how to use the MVC in octobercms - model-view-controller

i want to create an application octobercms
and for that I started to create .htm pages in a new theme
but I do not know how to handle the data from these pages
how to use MVC in octobercms
is it necessary to create a plugin for using model view controller?

Basically the answer to that is yes, you should create a plugin.
I highly recommend you use the excellent Builder plugin. This will give you a nice GUI for creating your plugin and will generate the basic required files. After using Builder to get the basics setup for you, it is easy to modify the files as needed.


Need solution to make multi-language website using codeigniter, that contents from database should also convert into selected language

I want to implement the option for multi-language on my website. I am using codeigniter framework, and I already implement the codeigniter language library that convert all labels to desire language. But I want my website should also be able to convert the contents from database into desired language.
How can i do that?
Have a look on this tutorial.
Creating multilingual website using codeigniter

ASP.NET MVC 5 per user custom built views with widgets

I want to make an MVC 5 app that will allow users to customize views/pages, create new ones. On the custom pages they can set-up widgets and be able to save the views. Also they should be able to setup the default view that will be loaded by default.
Any ideas how can I achieve this? I believe the views should be saved in the database.
I found this template engine RazorEngine. This seams to be what I am looking for. Anybody has any experience using RazorEngine?
I think you should try some CMS like dotnetnuke etc. other wise build your own framework for all the things so that it can save and fetch your details to and from database.

View creation in codeigniter

I am using Codeigniter to developing an application. My doubt is in the view i am using normal html tags. Is it a good method or should I use codeigniter's native tags for creating html tags?
the best way is:
you should use the codeigniter native tags, because, it achieves the better security mechanaism the ci framework have. (security features such as xss_clean are worked with the ci tags)...

Building an online MVC architecture description

I would like to create for my Yii application, a site where I can describe each model, view and controller used. However, doing this for each and everyone of my classes would be an extremely long task which I believe might already be solved out there.
Is there a way to automatically create an site with each model/view/controller and its methods, so then I can add a description to it?
Have you tried phpDocumentor It's crawls your PHP files' comments and generates a simple website for them in the spirit of JavaDocs.
Or, better still, there is a custom extension you can use to build docs like those on the Yii site call Yii Docs Generator See the details at
I would take a look at T4MVC - it uses a T4 template to generate code for each controller / method. Maybe you could utilize it.
Have you looked into the Gii module of yii. Once you create the tables it can produce models and then CRUD (create, update, delete) pages. Excluding the database there would be no programming required. And then you have the full source in a readable and documented form to manipulate and change to suite your needs.
If you wan't something a bit more advanced or custom you could extend Gii and produce some of your own templates
Larry Ullman has a really nice series on Learning the Yii Framework. In part 3 of the series, he walks you through configuring Yii and enabling Gii, a web-based automated code generation tool for Yii. In part 5, he shows you how to use it to generate the code for your models. The whole series is a really nice introduction to Yii, I recommend it.

Joomla CMS and Spring Framework

I want to create a Web application by combining Joomla CMS with Spring Framework. What would be the best way to build/use a single sign-on for both?. All the pages on the website will be serviced by Joomla CMS, but those that require authentication/authorization will be done with Spring Framework. The later will retrieve widgets from Joomla CMS to ensure the same User Interface.
I would appreciate any suggestion or pointer to information about this topic
You can overload Joomla User plug-in, save/edit/delete/login/etc. This will hep you understand user event that you will need to implement, Also look at the following file plugins/user/example.php
In my opinion, mixing 2 different languages PHP and Java in 1 project is a little extreme. I would keep the projects separate and created my own Joomla/Spring Field API. Then would make API call in Joomla components/modules/plug-ins to integrate with Spring Framework.
Another thing, do not modify Joomla's native code to achieve what you want (I mean don't rewrite base classes that Joomla uses). Instead create your own library in the /libraries/ directory and extend the classes. If you decide to adopt API, you might want to have some API object in your model. Create your own base model /libraries/your_lib/application/component/ then when you are creating a model in the component change the import code to jimport('your_lib.application.component.model')
IOPLEX sell a Java library (Jespa) to provide single signon using Windows NTLM credentials, they also have a Joomla plugin. Could be appropriate if you're authenticating against ActiveDirectory and have Windows clients.
i think using web service will give the chance to not touch the basic code of joomla because joomla give you hand to make an xmlrpc , and you have to keep in mind the session controle the best think is to let joomla manage session and creating a user plugin to make a specifique action in the login and logout event. hope will help.
