xpath: check if current elements position is second in order - xpath

I have an XML document with the following structure:
Using xpath I want to check if a <section> element is the second element and if so apply some function.
How do I check if a <section> element is the second element in the body element?

If you want to know if the second element in the body is named section then you can do this:
local-name(/body/child::element()[2]) eq "section"
That will return either true or false.
However, you then asked how can you check this and if it is true, then apply some function. In XPath you cannot author your own functions you can only do that in XQuery or XSLT. So let me for a moment assume you are wishing to call a different XPath function on the value of the second element if it is a section. Here is an example of applying the lower-case function:
if(local-name(/body/child::element()[2]) eq "section")then
However, this can simplified as lower-case and many other functions take a value with a minimum cardinality of zero. This means that you can just apply the function to a path expression, and if the path did not match anything then the function typically returns an empty sequence, in the same way as a path that did not match will. So, this is semantically equivalent to the above:
lower-case(/body/child::element()[2][local-name(.) eq "section"])
If you are in XQuery or XSLT and are writing your own functions, I would encourage you to write functions that will accept a minimum cardinality of zero, just like lower-case does. By doing this you can chain functions together, and if there is no input data (i.e. from a path expression that does not match anything), these is no output data. This leads to a very nice functional programming style.

Question: How do I check if a element is the second element
in the body element?
Using C#, you can utilize theXPathNodeIterator class in order to traverse the nodes data, and use its CurrentPosition property to investigate the current node position:
const string xmlStr = #"<body>
using (var stream = new StringReader(xmlStr))
var document = new XPathDocument(stream);
XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
XPathNodeIterator nodes = navigator.Select("/body/section");
if (nodes.MoveNext())
XPathNavigator nodesNavigator = nodes.Current;
XPathNodeIterator nodesText =
nodesNavigator.SelectDescendants(XPathNodeType.Text, false);
while (nodesText.MoveNext())
if (nodesText.CurrentPosition == 2)
var currentValue = nodesText.Current.Value;


How to test the text of the second element in cypress?

I can test the first element of the Dom element but I don't know how to get the second element?
it('should display highlight', () => {
const highlights = cy.get(`.${pageClass} .page_highlight`);
highlights.should('have.length', 2);
highlights.first().should('contain.text', translations.highlight);
There are two options for your case.
Since the total number of elements is just two in your case, you can use something called last. You can read more here.
If the number of elements is dynamic, you can use something called eq and pass the order of element as an index. You can read more here.

Xpath sibling filter based on value of element in current node

Is there an Xpath to find a cousin node that has an element that matches the value of an element in the current node?
Please see below - I am iterating over each "Order" node and want to return the value of LocationID from the Collection node that has the same OrderLoadRef value as the order. For the first order it should return "AAA", for the second it should return "BBB".
The XPath works if I change the value of the OrderLoadRef manually, but how to I set it to be the value of the OrderLoadRef in the current Order Element? I've tried using the self axis, but think by the time we get to the condition, "self" is the collection node, not the order?
I can't hard code relative collection / order node positions as there could be a variable number of these nodes in the XML that my parser receives.
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(#"<DocRoot>
List<XElement> orders = xDoc.XPathSelectElements("//Order").ToList();
foreach(XElement order in orders)
string locationId = order.XPathSelectElement("parent::Orders/parent::Load/Collections/Collection[OrderLoadRef = {OrderLoadRef from current order element}]/LocationID").Value;
Edited to add: I need this to be a purely XPath solution as I'm not able to alter the C# code in the parser. More than happy to be told it's not possible, but wanted to make sure before I relayed the message!
As Mads said, XPath 3 and later (i.e. the current version 3.1) allows you to use a let expression so e.g.
for $order in /DocRoot/Load/Orders/Order
let $col := /DocRoot/Load/Collections/Collection[OrderLoadRef = $order/OrderLoadRef]/LocationID
return $col
is pure XPath 3 and returns (for your sample) the two LocationID elements:
In the .NET framework XmlPrime and Saxon.NET support XPath 3.1 and XQuery 3.1 although only XmlPrime has extension methods for C# to work against XDocument, I think, Saxon.NET does allow XPath 3.1 against its XDM tree model or against System.Xml.XmlDocument.
XPath 3.0 (and greater) supports let expressions, which would allow you to do what you want. You could let a variable with the OrderLoadRef from the context node and use it within a predicate selecting the desired Collection by it's OrderLoadRef.
For a static XPath 1.0 expression, I don't think you can achieve what you want. You would need to construct the XPath using the context node information.
Inside your for loop, create a variable for the Order's OrderLoadRef value. Use that value to construct the XPath that you want to evaluate to then select the locationId
foreach(XElement order in orders)
string orderLoadRef = order.XPathSelectElement("OrderLoadRef").Value;
string locationId = order.XPathSelectElement("ancestor::Load/Collections/Collection[OrderLoadRef = " + orderLoadRef + "]/LocationID").Value;
//do something with the locationId

Xquery - return only distinct attributes from if/then

I've been trying to write a query to get distinct attribute values after using if/then to determine whether I'll use the element in the first place. Here's my example xml and the query i've written so far:
<donor donor_id="x21" cn_id="x12">
<donor donor_id="x23" cn_id="x13">
<donor donor_id="x24" cn_id="x14">
<donor donor_id="x25" cn_id="x12">
I want to first get all donors who have a child "conservation". I've done the following for that:
for $x in //donor
then <conservationist cn_id="{$x/#cn_id}/>
else ()
I tried wrapping the whole thing in distinct-values but that just gave nothing, and every where else I tried doing something to that effect I just ended up with an end tag.
This is one possible way :
for $x in distinct-values(//donor[conservation]/#cn_id)
<conservationist cn_id="{$x}"/>
xpathtester demo
The expression distinct-values(//donor[conservation]/#cn_id) returns distinct values of cn_id attribute from donor elements that have at least one conservation child element.

How to get H1,H2,H3,... using a single xpath expression

How can I get H1,H2,H3 contents in one single xpath expression?
I know I could do this.
and so on.
/html/body/*[self::h1 or self::h2 or self::h3]/text()
The following expression is incorrect:
//html/body/*[local-name() = "h1"
or local-name() = "h2"
or local-name() = "h3"]/text()
because it may select text nodes that are children of unwanted:h1, different:h2, someWeirdNamespace:h3.
Another recommendation: Always avoid using // when the structure of the XML document is statically known. Using // most often results in significant inefficiencies because it causes the complete document (sub)tree roted in the context node to be traversed.

JDOM-XPath: Can't get the second value in a collection

I'm pretty confused about this one. Given the following xml:
<sch:eventName>Event One</sch:eventName>
<sch:locationName>Location One</sch:locationName>
<sch:eventName>Event Two</sch:eventName>
<sch:locationName>Location Two</sch:locationName>
When using JDOM using the following code:
XPath eventNameExpression = XPath.newInstance("//sch:eventName");
XPath eventLocationExpression = XPath.newInstance("//sch:eventLocation");
XPath eventExpression = XPath.newInstance("//sch:event");
List<Element> elements = eventExpression.selectNodes(requestElement);
for(Element e: elements) {
The console shows this:
Event One
Location One
Event One
Location One
What am I missing?
Don't use '//' it starts always searching at the root node. Use e.g. './sch:eventName' it is relative to the current node.
