How to setup Go in GoClipse - go

I installed goclipse in my eclipse, and setup the preferences as follows :
Now when I create a new GoFile (HelloWorld.src), the file is saved in D:/GO/TestProject/src. But when I build the same file, the bin and pkg folders are empty and hence when I run the file the following error comes :
resource does not have a corresponding go package
Unable to run the code because of this error.

Your project path should be D:\GO\src\TestProject in order to match the workspace expected as described in
Then, your GOPATH should point to D:\GO (NOT ...\src)
The go tool will automatically use $GOPATH/src, $GOPATH/bin or $GOPATH/pkg when appropiate for each case.
And as icza pointed out, your program should have a package main statement on the top of your go file to be recognized as an executable, unless you want to create a package, in that case, you should name your package as you want.


VS Code showing me "Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace"

I am using the primary GO extension.
I use VS code a lot, now I'm learning GO lang.
And when I open VS Code every time I'm getting this:
Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace.
While running the code it's giving the right output.
I don't know how to fix this.
Anybody, help me with this error.
It would be better to open in VSCode only one folder with its own go.mod project.
A workspace with multiple go.mod/project should be supported with 1.18
The go command now supports a "Workspace" mode.
If a file is found in the working directory or a parent directory, or one is specified using the -workfile flag, it will put the go command into workspace mode.
In workspace mode, the file will be used to determine the set of main modules used as the roots for module resolution, instead of using the normally-found go.mod file to specify the single main module.
As described in "How to make VScode Go work in a Multi-Module Repo" from Varun Kumar, this used to work:
If you want to work with all the nested modules in a single workspace, there is an opt-in module feature that allows to work with multiple modules without creating workspace folders for each module. Set this in your settings -
"build.experimentalWorkspaceModule": true
But as per september 2022 is deprecated.
See more at gopls documentation "Setting up your workspace".

Cannot find package "." in .../vendor/

I'm new to golang. I'm currently trying to use the godror driver to read from an Oracle db. I ran go get in my project's root directory and am importing the library like so:
_ ""
But, I'm getting the error
cannot find package "." in:
I believe my PATH is set up properly, as the "go" command properly returns the expected "Go is a tool for managing Go source code..." response.
I can't exactly replicate your issue nor have I seen such a weird error - but regardless, if you were following the current go modules pattern you wouldn't have this issue to begin with.
You shouldn't run go get anymore to download modules to use for your programs. Instead, in the root directory of every go project, you'll run go mod init [modulename], which will create a go.mod file for you. After running go mod tidy, it will download all the dependencies and generate a go.sum file containing the dependency hashes for you as well. Next, running go build will generate a binary that you can run. At this point, if you make changes to any source file(s), running go build every subsequent time afterwards will make a new, updated binary in the same directory.

Cannot build - "working directory is not part of a module"

I unwrapped the project and from that project i did go get. Then I received the following errors.
C:\Users\Downloads\gochess-master>go install main.go
main.go:14:2: no required module provides package working directory is not part of a module
main.go:15:2: no required module provides package working directory is not part of a module
main.go:17:2: no required module provides package working directory is not part of a module
main.go:18:2: no required module provides package working directory is not part of a module
main.go:20:2: no required module provides package working directory is not part of a module
Then I went and tried doing go get each of the packages. I try doing the go install main.go and got same error.
then I tried including the repo inside $GOPATH/src/ and tried doing go get from there. I got the same errors. is a couple of years old and has not been updated to use go modules. I suspect you are using Go 1.16 under which "Module-aware mode is enabled by default, regardless of whether a go.mod file is present in the current working directory or a parent directory". There are a few ways to address this but given that there is a plan to "drop support for GOPATH mode in Go 1.17" the simplest approach might be to download the code and setup modules yourself. The following process works for me (well I get prompted for a mysql password):
git clone
cd gochess
go mod init
go get
go build

How to run the whole project in GoLand?

I have a small project with several .go files. When I run main.go only this compiles but nothing else, so my application crushes. I understand that I have to change settings in Run -> Edit Configurations, but don't know what to do exactly. IDE also doesn’t see terminal pre-compiled package, so "Package" option instead of "File" doesn't work.
To run the whole project you have to go Run -> Edit Configuration, set Run Kind to Package and type in field Package your project directory name.

Path that is working with go run is not working with go install/calling the executable from bin

I'm starting to experiment with Go and I'm facing an issue that (I think) doesn't exist in languages that use a virtual machine.
I have a src/test/main.go file that references my templates inside src/test/views/ folder.
When I use go run main.go it runs but when do go install and then inside my bin folder run the executable (./test) I get an error:
views/edit.html: no such file or directory
So, how does Go compiles my project (file/folder structure related) and how to use paths in a way that allows me to use either go run and go install/executable?
If you specify a relative path in your code, as in views/edit.html it will also be looked up relative to the binary location. You need to either make the path absolute, or use some logic to determine where your templates will be located.
Another option would be to use or that will save you the hassle.
