Get line number where first occurrence of a value appears? - bash

I have a CSV file like below:
E Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Mean
1 0.7019 0.6734 0.6599 0.6511 0.701 0.6977 0.680833333
2 0.6421 0.6478 0.6095 0.608 0.6525 0.6285 0.6314
3 0.6039 0.6096 0.563 0.5539 0.6218 0.5716 0.5873
4 0.5564 0.5545 0.5138 0.4962 0.5781 0.5154 0.535733333
5 0.5056 0.4972 0.4704 0.4488 0.5245 0.4694 0.485983333
I'm trying to use find the row number where the final column has a value below a certain range. For example, below 0.6.
Using the above CSV file, I want to return 3 because E = 3 is the first row where Mean <= 0.60. If there is no value below 0.6 I want to return 0. I am in effect returning the value in the first column based on the final column.
I plan to initialize this number as a constant in gnuplot. How can this be done? I've tagged awk because I think it's related.

In case you want a gnuplot-only version... if you use a file remove the datablock and replace $Data by your filename in " ".
Edit: You can do it without a dummy table, it can be done shorter with stats (check help stats). Even shorter than the accepted solution (well, we are not at code golf here), but additionally platform-independent because it's gnuplot-only.
Furthermore, in case E could be any number, i.e. 0 as well, then it might be better
to first assign E = NaN and then compare E to NaN (see here: gnuplot: How to compare to NaN?).
### conditional extraction into a variable
reset session
$Data <<EOD
E Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Mean
1 0.7019 0.6734 0.6599 0.6511 0.701 0.6977 0.680833333
2 0.6421 0.6478 0.6095 0.608 0.6525 0.6285 0.6314
3 0.6039 0.6096 0.563 0.5539 0.6218 0.5716 0.5873
4 0.5564 0.5545 0.5138 0.4962 0.5781 0.5154 0.535733333
5 0.5056 0.4972 0.4704 0.4488 0.5245 0.4694 0.485983333
E = NaN
stats $Data u ($8<=0.6 && E!=E? E=$1 : 0) nooutput
print E
### end of script
Actually, OP wants to return E=0 if the condition was not met. Then the script would be like this:
stats $Data u ($8<=0.6 && E==0? E=$1 : 0) nooutput

Another awk. You could initialize the default return value to var ret in BEGIN but since it's 0 there is really no point as empty var+0 produces the same effect. If the threshold value of 0.6 is not met before the ENDis reached, that is returned. If it is met, exit invokes the END and ret is output:
$ awk '
NR>1 && $NF<0.6 { # final column has a value below a certain range
ret=$1 # I want to return 3 because E = 3
print ret+0
}' file

Something like this should do the trick:
awk 'NR>1 && $8<.6 {print $1;fnd=1;exit}END{if(!fnd){print 0}}' yourfile


Histogram of occurrences from different datafiles

The results of my program simulations are several datafiles with the first column indicate success (=0) or error (=1) and the second column is the simulation time in seconds.
An example of these two columns is:
1 185.48736852299064
1 199.44533672989186
1 207.35654106612733
1 213.5214031236177
1 215.50576147950017
0 219.62444310777695
0 222.26750248416354
0 236.1402270910635
1 238.5124609287994
0 246.4538392581228
. .
. .
. .
1 307.482605596962
1 329.16494123373445
0 329.6454558227778
1 330.52804695995303
0 332.0673690346546
0 358.3001385706268
0 359.82271742496414
1 400.8162129871805
0 404.88783391725985
1 411.27012219170393
I can make a frequency plot (histogram) of the errors (1's) binning the data.
set encoding iso_8859_1
set key left top
set ylabel "P_{error}"
set xlabel "Time [s]"
set size 1.4, 1.2
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color "Helvetica" 16
set grid ytics
set key spacing 1.5
set style fill transparent solid 0.3
`grep '^ 1' lookup-ratio-50-0.0034-50-7-20-10-3-1.txt | awk '{print $2}' > t7.dat`
stats 't7.dat' u 1
set output "t7.eps"
plot 't7.dat' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0/STATS_records) smooth freq with boxes lc rgb "midnight-blue" title "7x7_P_error"
The result
I want to improve the Gnuplot above to and include the rest of datafiles lookup-.....-.txt and their error samples, and join them in the same frequency plot.
I would like also avoiding the use of intermediate files like t7.dat.
Besides, I would like to plot a horizontal line of the mean of the error probability.
How could I plot all the sample data in the same plot?
If I understand you correctly, you want to do the histogram over several files. So, you basically have to concatenate several datafiles.
Of course, you can do this with some external programs like awk, etc. or shell commands.
Below is a possible solution for gnuplot and a system command and no need for a temporary file. The system command is for Windows, but you probably can easily translate this to Linux. And maybe you need to check whether the "NaN" values do not messup your binning and histogram results.
### start code
reset session
# create some dummy data files
do for [i=1:5] {
set table sprintf("lookup-blahblah_%d.txt", i)
set samples 50
plot '+' u (int(rand(0)+0.5)):(rand(0)*0.9+0.1) w table
unset table
# end creating dummy data files
FILELIST = system("dir /B lookup*.txt") # this is for Windows
undefine $AllDataWithError
set table $AllDataWithError append
do for [i=1:words(FILELIST)] {
plot word(FILELIST,i) u ($1==1? $1 : NaN):($1==1? $2 : NaN) w table
unset table
print $AllDataWithError
# ... do your binning and plotting
### end of code
Apparently, NaN and/or empty lines seem to mess up smooth freq and/or binning?!
So, we need to extract only the lines with errors (=1).
From the above code you can merge several files into one datablock.
The code below already starts with one datablock similar to your data.
### start of code
reset session
# create some dummy datablock with some distribution (with no negative values)
Height =3000
Pos = 6000
set table $Data
set samples 1000
plot '+' u (int(rand(0)+0.3)):(abs(invnorm(rand(0))*Height+Pos)) w table
unset table
# end creating dummy data
stats $Data nooutput
Datapoints = STATS_records
# get only the error lines
# plot $Data into the table $Dummy.
# If $1==1 (=Error) write the line number $0 into column 1 and value into column 2
# else write NaN into column 1 and column 2.
# Since $0 is the line number which is unique
# 'smooth frequency' will keep these lines "as is"
# but change the NaN lines to empty lines.
Error = 1
Success = 0
set table $Dummy
plot $Data u ($1==Error ? $0 : NaN):($1==Error ? $2 : NaN) smooth freq
unset table
# get rid of empty lines in $Dummy
# Since empty lines seem to also mess up binning you need to remove them
# by writing $Dummy into the dataset $Error via "plot ... with table".
set table $Error
plot $Dummy u 1:2 with table
unset table
bin(x) = binwidth*floor(x/binwidth)
stats $Error nooutput
ErrorCount = STATS_records
set multiplot layout 3,1
set key outside
set label 1 sprintf("Datapoints: %g\nSuccess: %g\nError: %g",\
Datapoints, Datapoints-ErrorCount,ErrorCount) at graph 1.02, first 0
plot $Data u 0:($1 == Success ? $2 : NaN) w impulses lc rgb "web-green" t "Success",\
$Data u 0:($1 == Error ? -$2 : NaN) w impulses lc rgb "red" t "Error",\
unset label 1
set key inside
binwidth = 1000
plot $Error using (bin($2)):(1.0/STATS_records) smooth freq with boxes t sprintf("binwidth: %d",binwidth) lc rgb "blue"
set xrange[GPVAL_X_MIN:GPVAL_X_MAX] # use same xrange as graph before
plot $Error using (bin($2)):(1.0/STATS_records) smooth freq with boxes t sprintf("binwidth: %d",binwidth) lc rgb "magenta"
unset multiplot
### end of code
which results in something like:
you can pipe the data and plot directives to gnuplot without a temp file,
for example
$ awk 'BEGIN{print "plot \"-\" using ($1):($2)";
while(i++<20) print i,rand()*20; print "e"}' | gnuplot -p
will create a random plot. You can print the directive in the BEGIN block as I did and the main awk statement can filter the data.
For your plot, something like this
$ awk 'BEGIN{print "...." }
$1==1{print $2}
END {print "e"}' lookup-*.txt | gnuplot -p

Awk Calc Avg Rows Below Certain Line

I'm having trouble calculating an average of specific numbers in column BELOW a specific text identifier using awk. I have two columns of data and I'm trying to start the average keying on a common identifier that repeats, which is 01/1991. So, awk should calc the average of all lines beginning with 01/1991, which repeats, using the next 21 lines with total count of rows for average = 22 for the total number of years 1991-2012. The desired output is an average of each TextID/Name entry for all the January's (01) for each year 1991 - 2012 show below:
TextID/Name 1
Avg: 50.34
TextID/Name 2
Avg: 45.67
TextID/Name 3
Avg: 39.97
sample data:
TextID/Name 1
01/1991, 57.67
01/1992, 56.43
01/1993, 49.41
01/2012, 39.88
TextID/Name 2
01/1991, 45.66
01/1992, 34.77
01/1993, 56.21
01/2012, 42.11
TextID/Name 3
01/1991, 32.22
01/1992, 23.71
01/1993, 29.55
01/2012, 35.10
continues with the same data for TextID/Name 4
I'm getting an answer using this code shown below but the average is starting to calculate BEFORE the specific identifier line and not on and below that line (01/1991).
awk '$1="01/1991" {sum+=$2} (NR%22==0){avg=sum/22;print"Average: "avg;sum=0;next}' myfile
Thanks and explanations of the solution is greatly appreciated! I have edited the original answer with more description - thank you again.
If you look at your file, the first field is "01/1991," with a comma at the end, not "01/1991". Also, NR%22==0 will look at line numbers divisible by 22, not 22 lines after the point it thinks you care about.
You can do something like this instead:
awk '
BEGIN { l=-1; }
$1 == "01/1991," {
l > 0 { s+=$2; l--; }
l == 0 { print s/22; l--; }'
It has a counter l that it sets to the number of lines to count, then it sums up that number of lines.
You may want to consider simply summing all lines from one 01/1991 to the next though, which might be more robust.
If you're allowed to use Perl instead of Awk, you could do:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
$start = 0;
$have_started = 0;
$count = 0;
$sum = 0;
while (<>) {
$line = $_;
# Grab the value after the date and comma
if ($line = /\d+\/\d+,\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
$val = $+;
# Start summing values after 01/1991
if (/01\/1991,\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
$have_started = 1;
$val = $+;
# If we have started counting,
if ($have_started) {
$sum += $+;
print "Average of all values = " . $sum/$count;
Run it like so:
$ cat your-text-file.txt |

ruby multiple loop sets but with limited rows per set

Alrightie, so I'm building an CSV file this time with ruby. The outer loop will run up to length of num_of_loops, but it runs for an entire set rather than up to the specified row. I want to change the first column of a CSV file to a new name for each row.
If I do this:
class_days = %w[Wednesday Thursday Friday]
num_of_loops = (num_of_loops / class_days.size).ceil
num_of_loops.times {
["Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"].each do |x|
data[0] = x
data[4] = classname()
# Write all to file
csv << data
Then the loop will run only 3 times for a 5 row request.
I'd like it to run the full 5 rows such that instead of stopping at Wed/Thurs/Fri it goes to Wed/Thurs/Fri/Wed/Thurs instead.
class_days = %w[Wednesday Thursday Friday]
num_of_loops.times do |i|
data[0] = class_days[i % class_days.size]
data[4] = classname
csv << data
The interesting part is here:
class_days[i % class_days.size]
We need an index into class_days that is between 0 and class_days.size - 1. We can get that with the % (modulo) operator. That operator yields the remainder after dividing i by class_days.size. This table shows how it works:
i i % 3
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 0
4 1
5 2
The other key part is that the times method yields indices starting with 0.

Ruby data extraction from a text file

I have a relatively big text file with blocks of data layered like this:
TUNE X = 0.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 0.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 0.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
(they contain more lines and then are repeated)
I would like first to extract the numerical value after TUNE X = and output these in a text file. Then I would like to extract the numerical value of LINE FREQUENCY and AMPLITUDE as a pair of values and output to a file.
My question is the following: altough I could make something moreorless working using a simple REGEXP I'm not convinced that it's the right way to do it and I would like some advices or examples of code showing how I can do that efficiently with Ruby.
Generally, (not tested)
toggle=0"file").each do |line|
if line[/TUNE/]
puts line.split("=",2)[-1].strip
if line[/Line Frequency/]
if toggle
a = line.split
puts "#{a[1]} #{a[2]}"
go through the file line by line, check for /TUNE/, then split on "=" to get last item.
Do the same for lines containing /Line Frequency/ and set the toggle flag to 1. This signify that the rest of line contains the data you want to get. Since the freq and amplitude are at fields 2 and 3, then split on the lines and get the respective positions. Generally, this is the idea. As for toggling, you might want to set toggle flag to 0 at the next block using a pattern (eg SIGNAL CASE or ANALYSIS)
file ="data.dat")
#tune_x = #frequency = #amplitude = []
file.each_line do |line|
tune_x_scan = line.scan /TUNE X = (\d*\.\d*)/
data_scan = line.scan /(\d*\.\d*E[-|+]\d*)/
#tune_x << tune_x_scan[0] if tune_x_scan
#frequency << data_scan[0] if data_scan
#amplitude << data_scan[0] if data_scan
There are lots of ways to do it. This is a simple first pass at it:
TUNE X = 0.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 0.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 0.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
TUNE X = 1.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 1.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 1.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
TUNE X = 2.2561890123390808
Line Frequency Amplitude Phase Error mx my ms p
1 2.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01 0.164145385871E+03 0.00000000000E+00 1 0 0 0
2 2.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01 -.161563284233E+03 0.97541196785E-04 1 0 0 0
require 'stringio'
pretend_file =, 'r')
That gives us a StringIO object we can pretend is a file. We can read from it by lines.
I changed the numbers a bit just to make it easier to see that they are being captured in the output.
pretend_file.each_line do |li|
when li =~ /^TUNE.+?=\s+(.+)/
print $1.strip, "\n"
when li =~ /^\d+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/
print $1, ' ', $2, "\n"
For real use you'd want to change the print statements to a file handle: fileh.print
The output looks like:
# >> 0.2561890123390808
# >> 0.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01
# >> 0.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01
# >> 1.2561890123390808
# >> 1.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01
# >> 1.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01
# >> 2.2561890123390808
# >> 2.2561890123391E+00 0.204316425208E-01
# >> 2.2562865535359E+00 0.288712798671E-01
You can read your file line by line and cut each by number of symbol, for example:
to extract tune x get symbols from
10 till 27 on line 2
to extract LINE FREQUENCY get
symbols from 3 till 22 on line 6+n

Running R Code from Command Line (Windows)

I have some R code inside a file called analyse.r. I would like to be able to, from the command line (CMD), run the code in that file without having to pass through the R terminal and I would also like to be able to pass parameters and use those parameters in my code, something like the following pseudocode:
C:\>(execute r script) analyse.r C:\file.txt
and this would execute the script and pass "C:\file.txt" as a parameter to the script and then it could use it to do some further processing on it.
How do I accomplish this?
You want Rscript.exe.
You can control the output from within the script -- see sink() and its documentation.
You can access command-arguments via commandArgs().
You can control command-line arguments more finely via the getopt and optparse packages.
If everything else fails, consider reading the manuals or contributed documentation
Identify where R is install. For window 7 the path could be
1.C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.2\bin\x64>
2.Call the R code
3.C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.2\bin\x64>\Rscript Rcode.r
There are two ways to run a R script from command line (windows or linux shell.)
1) R CMD way
R CMD BATCH followed by R script name. The output from this can also be piped to other files as needed.
This way however is a bit old and using Rscript is getting more popular.
2) Rscript way
(This is supported in all platforms. The following example however is tested only for Linux)
This example involves passing path of csv file, the function name and the attribute(row or column) index of the csv file on which this function should work.
Contents of test.csv file
Compose an R file “a.R” whose contents are
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
cols <- function(y){
cat("This function will print sum of the column whose index is passed from commandline\n")
cat("processing...column sums\n")
rows <- function(y){
cat("This function will print sum of the row whose index is passed from commandline\n")
cat("processing...row sums\n")
#calling a function based on its name from commandline … y is the row or column index
FUN <- function(run_func,y){
stop("Enter something that switches me!")
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
cat("you passed the following at the command line\n")
cat("Matrix is:\n")
cat("Dimensions of the matrix are\n")
Runing the following on the linux shell
Rscript a.R /home/impadmin/test.csv cols 1
you passed the following at the command line
/home/impadmin/test.csv cols 1
Matrix is:
x1 x2
1 1 2
2 3 4
3 5 6
4 7 8
Dimensions of the matrix are
4 2
This function will print sum of the column whose index is passed from commandline
processing...column sums
Runing the following on the linux shell
Rscript a.R /home/impadmin/test.csv rows 2
you passed the following at the command line
/home/impadmin/test.csv rows 2
Matrix is:
x1 x2
1 1 2
2 3 4
3 5 6
4 7 8
Dimensions of the matrix are
4 2
This function will print sum of the row whose index is passed from commandline
processing...row sums
We can also make the R script executable as follows (on linux)
chmod a+x a.R
and run the second example again as
./a.R /home/impadmin/test.csv rows 2
This should also work for windows command prompt..
save the following in a text file
f1 <- function(x,y){
print (x)
print (y)
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
f1(args[1], args[2])
No run the following command in windows cmd
Rscript.exe path_to_file "hello" "world"
This will print the following
[1] "hello"
[1] "world"
