How to select specific element list - sorting

I want to select a specific value provided by functions.
For example, p-value of shapiro.test.
Later to use unlist, I get lost in the next step to obtain this goal.
A<-lapply(df, shapiro.test);B<-data.frame(unlist(A))

for(i in 1:3){
It is possible to select in the same way presented in the loop.
The result with the method B is:
A.statistic.W A.p.value A.method "0.861406032778689" "0.0792763017546299" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "X[[i]]"
B.statistic.W B.p.value B.method
"0.924827600249041" "0.398982034565022" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "X[[i]]"
C.statistic.W C.p.value C.method
"0.944304879567238" "0.601828906713825" "Shapiro-Wilk normality test" "X[[i]]"
The result after the loop is this:
Column W p
1 A 0.8614060 0.0792763
2 B 0.9248276 0.3989820
3 C 0.9443049 0.6018289


How to solve the error ' [not a vector ]'

I ran this code to find the norm of some fundamnetal units of a biqaudratic number field, but I faced following problem
for (q=5, 200, for(p=q+1, 200, if (isprime(p)==1 && isprime(q)==1 ,k1=bnfinit(y^2-2*p,1); k2=bnfinit(y^2-q,1); k3=bnfinit(y^2-2*p*q,1); ep1=k1[8][5][1]; ep2=k2[8][5][1]; ep3=k3[8][5][1]; normep1=nfeltnorm(k1,ep1); normep2=nfeltnorm(k2,ep2); normep3=nfeltnorm(k3,ep3); li=[[q,p], [normep1, normep2, normep3]]; lis4=concat(lis4,[li]))))
and it works for small p and q. However, when I ran that for p and q greater than 150, it gives the following error:
First, I didn't use the flag=1 for bnf, but after adding that, still I get the same error.
Please, do not use indexing like ...[8][5][1] to get the fundamental units (FU). It seems that bnfinit omits FU matrix for some p and q. Instead, use the member function fu to receive FU. Please, find the example below:
> [q, p] = [23, 109];
> k = bnfinit(y^2 - 2*p*q, 1);
> k[8][5]
> k[8][5][1] \\ you will get the error here trying to index the empty matrix.
incorrect type in _[_] OCcompo1 [not a vector] (t_MAT).
> k.fu
[Mod(-355285121749346859670064114879166870*y - 25157598731408198132266996072608016699, y^2 - 5014)]
> norm(k.fu[1])

Get line number where first occurrence of a value appears?

I have a CSV file like below:
E Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Mean
1 0.7019 0.6734 0.6599 0.6511 0.701 0.6977 0.680833333
2 0.6421 0.6478 0.6095 0.608 0.6525 0.6285 0.6314
3 0.6039 0.6096 0.563 0.5539 0.6218 0.5716 0.5873
4 0.5564 0.5545 0.5138 0.4962 0.5781 0.5154 0.535733333
5 0.5056 0.4972 0.4704 0.4488 0.5245 0.4694 0.485983333
I'm trying to use find the row number where the final column has a value below a certain range. For example, below 0.6.
Using the above CSV file, I want to return 3 because E = 3 is the first row where Mean <= 0.60. If there is no value below 0.6 I want to return 0. I am in effect returning the value in the first column based on the final column.
I plan to initialize this number as a constant in gnuplot. How can this be done? I've tagged awk because I think it's related.
In case you want a gnuplot-only version... if you use a file remove the datablock and replace $Data by your filename in " ".
Edit: You can do it without a dummy table, it can be done shorter with stats (check help stats). Even shorter than the accepted solution (well, we are not at code golf here), but additionally platform-independent because it's gnuplot-only.
Furthermore, in case E could be any number, i.e. 0 as well, then it might be better
to first assign E = NaN and then compare E to NaN (see here: gnuplot: How to compare to NaN?).
### conditional extraction into a variable
reset session
$Data <<EOD
E Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Mean
1 0.7019 0.6734 0.6599 0.6511 0.701 0.6977 0.680833333
2 0.6421 0.6478 0.6095 0.608 0.6525 0.6285 0.6314
3 0.6039 0.6096 0.563 0.5539 0.6218 0.5716 0.5873
4 0.5564 0.5545 0.5138 0.4962 0.5781 0.5154 0.535733333
5 0.5056 0.4972 0.4704 0.4488 0.5245 0.4694 0.485983333
E = NaN
stats $Data u ($8<=0.6 && E!=E? E=$1 : 0) nooutput
print E
### end of script
Actually, OP wants to return E=0 if the condition was not met. Then the script would be like this:
stats $Data u ($8<=0.6 && E==0? E=$1 : 0) nooutput
Another awk. You could initialize the default return value to var ret in BEGIN but since it's 0 there is really no point as empty var+0 produces the same effect. If the threshold value of 0.6 is not met before the ENDis reached, that is returned. If it is met, exit invokes the END and ret is output:
$ awk '
NR>1 && $NF<0.6 { # final column has a value below a certain range
ret=$1 # I want to return 3 because E = 3
print ret+0
}' file
Something like this should do the trick:
awk 'NR>1 && $8<.6 {print $1;fnd=1;exit}END{if(!fnd){print 0}}' yourfile

Ruby splitting a record into multiple records based on contents of a field

Record layout contains two fields:
Test Names
Example record:
R00000001,"4 Calprotectin, 1 Luminex xTAG, 8 H. pylori stool antigen (IgA), 9 Lactoferrin, 3 Anti-gliadin IgA, 10 H. pylori Panel, 6 Fecal Fat, 11 Antibiotic Resistance Panel, 2 C. difficile Tox A/ Tox B, 5 Elastase, 7 Fecal Occult Blood, 12 Shigella"
The current Ruby code snippet that is used in the LIMS (Lab Info Management System) system is this:
subj.get_value('Tests').join(', ')
What I need to be able to do in the Ruby code snippet is create a new record off each comma-separated value in the second field.
the amount of values in the 'Test Names' field varies from 1 to 20...or more.
There can be 100's of Requistion records
Final result would be:
R00000001,"4 Calprotectin"
R00000001,"1 Luminex xTAG"
R00000001,"8 H. pylori stool antigen (IgA)"
R00000001,"9 Lactoferrin"
R00000001,"3 Anti-gliadin IgA"
R00000001,"10 H. pylori Panel"
R00000001,"6 Fecal Fat"
R00000001,"11 Antibiotic Resistance Panel"
R00000001,"2 C. difficile Tox A/ Tox B"
R00000001,"5 Elastase"
R00000001,"7 Fecal Occult Blood"
R00000001,"12 Shigella"
If your data is a reliable string which you've shown in your example, here's your method:
data = subj.get_value('Tests').join(', ') # assuming this gives your string obj.
def split_data(data)
arr = data.gsub('"','').split(',') {|l| "#{arr[0]} \"#{l.strip}\""}[1..-1]
puts split_data(data)

Redis Sorted Set: Bulk ZSCORE

How to get a list of members based on their ID from a sorted set instead of just one member?
I would like to build a subset with a set of IDs from the actual sorted set.
I am using a Ruby client for Redis and do not want to iterate one by one. Because there could more than 3000 members that I want to lookup.
Here is the issue tracker to a new command ZMSCORE to do bulk ZSCORE.
There is no variadic form for ZSCORE, yet - see the discussion at:
That said, and for the time being, what you could do is use a Lua script for that. For example:
local scores = {}
while #ARGV > 0 do
scores[#scores+1] ='ZSCORE', KEYS[1], table.remove(ARGV, 1))
return scores
Running this from the command line would look like:
$ redis-cli ZADD foo 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d
(integer) 4
$ redis-cli --eval mzscore.lua foo , b d
1) "2"
2) "4"
EDIT: In Ruby, it would probably be something like the following, although you'd be better off using SCRIPT LOAD and EVALSHA and loading the script from an external file (instead of hardcoding it in the app):
require 'redis'
script = <<LUA
local scores = {}
while #ARGV > 0 do
scores[#scores+1] ='ZSCORE', KEYS[1], table.remove(ARGV, 1))
return scores
redis =
reply = redis.eval(script, ["foo"], ["b", "d"])
Lua script to get scores with member IDs:
local scores = {}
while #ARGV > 0 do
local member_id = table.remove(ARGV, 1)
local member_score = {}
member_score[1] = member_id
member_score[2] ='ZSCORE', KEYS[1], member_id)
scores[#scores + 1] = member_score
return scores

Cucumber and variables internal to methods called indirectly

Please note: I am new to TDD & cucumber, so the answer may be very easy.
I am creating a basic image editor for a test (the image is just a sequence of letters).
I have written a Cucumber story:
Scenario Outline: edit commands
Given I start the editor
And a 3 x 3 image is created
When I type the command <command>
Then the image should look like <image>
The step
Scenarios: colour single pixel
| command | image |
| L 1 2 C | OOOCOOOOO |
always fails, returning
expected: "OOOCOOOOO"
got: " OOOOOOOO" (using ==) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
This is the step code:
When /^I type the command (.*)$/ do |command|
#editor.exec_cmd(command).should be
The function exec_cmd in the program recognizes the command and launches the appropriate action. In this case it will launch the following
def colorize_pixel(x, y, color)
if !#image.nil?
x = x.to_i
y = y.to_i
pos = (y - 1) * #image[:columns] + x
#image[:content].insert(pos, color).slice!(pos - 1)
#messenger.puts "There's no image. Create one first!"
However, this always fails unless I hardcode the values of the two local variables (pos and color) in the function in the program itself.
Why? It doesn's seem I'm doing anything wrong in the program itself: the function does what it's supposed to do and those two variables are only useful locally. So I'd think this is a problem with my use of cucumber. How do I properly test this?
def exec_cmd(cmd = nil)
if !cmd.nil?
case cmd.split.first
when "I" then create_image(cmd[1], cmd[2])
when "S" then show_image
when "C" then clear_table
when "L" then colorize_pixel(cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3])
#messenger.puts "Incorrect command. " + "Commands available: I C L V H F S X."
#messenger.puts "Please enter a command."
When /^I type the command (.*)$/ do |command|
#output = #editor.exec_cmd(command)
Then /^the image should look like (.)*$/ do |expected_image|
#output.should == expected_image
Hope this may help you.
It's not a cucumber issue.
The problem was that, in exec_cmd, split was called only in the "case" clause, not in the "when"s. This meant that, since the command's format was "a 1 2 b", cmd[1] in the "when" would call the second character of the string, a space, not the second value of the array, and the other functions would convert that to_i, returning 0.
I changed exec_cmd like this:
def exec_cmd(cmd = nil)
if !cmd.nil?
cmd = cmd.split
case cmd.first
when "I" then create_image(cmd[1], cmd[2])
which fixed the issue.
