View creation in codeigniter - codeigniter

I am using Codeigniter to developing an application. My doubt is in the view i am using normal html tags. Is it a good method or should I use codeigniter's native tags for creating html tags?

the best way is:
you should use the codeigniter native tags, because, it achieves the better security mechanaism the ci framework have. (security features such as xss_clean are worked with the ci tags)...


how to use the MVC in octobercms

i want to create an application octobercms
and for that I started to create .htm pages in a new theme
but I do not know how to handle the data from these pages
how to use MVC in octobercms
is it necessary to create a plugin for using model view controller?
Basically the answer to that is yes, you should create a plugin.
I highly recommend you use the excellent Builder plugin. This will give you a nice GUI for creating your plugin and will generate the basic required files. After using Builder to get the basics setup for you, it is easy to modify the files as needed.

Need solution to make multi-language website using codeigniter, that contents from database should also convert into selected language

I want to implement the option for multi-language on my website. I am using codeigniter framework, and I already implement the codeigniter language library that convert all labels to desire language. But I want my website should also be able to convert the contents from database into desired language.
How can i do that?
Have a look on this tutorial.
Creating multilingual website using codeigniter

Using HTML instead of CodeIgniter helpers in views

In the views in codeigniter, we can write code for forms using codeigniter. For example for an url the code in codeigniter is:
My question is whether is better write this code with html in the views:
It's an example, but the question is with all HTML helpers for views. CodeIgniter's user guide suggests to use PHP functions rather than code html. The php code requests to the server while html does not. Is better use the CodeIgniter for HTML? I don't know if when I use CodeIgniter's helpers, the framework has contemplated these requests.
I apologize for my english. Thanks for your answer.
The reason you want to use CodeIgniters library is for the ability to quickly modify your HTML elements site-wide with very little work. For instance, let's say you wanted all <a> tags on your site to have a class added called "ajax". Using the anchor helper, you can accomplish this easily.
That said, I don't really foresee many solutions where you will be changing HTML elements site-wide. With semantic HTML, CSS, and Javascript I think you will be perfectly fine without having to use CodeIgniters HTML helpers. Also in my opinion your code will be much more readable. Use HTML.
Regarding performance
When you say "code php does requests to the server while html, no" you're wrong because whenever someone visits your site they are requesting the server. The question here is how much work the PHP engine is doing versus just your normal webserver. In this case, a function call is trivial for PHP and shouldn't be considered performance wise.
Regarding urls
The answer by Pi is focused on the fact that URL resolution in CodeIgniter can be weird, but with proper .htaccess or web.config configurations you should be able to use vanilla hrefs without using CodeIgniter functions.
You should not use
Because it might not work everywhere. But if you use this:
There will be no big difference. Pure HTML is a bit faster but unless you have a high traffic website that does not matter. Using the CI function is nice if you are in a library because you do not want to mix PHP and HTML to much to keep up the Model-View-Controller concept. What you use in a view is a matter of style what you like more.
Personally I think the codeigniter form functions are not very good and I am often use html instead.

MVC sitemap provider & css styling

Does anyone know how to customise the rendering of the MVC sitemap provider so my ul element has a specific css class?
Try MvcSiteMapProvider hosted on CodePlex. You should be able to fairly easily migrate your existing Sitemap file to the slightly different but essentially compatible format. This will give you the ability to output your sitemap using the simple Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMap() helper method.
The source of the project includes the default templates which you can edit to produce any rendering you like...or just pass in the name of a template in accordance with MVC convention. The model types you'll be rendering are SiteMapHelperModel, SiteMapNodeModel and SiteMapNodeModelList (namespaces removed for terseness).
I appreciate this may not be exactly what you're after as it relies on a 3rd party tool but its a useful project that supports much more than just rendering sitemaps. You'll want version 3.0.0 for MVC3.

Codeigniter: How can I use codeigniter's default view system along with smarty templates

I don't want to remove smarty templates from controllers. In some actions of controllers, I want to use default view system of codeigniter, while on other actions, I want to keep SMARTY templates as display medium. How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance
I've been developing a CI Smarty library for Codeigniter. It lets you use default Codeigniter views and lets you render Smarty templates using the Codeigniter template parser as I am extending it.
Here is the repository:
As it stands, it works really well. If you have any problems, log an issue on Github and I'll fix it usually within 24 hours. Other solutions are mostly outdated, my library lets you use new Smarty 3 features like template inheritance, etc.
Look in the CodeIgniter Wiki -
And a thread in the official forum:
