Location Simulation not working in Xcode 10 and iOS 12 - xcode

I am developing an app that uses GPS. In the simulator I always used the location simulation feature of Xcode which always worked for me.
I selected the Debug - Location - Freeway Drive option in Xcode 10.
Whenever I select some preset to simulate, Xcode shows the following error:
[Client] #Spi, Interrupted
GPS is enabled on the simulated device and the app has permission to access the GPS. I already tried to restart the simulator multiple times, selected another device, but no device works. Does anyone have a solution to this?

Xcode 10 is broken with respect to Location Services in my experience. I've had to go back to 9.4 to develop and debug apps, but even then I have had problems with running apps originally modified with Xcode 10 running in iOS 12.
Apple is having serious, SERIOUS quality control issues and legacy issues with each new release of Xcode and iOS. I'm very frustrated and annoyed.

I was having this issue and reseting the simulators seems to have fixed it for now:
$ xcrun simctl erase all

Simply click City Bicycle Run and then City Run in Debug -> Location in the Simulator over and over again until it works. At least it worked for me that way

I'm suffering the same issue with Xcode 10.1 and iOS 12. Several restarts of the App and toggling between different locations (None, Apple, City Bicycle Ride) make it work again.
Quite annoying

This worked intermittently as a workaround for me:
On the simulator debug menu, select location and freeway drive (or whatever you want) several times until it starts to track the location.
It also helps to build the app on the simulator again
Good luck!

Looks like the location simulator has not been fixed in Xcode 10.1 update.

In the simulator, go into device settings / Privacy / Location Services. Toggle Location Services off and then back on.


Xcode 12.3 keeps freezing

I updated to the latest AppStore release of Xcode (12.3, 12C33).
It worked fine for an hour or two. After that it started to constantly freeze after being open for a few seconds to minutes.
I've tried the following, all without success so far:
restart macOS
clear derived data
tried with different projects
updating to latest macOS 11
Any other ideas or suggestions how to fix this?
I can confirm that this is fixed in Xcode 12.5
I found an answer by Darr on the question "Xcode freezes after upgrade to 12.3" on Apple's developer forums that worked for me:
Unpairing my device connected via network and using only lightning cable seems to have resolved the issue for me.
Xcode > Window > Devices and Simulators > device > Connect via network
After going mad, I fixed this by removing all devices from Devices and Simulators (I had connect via network activated).
For now, it's working fine.
Power off your Apple Watch
Xcode may hang if the host Mac is connected to an iOS device which has one or more companion watches. The hangs occur when the watches aren't fully prepared for development, or if they are experiencing poor wireless connectivity. (72490921) (FB8945320)
Workaround: Power off the watches, or unpair them from the iPhone.
Xcode 12.4 Release Notes
You can force Xcode to freshly prepare a watch for development using these steps:
Force-quit Xcode.
Power-off and disconnect all iOS device from the Mac.
Reboot the Mac.
Launch Xcode, close all projects, and open the Devices and Simulators window.
Power-on and unlock an iOS device and its companion watchOS devices by entering the passcode as required.
Plug the iOS device into the Mac using USB cable.
Check each iOS device and each watch for any pairing request and approve the requests.
Monitor the status of device preparation in the Devices and Simulators window. If Xcode presents device-preparation errors, follow the guidance in the error message to resolve the error.
Once Xcode finishes preparing the iOS device and its companion watches for development, repeat steps 5 through 8 for each remaining iOS device and its companion watches until you verify that Xcode has prepared all devices for development. You may now open your Xcode projects and resume development.
I've been having the same problem. I had an iOS device connected via USB, unplugged it and it un-froze. Then I continued to have issue requiring force close each time.
I then clear derived data and things have been fine. I opened a StickerPack project and also had the same issue. Clearing DerivedData also fixed it.
Clear Derived Data:
Xcode pulldown menu > Preferences > Locations tab
Click the little arrow next to the path under Derived Data.
Delete the entire folder for you project. It will look like "MyAppName-bwonddotztrgkkfexrjxoncvmjit"
See this explanation about whether it's safe to delete DerivedData for your project.
I had the same problem with appstore version and someone advised to install from site, now it works fine. https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
Disable WLAN on my iMac fixes the problem currently.
Hope they will releast a fix very soon.
Xcode 12.3 is unstable and many times it crashes.
I reverted back to Xcode 12 and copied disk image of 14.3 in Device Support folder of Xcode (Contents > Developer > Platforms > iPhoneOS.platforms-DeviceSupport).
This I needed to debug on iPhone device having version iOS 14.3
I recently had similar situation. My Xcode 12.3 project could not be opened. I tried to open directly from popup that appears on start of the Xcode.
What worked for my was to downgrade Xcode to 12.2 and launch Xcode on new project. And then click my old one.
Maybe it would work without downgrading but I didn't check.
I had this problem too. I fixed it by going Devices and Simulators in the Windows file and disconnecting the iPhone reference I had for my phone when testing and app. Since the phone was no longer connected, its presence seemed to create a freeze.
In my case XCode 12.5 hangs/freezes on startup more or less instantly, right after it opens kind of an empty workspace.
I removed everything that I could imagine that deals with XCode on my machine, but it didn't help.
At the end I just used the hotkey for "Close Workspace" - Ctrl+Alt+Cmd+W
I hit this combo very often, very fast right after opening XCode and it worked!
The strange empty workspace showed up and closed instantly - now I could select other projects and everything works again.
There could be the multiple reasons and in my case reason was source control
preferences > Source Control > uncheck Enable source control
I have these performance problems with the newly updated Xcode from the AppStore to 12C33 (Xcode frozen for many seconds, instability of interface builder, etc.) only with apps which have frameworks added with cocoa pods and when working in the xcworkspace-file. (Integration of frameworks with Catharge even fail with error message 65). I'm running Xcode under macOS Catalina. Don't know what the technical reason could be, hence would appreciate if someone has an idea on this how to fix it.
Update: In the meantime I could fix it:
I eliminated my own devices from the device list and did then a deintegration and a new install of the cocoa pods for the projects. Afterwards I setup my devices again in the device list and all worked well again. Only eliminating and reintegration of my devices as described above didn't work in my case.

Xcode Project won't run on iOS Device

Xcode gives me this message every-time I try running my app on my iPhone. (Works fine on the simulator.) (And this occurs in every project I have.) (I also just downloaded Xcode again.)
This is the message I get.
App Installation Failed.
Unknown Error Occurred.
How do I fix this error?
Unplugging iOS Device and plugging it back it in fixed it for me.
Alright, it was a simple fix:
Go into Xcode Preferences -> Accounts -> More Info. Hit the refresh icon.
Clean your project. Project -> Clean.
Force quit Xcode.
Reboot Mac and Device.
If you have the same App but downloaded from AppStore, I suggest to remove the App manually from your device, then try to run the new version with XCode.
After following the suggestions in this thread (restarting iPhone, cleaning Xcode project, quitting and re-launching Xcode) and others (setting Team to None then back to my Team) and unplugging and replugging Lightning connector from my iPhone 6 I was still experiencing this problem. Xcode would even display an error that my iPhone 6 was locked, even though it was not.
I was able to fix it by unplugging the USB-A connector of the USB to Lightning cable from my MacBook Pro, then plugging it back in. I'm not sure why that made the difference, but glad that it did resolve this annoying problem.
I have this issue regularly. There are a number of techniques that help me overcome it, including the classic "turn it off and back on again."
One thing that isn't mentioned here is that the iPhone should be switched on, unlocked, connected to the mac and then the app should be run (with the iPhone unlocked). Don't lock it!
Make sure your device name doesn't have any emoji (Xcode 11.0)
if you using vpn services, then you need to turn off vpn. Works for me

Error running playground. Unable to find suitable target device

I downloaded the Swift languages's GuidedTour.playground.zip file from
Unzip it as GuidedTour.playground,
open it in Xcode 6.1.1, then the error message:
Error running playground.
Unable to find suitable target device.
I click OK button to close the error message window,
get back to the playground with the title "A Swift Tour". There is no output for any of the embedded code there. And every time I try to edit any of the code, the error message will pop up again and again.
Some people on the web had the same problem and solved it by adding some devices under the menu Window -> Devices -> SIMULATORS. I did it, but the error keeps showing.
If I click File -> New -> Playground to create a testing playground, this error message will not appear, and the testing code will run.
A week ago, I had replaced the HDD in my Early 2008 iMac with a SSD (solid state disk), recovered the whole system to the SSD from my Time Machine backup. Everything looks good until I found out that Xcode begins to refuse to run the tutorial "A Swift Tour". Before the SSD replacement, Xcode would run it. This might be related?
Thanks a lot for Raptor's kind response. I have solved this problem. I found out that I just added not enough simulators so that Xcode was unable to find suitable target device. After I added all the 10 simulators for iOS 8.1, the error is gone and the output appears.
At first, it seems that I will have to add all of them to make it work. Then after quite a few experiments by removing and adding some back and forth and restarting xcode, I cannot make sure exactly how many simulators are needed. Maybe 3 or 4.
playgrounds will run fine, assuming at least one of the following simulators are configured: iPhone 6, iPhone 6+, iPad Air, resizable iPhone, or resizable iPad.
Delete the contents of ~/Library/Developer/XCPGDevices (typically it contains a directory with a name which is the UDID of the simulated device)
At Xcode 7:
Step 1: Window > Devices > bottom left corner plus icon > add iPad Air or iPad Air 2.
Step 2: Quit and restart Xcode.
I am using Xcode Version 6.0.1. I reboot Mac (only restart Xcode didn't help) and this issue is resolved.
Hope this helps.

Cannot find executable for CFBundle CertUIFramework.axbundle

Just updated to Xcode 5 and this is the first error its throwing on the logger for all my apps. Can't seem to understand why this is happening.
2013-09-19 10:46:54.341 MyApp[1156:a0b] Cannot find executable
for CFBundle 0x8a7c7a0 </Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/
System/Library/AccessibilityBundles/CertUIFramework.axbundle> (not loaded)
Edit (11-11-2013): To everyone reading, once I waiting for a solid working solution to accept and close. The highest voted answer works until you re-open the project only.
Edit (30-09-2014): I can see this has been sorted since XCode 6 has been released! Finally
Final Edit-
Temporary workaround: click iOS Simulator > Reset Content and
Settings... and run again.
This error message may reappear at random. For me, it happens when I
launch a different application. There are several threads in Apple dev
forums and in StackOverflow about this problem, but none have a
definitive answer. This seems to be a SDK error to be fixed in the
next Xcode version.
Updated: October 3.
CREDIT - Please check this answer - Xcode 5 Error CertUIFramework.axbundle
Further Edit
Although this was potentially the issue resolution at the time. I believe some of the newer answers below relating to the better touch tool are in fact the correct resolutions.
After reading Kirill's answer I did some digging as I didn't want to disable BetterTouchTool for everything just the "iOS Simulator" and you can.
Open the "iOS Simulator" and will it as the active app go to the BTT drop-down menu from the top bar (of that screen if you have more than one) and select "Disable BTT for Current App". It will turn to a play icon when it's disabled.
Make sure the app name on the bar is still "iOS Simulator" as mine jumped to "Finder" a few times when I clicked the top bar!
Now re-set the simulator (if it doesn't work) and rebuild. You shouldn't get the error! :)
Don't forget to clear the error if it's still there. ;)
BTT seems to remember what apps it's disabled for (or at least it does when you close and re-open the app that's disabled I haven't tried a system re-boot yet).
Its easy. Go iOS simulator and reset content and setting.
If you are using XCode-5 then just reset the simulator "Reset Content and Settings" and run once again
So I was having this error too in Xcode 5 and 5.1. I wanted to figure out if it's Xcode bug or something else, so I did a fresh install of Mavericks 10.9.2 and Xcode 5.1. Everything seemed fine after multiple tests.
Here is where the problem began. I put the apps and settings that I mostly use and the error came back. So I deleted everything and started adding everything one by one. After couple days I had bingo! The problem is with BetterSnapTool and BetterTouchTool
Update 12.12.2014
Just started using Xcode 6.1 and noticed that this bug seems to be gone at least with Xcode 6.1 simulators and BTT 0.9985 versions.
As GasB pointed out, it is possible to disable BTT for certain apps. So just disable it for iOS Simulator. You just have to remember not to use gestures while using the simulator as that triggers the error message.
Simple solution:
Remove the ticks in preference pane, reset simulator and do clean build. The error message will disappear.
I had the same problem and solved it setting the 'Localization native development region' to match my systems region. In my case from 'en' to 'de'. The referenced files are stored in localized versions in your filesystem. So this setting is used to identify the needed version.
You can find that setting in your project settings at 'Info' -> 'Custom iOS Target Properties'.
Resetting the simulator ‘fixes’ it because it turns the accessibility support off. You can normally achieve the same by simply disabling the ‘Accessibility Inspector’ in the ‘Settings’ app.
If, however, you need it enabled, particularly hate this error message, and are feeling adventurous then you can use the following monkey patches to silence the error: https://gist.github.com/alloy/9277316. (Be sure to NOT include this in your release builds.)
Resetting the simulator is a PITA, I found a way to get rid of these messages without having to to this:
go to Settings > Accessibility
turn on Accessibility Inspector
turn off Accessibility Inspector
quit Simulator
I had this problem with Xcode 5 in ML 10.8.5
I re-installed Mountain Lion (in a Parallels' VM), then update ML to 10.8.5.
Then installrd Xcode 5, and it's worked fine.
I think that the error is caused by a third SW installed in ML.
The application Moom is also causing this issue, and I couldn't find a way to disable it for just the iOS Simulator. So for now I disabled it's accessibility features.
I'm on Mavericks (10.9.3) and encountered the same error in xCode(5.1.1).
I tried anything - reinstalling xCode from both AppStore and dmg. Resetting the emulator resulted in the same error and deleting the Simulator SDK folder gave no results too.
The issue on my end was indeed Moom as mentioned by #aorcsik! Disabling it's accessibility, followed by clean (cmd+shift+k) in xCode cleared the error.
Open Disk Utility and apply Repair Disk Permissions in Macintosh HD.
After doing above step, apply Reset Contents and Settings in iOS Simulator.
This above solution can definitely fix your problem.
I had this problem, and none of the answers in this thread could fix it. Mine was simple UI with a UIDatePicker. I resolved it by removing the UIDatePicker and the associated code, then added them in again. Problem solved!
For me it was Keyboard Maestro, adding the simulator to Maestro's exclude list silenced the warnings

Xcode not detecting my device

I upgraded my iPad device OS version recently to 5.1.1 (9B206). From that my Xcode is not detecting my device. Am just getting iOS Device and simulator options in my Xcode. But am getting my device in older version of Xcode and iTunes. For this i updated my MAC OS version to 10.7.4 and Xcode version to 4.3.3. But still am facing the same problem. Now how to make my Xcode to detect my device?
This Worked for me.
Quit Xcode.
Disconnect the device.
In a terminal window, type: sudo pkill usbmuxd (it will be restarted
again automatically)
Restart Xcode
Connect the device
Your device should now be visible again in Xcode!
Open the Organizer in Xcode, go to devices, find your device and click the option to use for development
I just plugged into another USB port and it detected by device.
In another case, check the "iOS Deployment Target" in "Build Settings",
if the target iOS version number is great than the version of device,
then the device will not show in the list.
Say that, the "iOS Deployment Target" == 7.0, and the version of device is 6.0,
to solve the problem by change the "iOS Deployment Target" to 6.0 or lower.
If the chosen answer still does not work for you try this:
Select the project in project explorer
Select the target on the main window
Select Build Settings
Select Deployment
Select iOS Deployment Target. Change it to the version of your device. (e.g. iOS 5.1)
I was also faced the same issue in Xcode, my device was not detected after update the Xcode latest version(7.3.1)
Done so many things what suggested in the web-search but still the device was not detected.
Finally, I just quit and open the Xcode my device was detected(oh my bad).
This SO answer solved it for me https://stackoverflow.com/a/56054170/5813473 .
sudo killall -STOP -c usbd
did the magic.
Well later I had to unplug/plug in again at occasions, but that 'killall' really solved the original issue.
Most recently, Xcode 8.3 and iOS 10.3 seems to have more security around Xcode accessing the iPad/iPhone. My sequence:
Rebooted the machine,
Attached the iPad,
Gone through a "trust this computer" security cycle on both iMac and iPad
Xcode can now see the device
Sometimes restarting Xcode helps. Give it a shot.
In my case, restarting Mac worked and no other solution.
I updated my iPad (it's in Settings -> General -> Software Update, near the top) and restarted my computer and Xcode sees it now.
FWIW I tried all the tips in this thread and nothing would work: from reboots, command line statements, unplugging, different USBC ports, etc. I also tried something not mentioned here (yet) by going to "Settings > General > Reset > Reset Location & Privacy" ... however even this didn't work.
Later on in the evening I was in a different room of the house and out of nowhere I got the "Trust This Computer" prompt on my iPad. I of course tapped "Trust" or whatever and then magically my Mac laptop finally sees my iPad.
I realize I'm not really giving a helpful tip/fix here - just sharing how things went for me in case anyone finds useful.
iPad: iOS 13.4.1 | Macbook laptop: OSX 12.3.1
Recently (2022) I've noticed that the iPad prompt to "Trust this Computer" won't appear unless using an Apple USB-C cable. Apple reps assure me they aren't doing any funny business here, but I have tried every cable I can find, including several thunderbolt 3 and 4 cables and Anker cables. Worth trying an Apple cable if still having problems.
Just simple, close the project on your XCode. Just right-click on the XCode in the taskbar and give a quit option. After open the XCode from the directory, it will detect your device. It also work on Xcode version 11.2.1
close your project or XCode.
Give Right click on the Xcode in MAC tabbar and give the Quit option.
Reopen the project from your finder(project place).
The device will be automatically detected.
Open the Windows in Xcode, go to devices. If Device is visible in Left side, Right click and select "Show in Destination Menu".
