Ace editor modifies autocomplete list - ace-editor

I'm trying to filter a possible list of results for ace autocomplete. I want to match a substring of a prefix with my list of keywords.
Example - keylist = ['cat','ciat'], prefix = ['ca']. I want to see only cat.
Ace by default return both the words.
I have tried using "insertmatch" but it doesn't help.

Once your autocompleted list is loaded, filter the elements in your keylist with the filter function.
var prefix = ca //keep updating the prefix value here
var matched_keylist = keylist.filter(function (v) {return /prefix/.test(v)});
The matched_keylist should contain string 'cat'


How can I compare strings case sensitive in xforms:select1 ref attribute?

I have to provide the ref attribute value in an xf:select1. I need to select names of properties only if they are present in the supportedProperties instance which can be done with the following:
name = instance('supportedProperties')/property/name
However, the problem is that supportedProperties can contain names which are in capital letters. Assuming we cannot change the instance, is there a way we can do a case sensitive comparison?
Tried to use the lower-case() XPath function as follows but it didn't work:
name = instance('supportedProperties')/property/name
Assuming you are using XPath 2, you can write:
name = instance('supportedProperties')/property/name/lower-case(.)
What this does is that the lower-case(.) function applies to all elements in the sequence returned by instance('supportedProperties')/property/name.
You can also write it:
name = (
for $name in instance('supportedProperties')/property/name
return lower-case($name)

xpath: check if current elements position is second in order

I have an XML document with the following structure:
Using xpath I want to check if a <section> element is the second element and if so apply some function.
How do I check if a <section> element is the second element in the body element?
If you want to know if the second element in the body is named section then you can do this:
local-name(/body/child::element()[2]) eq "section"
That will return either true or false.
However, you then asked how can you check this and if it is true, then apply some function. In XPath you cannot author your own functions you can only do that in XQuery or XSLT. So let me for a moment assume you are wishing to call a different XPath function on the value of the second element if it is a section. Here is an example of applying the lower-case function:
if(local-name(/body/child::element()[2]) eq "section")then
However, this can simplified as lower-case and many other functions take a value with a minimum cardinality of zero. This means that you can just apply the function to a path expression, and if the path did not match anything then the function typically returns an empty sequence, in the same way as a path that did not match will. So, this is semantically equivalent to the above:
lower-case(/body/child::element()[2][local-name(.) eq "section"])
If you are in XQuery or XSLT and are writing your own functions, I would encourage you to write functions that will accept a minimum cardinality of zero, just like lower-case does. By doing this you can chain functions together, and if there is no input data (i.e. from a path expression that does not match anything), these is no output data. This leads to a very nice functional programming style.
Question: How do I check if a element is the second element
in the body element?
Using C#, you can utilize theXPathNodeIterator class in order to traverse the nodes data, and use its CurrentPosition property to investigate the current node position:
const string xmlStr = #"<body>
using (var stream = new StringReader(xmlStr))
var document = new XPathDocument(stream);
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator nodes = navigator.Select("/body/section");
if (nodes.MoveNext())
XPathNavigator nodesNavigator = nodes.Current;
XPathNodeIterator nodesText =
nodesNavigator.SelectDescendants(XPathNodeType.Text, false);
while (nodesText.MoveNext())
if (nodesText.CurrentPosition == 2)
var currentValue = nodesText.Current.Value;

Selenium Webdriver + Ruby regex: Can I use regex with find_element?

I am trying to click an element that changes per each order like so
xxx = any three numbers
I have tried using regex like so:
#driver.find_element(:css, "#edit_order_#{\d*} > div.submit > button[name=\"commit\"]").click
#driver.find_element(:xpath, "//*[(#id = "edit_order_#{\d*}")]//button").click
Is this possible? Any other ways of doing this?
You cannot use Regexp, like the other answers have indicated.
Instead, you can use a nifty CSS Selector trick:
#driver.find_element(:css, "[id^=\"edit_order_\"] > div.submit > button[name=\"commit\"]").click
^= indicates to find the element with the value beginning with your criteria.
*= says the criteria should be found anywhere within the element's value
$= indicates to find the element with with your criteria at the end of the value.
~= allows you to find the element based on a single criteria when the actual value has multiple space-seperated list of values.
Take a look at for some more info on other neat CSS tricks you should add to your utility belt!
You have no provided any html fragment that you are working on. Hence my answer is just based on the limited inputs provided your question.
I don't think WebDriver APIs support regex for locating elements. However, you can achieve what you want using just plain XPath as follows:
//*[starts-with(#id, 'edit_div_')]//button
Explanation: Above xpath will try to search all <button> nodes present under all elements whose id attribute starts with string edit_div_
In short, you can use starts-with() xpath function in order to match element with id format as edit_div_ followed by any number of characters
No, you can not.
But you should do something like this:
function hasClass(element, className) {
var re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)');
return re.test(element.className);
This worked for me
#driver.find_element(:xpath, "//a[contains(#href, 'person')]").click

Iterate over Umbraco getAllTagsInGroup result

I'm trying to get a list of tags from a particular tag group in Umbraco (v4.0.2.1) using the following code:
var tags = umbraco.editorControls.tags.library.getAllTagsInGroup("document downloads");
What I want to do is just output a list of those tags. However, if I output the variable 'tags' it just outputs a list of all tags in a string. I want to split each tag onto a new line.
When I check the datatype of the 'tags' variable:
string tagType = tags.GetType().ToString(); outputs MS.Internal.Xml.XPath.XPathSelectionIterator.
So question is, how do I get the individual tags out of the 'tags' variable? How do I work with a variable of this data type? I can find examples of how to do it by loading an actual XML file, but I don't have an actual XML file - just the 'tags' variable to work with.
Thanks very much for any help!
EDIT1: I guess what I'm asking is, how do I loop through the nodes returned by an XPathSelectionIterator data type?
EDIT2: I've found this code, which almost does what I need:
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument("file.xml");
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator nodes = navigator.Select("/tags/tag");
XPathNavigator nodesNavigator = nodes.Current;
XPathNodeIterator nodesText = nodesNavigator.SelectDescendants(XPathNodeType.Text, false);
while (nodesText.MoveNext())
debugString += nodesText.Current.Value.ToString();
...but it expects the URL of an actual XML file to load into the first line. My XML file is essentially the 'tags' variable, not an actual XML file. So when I replace:
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument("file.xml");
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(tags); just errors.
Since it is an Iterator, I would suggest you iterate it. ;-)
var tags = umbraco.editorControls.tags.library.getAllTagsInGroup("document downloads");
foreach (XPathNavigator tag in tags) {
// handle current tag
I think this does the trick a little better.
The problem is that getAllTagsInGroup returns the container for all tags, you need to get its children.
foreach( var tag in umbraco.editorControls.tags.library.getAllTagsInGroup("category").Current.Select("/tags/tag") )
/// Your Code

How to click on an AutoCompleteExtender with Watin

For my acceptance testing I'm writing text into the auto complete extender and I need to click on the populated list.
In order to populate the list I have to use AppendText instead of TypeText, otherwise the textbox looses focus before the list is populated.
Now my problem is when I try to click on the populated list. I've tried searching the UL element and clicking on it; but it's not firing the click event on the list.
Then I tried to search the list by tagname and value:
Element element = Browser.Element(Find.By("tagname", "li") && Find.ByValue("lookupString"));
but it's not finding it, has anyone been able to do what I'm trying to do?
The shorter version of that is:
string lookupString = "string in list";
Element list = Browser.Element("li", Find.ByText(new Regex(lookupString)));
Regexs will do a partial match so you don't need to specify .* either side and use string.Format. This assumes however that the lookupString doesn't contain any characters special to Regexs, they'd need to be escaped.
In case someone has the same problem. It works with the next code:
string lookupString = "string in list";
Regex lookup = new Regex(string.Format(".*{0}.*", lookupString));
Element list = Browser.Element("li", Find.ByText(lookup));
