'is not within a known GOPATH/src' error on dep init - go

When I run dep init in project folder, the error occurs:
init failed: unable to detect the containing GOPATH: D:\projects\foo is not within a known GOPATH/src
My projects are located on another drive and not %GOPATH%/src (i.e. %USERPROFILE%\go\src).
It's a known error but it's unclear what is the solution.
How can I use dep without moving Go projects to %GOPATH%/src?

Go makes this choice so that there is nothing like a CLASSPATH (ie: Java) to deal with. You specify a $GOPATH that has a consistent src tree inside of it. If your repo makes references to particular git commits (rather than the ones checked out into $GOPATH/src/github.com/$githubUser/$githubProjectName), then those will be in the ./vendor directory of your project.
If you have a different Go project that uses a completely different set of checkouts, due to versioning issues, then you can have multiple $GOPATH values to deal with that.

How can I use dep without moving Go projects to %GOPATH%/src?
Not at all.

Go projects require that your project is within its path..
So first do a
$ go env
to find out where that is. Lets say it says /home/turgut/go
move the project that you downloaded that needs the dep to:
then cd /home/turgut/go/src/myproject
and try the
dep ensure
command now.

what does go env command say your GOPATH is? Set GOPATH for your environment as per this doc

Follow steps here https://deployer.org/docs/7.x/installation
you can use this command vendor/bin/dep init instead of dep init


VS Code showing me "Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace"

I am using the primary GO extension.
I use VS code a lot, now I'm learning GO lang.
And when I open VS Code every time I'm getting this:
Error loading workspace: found module "main.go" twice in the workspace.
While running the code it's giving the right output.
I don't know how to fix this.
Anybody, help me with this error.
It would be better to open in VSCode only one folder with its own go.mod project.
A workspace with multiple go.mod/project should be supported with 1.18
The go command now supports a "Workspace" mode.
If a go.work file is found in the working directory or a parent directory, or one is specified using the -workfile flag, it will put the go command into workspace mode.
In workspace mode, the go.work file will be used to determine the set of main modules used as the roots for module resolution, instead of using the normally-found go.mod file to specify the single main module.
As described in "How to make VScode Go work in a Multi-Module Repo" from Varun Kumar, this used to work:
If you want to work with all the nested modules in a single workspace, there is an opt-in module feature that allows to work with multiple modules without creating workspace folders for each module. Set this in your settings -
"build.experimentalWorkspaceModule": true
But as per september 2022 is deprecated.
See more at gopls documentation "Setting up your workspace".

Cannot find package "." in .../vendor/github.com/godror/godror

I'm new to golang. I'm currently trying to use the godror driver to read from an Oracle db. I ran go get github.com/godror/godror in my project's root directory and am importing the library like so:
_ "github.com/godror/godror"
But, I'm getting the error
cannot find package "." in:
I believe my PATH is set up properly, as the "go" command properly returns the expected "Go is a tool for managing Go source code..." response.
I can't exactly replicate your issue nor have I seen such a weird error - but regardless, if you were following the current go modules pattern you wouldn't have this issue to begin with.
You shouldn't run go get anymore to download modules to use for your programs. Instead, in the root directory of every go project, you'll run go mod init [modulename], which will create a go.mod file for you. After running go mod tidy, it will download all the dependencies and generate a go.sum file containing the dependency hashes for you as well. Next, running go build will generate a binary that you can run. At this point, if you make changes to any source file(s), running go build every subsequent time afterwards will make a new, updated binary in the same directory.

Go modules when running get vs build

I have a project where I use go modules. There I need to specify that I depend on a particular fork of a library (call it ), because it has an important patch. When I run go get -u <my_project>, I get a compilation error that clearly means that go took the main repo of , instead of the fork.
After that, I switch to the directory where go downloaded and run go build. Then, go takes the proper version of and compilation is successful.
Could you tell me what could be the reason for that and how to fix it?
Here is specific command to get :
go get -u github.com/planetA/konk
The dependency is "github.com/opencontainers/runc". For this dependency, go.mod contains following:
replace (
github.com/opencontainers/runc => github.com/planeta/runc v1.0.0-rc9.0.20191206160324-51eabe724369
require (
github.com/opencontainers/runc v1.0.0-rc9.0.20191206223258-201b06374548
Interestingly, in following sequence of commands, second go get does not produce error
go get -u github.com/planetA/konk
cd ~/go/src/github.com/planetA/konk
go build -tags seccomp
go get -u github.com/planetA/konk
I had a similar problem and I resolved this by detaching the fork itself and making a separate repo. Depends on your use case, this is also a much cleaner solution as you don't need to add too many edits to make it work. You can do so by:
Clone the fork repository on your local.
Delete the fork repository from github/gitlab etc. if you want the package name to be the same as the fork if not you can rename the new repo you create.
Create a new repo and push your content onto it
Now go get github.com/myusername/mynewrepo
But if you still want to make it work using the fork here is a great reference.

Set Go variable with ldflags conflicts with vendor folder

I'm currently developing a small Go app and I want to set a specific variable (like Version, GitCommit, BuildID...etc.) at build or runtime (with go build or go run) by using the -ldflags option.
Because in my company we have several projects with the same base, I decided to extract the code with these variables in a separate "info" module which could be imported in every project.
Here's my problem, say I'm running the app like this:
go run -ldflags "-X git.mycompany.com/utils/info.Version=1.0.0" app.go
This works well, and the variable is set correctly even though the variable is not part of the "main" app but in a dependency.
Then I decided to deploy the app so I used the new dep tool to generate the vendor folder.
Therefore, the "info" dependency is now in: vendor/git.mycompany.com/utils/info
Now when I run the same command as above, the said variable (Version) is not set anymore.
Am I missing something here ?
As soon as I delete the vendor folder, everything works fine again. It's like this vendor folder is conflicting with the -ldflags option or something.
Thanks in advance!
We had exactly the same problem, after lots of research we stumbled upon the solution in a comment to GitHub issue: cmd/link: -X doesn't work for vendored packages.
Solution: the full path name, relative to $GOPATH should be specified.
It works when developing git.mycompany.com/utils/info because the full path is correct.
It doesn't work for vendored dependencies because the full path from $GOPATH would be like git.mycompany.com/name-of/package/vendor/git.mycompany.com/utils/info.Version=1.0.0
Unfortunately, no documentation seem to be present about this ( for further info look at the issue ) but as Dave Cheney points out in a comment:
this is a side effect of the language way vendoring is implemented

Modifying an imported library in Go

My Problem
Elastic Beats is an open source project for log shippers written in Go. It features several log outputs, including console, Elasticsearch and Redis. I would like to add an output of my own - to AWS Kinesis.
I have cloned the repo to ~/github/beats, and tried building it:
$ cd filebeat; go build main.go
However, it failed due to a missing library which is a part of the project:
main.go:6:2: cannot find package "github.com/elastic/beats/filebeat/cmd" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/github.com/elastic/beats/filebeat/cmd (from $GOROOT)
/Users/adam/go/src/github.com/elastic/beats/filebeat/cmd (from $GOPATH)
A directory of the project is dependent on a package from the same repo, but instead of looking one directory up the hierarchy it looks in the GOPATH.
So, go get github.com/elastic/beats/filebeat/cmd fetched the code, and now go build main.go works. Changing the code in my GOPATH is reflected in these builds.
This leaves me with an structural inconvenience. Some of my code is at a working directory, and some of it is at my GOPATH and included by the code in my working directory.
I would like to have all my code in a single directory for various reasons, not the least being keeping everything under version control.
What Have I Tried
Mostly searching for the problem. I am quite new to Go, so I might have missed the correct terminology.
My Question
What is the right way to edit the code of an imported library in Go?
One of the recommended ways to work with other's packages is:
Get the sources of the original package:
go get github.com/elastic/beats
As a result you will clone project's git repository to the folder
Make some fixes, compile code, fix, compile... When you make go install package will be compiled and installed to your system. When you need merge updates from original repository you can git pull them.
Everything is OK. What's next? How to share your work with others?
Fork project on github, suppose it will be github.com/username/beats
Add this fork as another remote mycopy (or any other name you like) to your local repository
git remote add mycopy git://github.com/username/beats.git
When all is done you can push updated sources to your repo on github
git push mycopy
and then open a pull-request to original sources. This way you can share your work with others. And keep your changes in sync with mainstream.
Previous answers to this question are obsolete when developing projects that using Go Modules.
For projects that using Go Modules, one may use the following command to replace an imported library(eg. example.com/imported/module) with a local module(eg. ./local/module):
go mod edit -replace=example.com/imported/module=./local/module
Or by adding the following line into the go.mod file:
replace example.com/imported/module => ./local/module
Reference Docs: https://golang.org/doc/modules/managing-dependencies#unpublished
A project working copy should be checked out into $GOPATH/src/package/import/path - for example, this project should be checked out into /Users/adam/go/src/github.com/elastic/beats. With the project in the correct location, the go tooling will be able to operate on it normally; otherwise, it will not be able to resolve imports correctly. See go help gopath for more info.
