Building an online MVC architecture description - model-view-controller

I would like to create for my Yii application, a site where I can describe each model, view and controller used. However, doing this for each and everyone of my classes would be an extremely long task which I believe might already be solved out there.
Is there a way to automatically create an site with each model/view/controller and its methods, so then I can add a description to it?

Have you tried phpDocumentor It's crawls your PHP files' comments and generates a simple website for them in the spirit of JavaDocs.
Or, better still, there is a custom extension you can use to build docs like those on the Yii site call Yii Docs Generator See the details at

I would take a look at T4MVC - it uses a T4 template to generate code for each controller / method. Maybe you could utilize it.

Have you looked into the Gii module of yii. Once you create the tables it can produce models and then CRUD (create, update, delete) pages. Excluding the database there would be no programming required. And then you have the full source in a readable and documented form to manipulate and change to suite your needs.
If you wan't something a bit more advanced or custom you could extend Gii and produce some of your own templates

Larry Ullman has a really nice series on Learning the Yii Framework. In part 3 of the series, he walks you through configuring Yii and enabling Gii, a web-based automated code generation tool for Yii. In part 5, he shows you how to use it to generate the code for your models. The whole series is a really nice introduction to Yii, I recommend it.


What is the correct approach to learn Codeigniter?

In the last 3 months, i have learnt html, css, js and php and now i'm trying to learn Framework Codeigniter. My teacher gave me a rough idea abt MVC and asked me to download a project made on codeigniter from internet and edit it.
I downloaded a login form project and tried to read it. But i'm still kind of confused how everything works. i hv 2 questions:
What is the correct approach to learn codeigniter?
In how many days one can learn codeigniter? (i practice around 6-7 hrs a day)
The best way to learn codeigniter is to read the manual of codeigniter
Because, codeigniter framework is so much popular for their well formatted and clean documentation.
Or you can check this for beginner level tutorial
Or if you want to learn codeigniter by doing practical projects then you can follow this link
I learned CI over a weekend using this technique.
Start with simply setting up a 2 page site.
Home and About Us.
Pass simple string variables from the controllers to the views.
Next, bring a model into it.
Make a method in your model that returns some plain text, to the controller and finally to the model.
Next, make the model actually make a request to your database and return the result to the constructor then view.
After that try these:
write a helper function
Try making a basic route
Log a debugging message
upload a file from a form using the upload library
That's a good grounding in CI
Keep in mind Codeigniter is no longer in development also.
If your keen on sticking with PHP, you might want to check out the similar active project called "Laravel" after getting the hang of CIs very simple MVC structure.
Good luck!
the common way is read their manual and follow the guide, the another approach is search youtube for codeigniter turial, there are many good tutorial out there and easy to follow for example here is my result in the first place for keyword "codeigniter tutorial"

best CRUD library for codeignitier?

Using codeigniter 2. Don't want to reinvent the wheel. Have tried Grocery_CRUD and found it takes as long, or longer, to learn it that it did to learn codeigniter.
Looking for crud library that makes sense, easy to learn so I don't reinvent the wheel.
Many thanks for any ideas.
You can use
It's easy to use with codeigniter.
Sample use
Also you can take look at
This is very basic base model class for CI
Subjective but take a look at
Why don't you try MY_Model to do all the CRUD functionality?
Just want to inform all you that I have released CRUDDER. This is a plug-in module for your application that works as a CRUD solution, ideal for systems back-ends.
CRUDDER is developed using CodeIgniter and Bootstrap for look&feel. You can develop your own skin appart from the Bootstrapped one. Full localization is possible. CRUDDER is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. The interfaces always show on-line help tips related to the CRUDDER itself and also to your database characteristics.
I'm attaching here an image of the CRUDDER example contained in the product web page so you can figure how easy it's to use.
On the other hand, you will find that configuration is very easy. There is no need to write code other than your own custom validation rules (more powerful than the CodeIgniter ones). There are only two classes: one contains all the functionality code and the other, Crudderconfig, encapsulates the configuration and localization parameters.
In contrast to other commonly used open-source CRUD solutions available, in CRUDDER all the table-and-field-specific metadata don't require to write code. All of this is contained in two "metatables", that can also be managed using the CRUDDER itself... so you use the CRUDDER to create your own CRUD rules (don't need to use phpMyAdmin, for example). This is a plus for users seeking for simplicity.
A full list of features is available:
Open the project web page
Among them:
Pluggable to applications not developed with CodeIgniter.
Sort, filter and pagination features, among others.
Soft deletes with unique-index collision avoidance.
Automatic menu-type form fields based on other tables content.
Extensible event triggering when a value is changed in a form.
Interface help tips for fields are contained in the database.
Designed with strong security in mind.
Take a look! Write me if you like it, have questions or want another functionality.
CRUDDER is released under the GNU LGPL license.

what is simple MVC based PHP blogging application?

I am searching for a Blogging tools like wordpress. But I want MVC based tools to extend my blog with MVC structure.
My main requirements is
Must be based on MVC
Simple & lightweight
it's blog url structure should be , because my current wordpress blog is like that, I don't want to lose Facebook Share and Tweets.
I want a simple one, because this is learning only.
Clarifying: if a CMS you use is based on a MVC design pattern or not is irrelevant to you as an user, except if you want to meddle with its inner workings (which you don't - a CMS is made to be used and possibly extended, but in 99% of use cases, if it isn't extendable to your needs, changing the source code is a bad idea, as it will most likely break with any updates you may want to make)
You may want a MVC framework, which will in turn allow you to **code** a CMS of your own, or use a good, extendable, CMS app
The one I use is ProcessWire, which is a CMS/CMF (F stands for Framework) php app, and seems to be the kind of thing you are looking for - it manages your content for you (the default installation comes with a few demo pages) but you define the fields, and you use them to display your content at will. Check it out - the user forum is quite active, and people there are really helpful.
Well there are tons of Content Managment System Based on MVC frameworks (eg . CodeIgniter ) . I personally recommend Pyro ( Based on CodeIgniter) but other also seem promising . but i don't know much since i haven't tried .
Note that this is a highly relative question and will bring forth a ton of opinions and not real answers. With that in mind, here is my answer.
I know of a tool that you can use to install an MVC template for and on top of ProcessWire along with basic project managing tasks using gulp. Note, the M will be considered ProcessWire.
Have a look on and look at the profile of fixate and repo generator-fixate-pw. (ie: generator-fixate-pw, added the sentence if the link breaks).
Install this by following the instructions on the repository. The tool is very specific but learning to use the framework helped improve my php skills allot (still learning allot).
Whether the CMS will be used as a blog or not will depend on your implementation of the install.

ASP.NET - MVC 3: Localization

I am about to implement localization for my MVC3 web application. Googling my way through large amounts of ways to do it, I was left unsure which way to implement this. I found few ways how to do it:
First option I found was to use App_GlobalResources and ViewData and culture select with Map Routing. (Link)
Second was to make a separate Resources folder in my project and structure it like Model and View folders. Then create the resource files in those folders. To use those resource strings would be like using the Viewbag. Then edit the Global.asax to handle culture changing and create a partial view to allow changing cultures. The instructions to do this are very thorough so this might be the best bet.
Third was to use DisplayAttribute and resx-files. This one was a bit hazy, I could not find the sort of information so that I could grasp how this actually is implemented and its restrictions. (Link)
Fourth was to create a custom class to handle resources. This seemed pretty fancy and easy to implement and use but no real information was found if it actually worked. (Link)
Then I found a post that warned about using the App_GlobalResouces and App_LocalResources. (Link)
After going through possible ways of doing localization. I could not find a way which was universally approved or accepted. This left me pondering, which of these, or some I didn't find, would be the best way to implement localization in ASP.NET MVC3?
Then I found a post that warned about
using the App_GlobalResouces and
App_LocalResources. (Link)
I found that post extremely useful. The method explained there is very clean. Here is a snippet of my newly created index view using that method:
#using Resources.Index
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
I don't think there is a definitive do-it-this-way-or-else method, so going for the cleanest method seems to me like a good deal.
I've come up with an easier way to handle localization where you don't have to use resource files or attributes. It involves custom metadata providers.
MVC3 uses metadata providers to get all text strings. My approach allows you to either use string tables, a database, flat files or any other source to provide the translations. All you need to do is to inherit two interfaces.
Read about it here:
Everything is now documented at github and there are nuget packages:

customizing componnet in joomla

i have created a component using this component creator how can i add a simple registration form in that and also make its backend looks like the other component
The name of that utility is a little misleading since it only creates the structure of a component. If you want to add functionality to the structure created you will need to actually put in the code that does what ever you need it to do. Think of this as the foundation and framework of a house. You actually have to put the walls up and furnish it.
It would probably be helpful to understand the files that have been created for you so you know what needs to be added. I would recommend learning how to build a component from scratch first. Joomla has pretty good documentation on that here -
i have develop the Lots of component from this site .
1) First Create the components and give the name and crrate the require field fo the registration from .and save the components then after the download this components.
2) Install the components in your joomla site.
3) Go to the Fornt-end view components folder. and create a form in the default.php page and save and update operation query is written in the model .
Your Registration page is ready.
This tutorial is the best I have come across so far. It will hopefully guide you to understand the MVC structure that the component generating site delivers to you.
I am actually the developer of the Component Creator you have used. It only creates the MVC files and structures needed to quickly create a component. You still need quite good PHP skills to develop a fully working component.
The component creator helps developers with the tedious tasks of building the framework.
