Problems with i18next language detection and integration with hapi - internationalization

I'm trying to write a new language detector plugin for i18next for integration with hapi. There's an existing hapi-i18next plugin that is quite old (it uses an extemely old version of i18next, 1.7.10 ) and so mostly useless. And the i18next API docs are pretty vague about how to write new plugins and exactly what the language detection process is. Does it run every time the t() function runs? should it be asynchronous? Has anybody else out there recently integrated hapi with i18next? I realize this is rather general but i'm not sure where else to turn.

Never used hapi so far, but seems hapi evolved a lot since version 8 (what's actually used here)
I don't know if that project is still maintained...
Perhaps you could try to create a new hapi-i18next plugin... (was not that much code)
To create a languageDetector plugin, it should not be a big thing... start here and continue by comparing how the express language detection works
In i18next the languageDetector is triggered here on init/load and on a potential language change
I hope this helps.

What I ended up doing is writing a hapi server extension rather than a plugin, and a module that runs at startup that decorates the hapi server object with the initialized i18next object. The extension is installed to run onPreHandler and it basically clones the i18next object, attaches that instance to the request object, and detects the language (from the request header or from a query parameter), then sets the cloned instance to that language. This way, whenever a route handler uses the t() function attached to the instance that's attached to the current request, we know we'll be translating into the right language. Note that this is still for Hapi 16 (I need to port to 17/18 soon)...


How to design front-end to handle multiple back-end versions

In my company, we're using Spring Boot to implement backend API and React to implement frontend including Web interface and Android/iOS apps.
Since our product is an Enterprise software, customers actually have to pay to get the latest backend API to deploy on their own servers. However, our mobile apps are regularly updated on the App Store. This leads to a situation where the mobile apps on end-users' devices may be the newer version while the backend API on the customer's machine is the older one. We plan to support up to 3 minor version backward, meaning FE 5.4 will support up to backend 5.2.
The backend does have an endpoint to return the current version number. However, I'm a bit clueless as to how our frontend implementation can maintain backward compatibility with older API versions as we add new features and may introduce breaking changes in backend API.
I completely understand there might not any beautiful solutions for this problem. I'm hoping if you've gone through this pain, you can share your experiences about what you've tried, the final approach that you took and the potential pitfalls to look out for.
I'm sure myself and other people who's running into this issue would be really grateful :).
Your solution will be similar to any frontend solution that uses Feature Toggle but I can already imagine that it will not be pretty.
Basically inside your code you'll have a lot of if/else statements or some form of wrapper that does the same underneath for every piece of UI/logic/functionality that is a breaking change on version upgrade.
I'd suggest that for every layers that you have (UI, logic, API call) you should start to have switches based on version returned by backend. You'll end up with a lot of redundant looking codes and a lot of codes that looks like this. (if you support only two versions. Use switch if you have more versions)
render() {
{version === "1.0.0" ? <VersionA /> : <VersionB/>}
You can however, write a utility method that wraps and returns different components based on versions. By doing that you can more easily remove components that you no longer need to support in the future.
const versionSwitcher = (version, ...Components) => {
switch (version) {
case "1.0.0":
return Components[0];
case "1.1.0":
return Components[1];
This of course, increases complexity throughout all layers but given your case I can't see it being simple. A good thing to do is to try to keep your own viewModel and never pass response from API directly into component. That reduces the coupling between API and your components and will make this a little easier.

Liferay Hook for liferay-multi-vm-clustered.xml

I am trying to override the default liferay-multi-vm-clustered.xml for application level caching using a liferay hook. Any instruction or links? Already spent much time googling but didn't find anything useful.
Thanks in advance.
PS: Already know i can override it via manual deployment and
PPS: Sorry for the format new to stackoverflow.
I'm assuming that you're referring to Liferay 6.x
I'm not aware of any hook that can override this file. Specifically because hooks are only deployed after Liferay has fully been set up and started, it'd be changing the setup after the fact.
You can introduce a new file and reference it in If you want to package this in a plugin, I'm afraid it'll be an ext-plugin. Even though I don't like to suggest using ext, in this case it's a well maintainable ext, so it does not bring the same maintenance-danger as code-containing ext plugins.

Meteor test driven development [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I don't see how to do test driven development in meteor.
I don't see it mentioned anywhere in documentation or FAQ. I don't see any examples or anything like that.
I see that some packages are using Tinytest.
I would need response from developers, what is roadmap regarding this. Something along the lines of:
possible, no documentation, figure it out yourself
meteor is not built in a way that you can make testable apps
this is planned feature
Update 3: As of Meteor 1.3, meteor includes a testing guide with step-by-step instructions for unit, integration, acceptance, and load testing.
Update 2: As of November 9th, 2015, Velocity is no longer maintained. is focusing their efforts on Chimp, and the Meteor Development Group must choose an official testing framework.
Update: Velocity is Meteor's official testing solution as of 0.8.1.
Not much has been written about automated testing with Meteor at this time. I expect the Meteor community to evolve testing best-practices before establishing anything in the official documentation. After all, Meteor reached 0.5 this week, and things are still changing rapidly.
The good news: you can use Node.js testing tools with Meteor.
For my Meteor project, I run my unit tests with Mocha using Chai for assertions. If you don't need Chai's full feature set, I recommend using should.js instead. I only have unit tests at the moment, though you can write integration tests with Mocha as well.
Be sure to place your tests in the "tests" folder so that Meteor does not attempt to execute your tests.
Mocha supports CoffeeScript, my choice of scripting language for Meteor projects. Here's a sample Cakefile with tasks for running your Mocha tests. If you are using JS with Meteor, feel free to adapt the commands for a Makefile.
Your Meteor models will need a slight bit of modification to expose themselves to Mocha, and this requires some knowledge of how Node.js works. Think of each Node.js file as being executed within its own scope. Meteor automatically exposes objects in different files to one another, but ordinary Node applications—like Mocha—do not do this. To make our models testable by Mocha, export each Meteor model with the following CoffeeScript pattern:
# Export our class to Node.js when running
# other modules, e.g. our Mocha tests
# Place this at the bottom of our
# file after our Model class has been defined.
exports.Model = Model unless Meteor?
...and at the top of your Mocha test, import the model you wish to test:
# Need to use Coffeescript's destructuring to reference
# the object bound in the returned scope
{Model} = require '../path/to/model'
With that, you can start writing and running unit tests with your Meteor project!
Hi all checkout laika - the whole new testing framework for meteor
You can test both the server and client at once.
See some laika example here
See here for features
See concept behind laika
See Github Repository
Disclaimer: I'm the author of Laika.
I realize that this question is already answered, but I think this could use some more context, in the form of an additional answer providing said context.
I've been doing some app development with meteor, as well as package development, both by implementing a package for meteor core, as well as for atmosphere.
It sounds like your question might be actually a question in three parts:
How does one run the entire meteor test suite?
How does one write and run tests for individual smart packages?
How does one write and run tests for his own application?
And, it also sounds like there may be a bonus question in there somewhere:
4. How can one implement continuous integration for 1, 2, and 3?
I have been talking and begun collaborating with Naomi Seyfer (#sixolet) on the meteor core team to help get definitive answers to all of these questions into the documentation.
I had submitted an initial pull request addressing 1 and 2 to meteor core:
I had also recently answered this question:
How do you run the meteor tests?
I think that #Blackcoat has definitively answered 3, above.
As for the bonus, 4, I would suggest using at least to do continuous integration for your own apps. They currently support the use case that #Blackcoat had described. I have a project in which I've successfully gotten tests written in coffeescript to run unit tests with mocha, pretty much as #Blackcoat had described.
For continuous integration on meteor core, and smart packages, Naomi Seyfer and I are chatting with the founder of circleci to see if we can get something awesome implemented in the near term.
RTD has now been deprecated and replaced by Velocity, which is the official testing framework for Meteor 1.0. Documentation is still relatively new as Velocity is under heavy development. You can find some more information on the Velocity Github repo, the Velocity Homepage and The Meteor Testing Manual (paid content)
Disclaimer: I'm one of the core team members of Velocity and the author of the book.
Check out RTD, a full testing framework for Meteor here
It supports Jasmine/Mocha/custom and works with both plain JS and coffee. It includes test coverage too that combines unit/server/client coverage.
And an example project here
A blog to explain unit testing with Meteor here
An e2e acceptance testing approach using Selenium WebdriverJS and Meteor here
Hope that helps. Disclaimer: I am the author of RTD.
I used this page a lot and tried all of the answers, but from my beginner's starting point, I found them quite confusing. Once I had any trouble, I was flummoxed as to how to fix them.
This solution is really simple to get started with, if not fully documented yet, so I recommend it for people like myself who want to do TDD but aren't sure how testing in JavaScript works and which libraries plug into what:
FYI, I found that I also need to use the router Atmosphere package to make a '/tests' route to run and display the results from the tests, as I didn't want it to clutter my app every time it loads.
About the usage of tinytest, you may want to take a look at those useful ressources:
The basics are explained in this screencast:
Once you understood the idea, you'll want the public API documentation for tinytest. For now, the only documentation for that is at the end of the source of the tinytest package:
Also, the screencast talks about test-helpers, you may want to have a look at all the available helpers in here:
There often is some documentation inside each file
Digging in the existing tests of meteor's packages will provide a lot of examples. One way of doing this is to make a search for Tinytest. or test. in the package directory of meteor's source code
Testing becomes a core part of Meteor in the upcoming 1.3 release. The initial solution is based on Mocha and Chai.
The original discussions of the minimum viable design can be found here and the details of the first implementation can be found here.
MDG have produced the initial bones of the guide documentation for the testing which can be found here, and there are some example tests here.
This is an example of a publication test from the link above:
it('sends all todos for a public list when logged in', (done) => {
const collector = new PublicationCollector({userId});
collector.collect('Todos.inList', publicList._id, (collections) => {
chai.assert.equal(collections.Todos.length, 3);
I'm doing functional/integration tests with Meteor + Mocha in the browser. I have something along the lines of the following (in coffeescript for better readability):
On the client...
Meteor.startup -> 'shouldTest', (err, shouldTest) ->
if err? then throw err
if shouldTest then runTests()
# Dynamically load and run mocha. I factored this out in a separate method so
# that I can (re-)run the tests from the console whenever I like.
# NB: This assumes that you have your mocha/chai scripts in .../public/mocha.
# You can point to a CDN, too.
runTests = ->
$('head').append('<link href="/mocha/mocha.css" rel="stylesheet" />')
$.getScript '/mocha/mocha.js', ->
$.getScript '/mocha/chai.js', ->
$('body').append('<div id="mocha"> </div>')
chai.should() # ... or assert or explain ...
mocha.setup 'bdd'
loadSpecs() # This function contains your actual describe(), etc. calls.
...and on the server:
Meteor.methods 'shouldTest': -> true unless Meteor.settings.noTests # ... or whatever.
Of course you can do your client-side unit testing in the same way. For integration testing it's nice to have all Meteor infrastructure around, though.
As Blackcout said, Velocity is the official TDD framework for Meteor. But at this moment velocity's webpage doesn't offer good documentation. So I recommend you to watch:
Concept behind velocity
Step by step tutorial
And specially the Official examples
Another option, made easily available since 0.6.0, is to run your entire app out of local smart packages, with a bare minimum amount of code outside of packages to boot your app (possibly invoking a particular smart package that is the foundation of your app).
You can then leverage Meteor's Tinytest, which is great for testing Meteor apps.
Ive successfully been using xolvio:cucumber and velocity to do my testing. Works really well and runs continuously so you can always see that your tests are passing.
Meteor + TheIntern
Somehow I managed to test Meteor application with TheIntern.js.
Though it is as per my need. But still I think it may lead someone to the right direction and I am sharing what I have done to resolve this issue.
There is a execute function which allows us to run JS code thorugh which we can access browsers window object and hence Meteor also.
Want to know more about execute
This is how my test suite looks for Functional Testing
define(function (require) {
var registerSuite = require('intern!object');
var assert = require('intern/chai!assert');
name: 'index',
'greeting form': function () {
var rem = this.remote;
return this.remote
.execute(function() {
console.log("browser window object", window)
return Products.find({}).fetch().length
.then(function (text) {
assert.strictEqual(text, 2,
'Yes I can access Meteor and its Collections');
To know more, this is my gist
Note: I am still in very early phase with this solution. I don't know whether I can do complex testing with this or not. But i am pretty much confident about it.
Velocity is not mature yet. I am facing setTimeout issues to use velocity. For server side unit testing you can use this package.
It is faster than velocity. Velocity requires a huge time when I test any spec with a login. With Jasmine code we can test any server side method and publication.

Web Sockets and Web Workers... Literal?

In all of the demos I have seen thus far, Web Workers and Web Sockets apis seemed to use the "new" keyword in JavaScript. Is there another way to use these powerful tools without using the new keyword?
new is not dangerous. It returns a new object settings its prototype to that objects prototype and calling its constructor.
No where in the Mozilla dev docs does it say it's dangerous.
As answered this so question: is new harmful
I wish crockford et al wouldn't have said that because it gets boiled down to saying new is harmful and don't use it.
Use new. But don't forget to use new.

Cakephp Revision behavior hurdles validation error?

I have a CakePHP ticketing app where I am using Revision Behavior to keep revision history of each tickets. The problem I have using this behavior is, it does not display validation error messages. Here is the line I have added in the model.
public $actsAs = array('Revision' => array('limit'=>10));
When I comment this line, it displays error messages and otherwise it does not. Also, when I debug it using x-debug, I see validationErrors variable is set and has all error message values set properly.
Please shed some light here.
Edit: I am using Cake 2.1
First, be sure to get the last version of this behavior :
for integration in CAKE 2.X, the problem comes from line 980 in the createShadowModel() function:
$Model->ShadowModel->alias = $Model->alias;
The behavior gives the same alias to the base model and its shadowmodel it will save in the _revs table and that seems to mess up the validation messages.
The problem is that this behavior is loaded automatically when you access your model, and the createShadowModel() function is called even if your input doesn't validate.
One of the solution would be to comment out this line from createShadowModel() and then to add it only to every function in the behavior that will make an operation in the DB . There is surely a better way than that, like detecting in the setup() if there is need to go further to initialization, but couldn't find how to do it. So that's my first step towards at least allowing to use this behavior in Cake 2.X.
There are a few things that could be happening here. Too much for one to simply tell you what is happening since we don't have any of your code. However, I am pretty certain that this behavior, being that it was written in 2008, will have issues with CakePHP version 2.1, which just released its first alpha. There have been a lot of changes to the infrastructure of Cake that could cause this not to work. I'd say this would probably work with version 1.3 and definitely with 1.2, but getting support for 2.1 probably won't happen without updates.
That said, this is a behavior, which should only alter model code. So, there should be not impact (theoretically) on your view. Are you sure you are using the proper conventions in your code to display errors (even though commenting it out changes displayed messages).
I'd look for a 2.0+ compatible version of the behavior. Or, you could throw the code on Github and start to port it yourself. You may get some help from some Cake people.
