to use modules replace functionality in cloud functions

I have a google cloud function that is a subdirectory in a repository. It uses the "Directory with source code" option in the settings menu. I keep getting this error on deploy:
Deployment failure:
Build failed: go: parsing /utils/pubsub/go.mod: open /utils/pubsub/go.mod: no such file or directory
go: error loading module requirements
I'm assuming that GCF does not upload the entire directory to the instance, but instead only the folder? This breaks the replace functionality of Go modules. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Link to the repo:
I work at Google and on this product.
Only the directory where you run gcloud is uploaded. There is no staging step beyond zipping the current directory and uploading it.
Notably, modules are preferred by the builder over vendor. If there is a go.mod, modules will be used. When you upload your function, it only includes the directory with your function at the root, not any directories one level up. So, when there is a go.mod and you have a replace directive pointing one level up, it will not work.
The solution for now with this layout is to vendor and not upload the go.mod/go.sum files. When using gcloud, you can create a .gcloudignore file to do this for you. See for more detail. Alternatively, modify your project to include any necessary helper packages in subdirectories.
I had the same issue today.
When reading thru the documentation for the 8th time i came across a warning box bellow the "Vendor directory" headline.
Warning: If your project has both a go.mod file and a vendor directory
at the root of your project, the vendor directory will be ignored
during deployment. You must use a .gcloudignore file to ignore the
go.mod file in order to ensure that your vendor directory is used
during deployment.
So basically once i added a .gcloudignore file with go.mod (will add go.sum as well) everything worked. So i guess if you have a go.mod file the cloud function will try to fetch dependencies instead of using the ones uploaded in the vendor folder.
I'm just guessing here tough.

'is not within a known GOPATH/src' error on dep init

When I run dep init in project folder, the error occurs:
init failed: unable to detect the containing GOPATH: D:\projects\foo is not within a known GOPATH/src
My projects are located on another drive and not %GOPATH%/src (i.e. %USERPROFILE%\go\src).
It's a known error but it's unclear what is the solution.
How can I use dep without moving Go projects to %GOPATH%/src?
Go makes this choice so that there is nothing like a CLASSPATH (ie: Java) to deal with. You specify a $GOPATH that has a consistent src tree inside of it. If your repo makes references to particular git commits (rather than the ones checked out into $GOPATH/src/$githubUser/$githubProjectName), then those will be in the ./vendor directory of your project.
If you have a different Go project that uses a completely different set of checkouts, due to versioning issues, then you can have multiple $GOPATH values to deal with that.
How can I use dep without moving Go projects to %GOPATH%/src?
Not at all.
Go projects require that your project is within its path..
So first do a
$ go env
to find out where that is. Lets say it says /home/turgut/go
move the project that you downloaded that needs the dep to:
then cd /home/turgut/go/src/myproject
and try the
dep ensure
command now.
what does go env command say your GOPATH is? Set GOPATH for your environment as per this doc
Follow steps here
you can use this command vendor/bin/dep init instead of dep init

Modifying an imported library in Go

My Problem
Elastic Beats is an open source project for log shippers written in Go. It features several log outputs, including console, Elasticsearch and Redis. I would like to add an output of my own - to AWS Kinesis.
I have cloned the repo to ~/github/beats, and tried building it:
$ cd filebeat; go build main.go
However, it failed due to a missing library which is a part of the project:
main.go:6:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
/Users/adam/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
A directory of the project is dependent on a package from the same repo, but instead of looking one directory up the hierarchy it looks in the GOPATH.
So, go get fetched the code, and now go build main.go works. Changing the code in my GOPATH is reflected in these builds.
This leaves me with an structural inconvenience. Some of my code is at a working directory, and some of it is at my GOPATH and included by the code in my working directory.
I would like to have all my code in a single directory for various reasons, not the least being keeping everything under version control.
What Have I Tried
Mostly searching for the problem. I am quite new to Go, so I might have missed the correct terminology.
My Question
What is the right way to edit the code of an imported library in Go?
One of the recommended ways to work with other's packages is:
Get the sources of the original package:
go get
As a result you will clone project's git repository to the folder
Make some fixes, compile code, fix, compile... When you make go install package will be compiled and installed to your system. When you need merge updates from original repository you can git pull them.
Everything is OK. What's next? How to share your work with others?
Fork project on github, suppose it will be
Add this fork as another remote mycopy (or any other name you like) to your local repository
git remote add mycopy git://
When all is done you can push updated sources to your repo on github
git push mycopy
and then open a pull-request to original sources. This way you can share your work with others. And keep your changes in sync with mainstream.
Previous answers to this question are obsolete when developing projects that using Go Modules.
For projects that using Go Modules, one may use the following command to replace an imported library(eg. with a local module(eg. ./local/module):
go mod edit
Or by adding the following line into the go.mod file:
replace => ./local/module
Reference Docs:
A project working copy should be checked out into $GOPATH/src/package/import/path - for example, this project should be checked out into /Users/adam/go/src/ With the project in the correct location, the go tooling will be able to operate on it normally; otherwise, it will not be able to resolve imports correctly. See go help gopath for more info.

How to setup Go in GoClipse

I installed goclipse in my eclipse, and setup the preferences as follows :
Now when I create a new GoFile (HelloWorld.src), the file is saved in D:/GO/TestProject/src. But when I build the same file, the bin and pkg folders are empty and hence when I run the file the following error comes :
resource does not have a corresponding go package
Unable to run the code because of this error.
Your project path should be D:\GO\src\TestProject in order to match the workspace expected as described in
Then, your GOPATH should point to D:\GO (NOT ...\src)
The go tool will automatically use $GOPATH/src, $GOPATH/bin or $GOPATH/pkg when appropiate for each case.
And as icza pointed out, your program should have a package main statement on the top of your go file to be recognized as an executable, unless you want to create a package, in that case, you should name your package as you want.
