Vuetify Snackbar leave event - events

I manage to implement a global Vuetify Snackbar.
My problem is to detect when the snackbar close. I read that this component support Vue transition event since 1.2. But it work only on the enter event not the leave ones.
here a fiddle for comprehension.
<transition #before-enter="beforeEnter" #before-leave="beforeLeave" #after-enter="afterEnter" #after-leave="afterLeave" #leave="leave">
<v-snackbar v-model="snackbar" top right>
<v-btn #click="snackbar = false" dark>Close</v-btn>

I faced the same problem and solved this way:
export default {
data: () => ({
errorMessage: '',
snackTimeout: 6000,
watch: {
errorMessage() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.snackTimeout);
methods: {
setErrorMessage(message) {
this.snackMessage = message;
clearErrorMessage() {
this.snackMessage = '';
{{ errorMessage }}
{{ 'close' }}
Define an attribute with the timeout and another with the message to show by the snackBar.
Define a function to set the message and another to clear it.
Define a watch for the message text and set a timer with the same timeout of the snackBar to clear it.
The snackBar appears only when the message is not empty.

You can use get and set methods to handle reading and updating the bound model separately.
I made a generic snackbar component that can be triggered from any other component. I'm using Vuex, vue-property-decorator and typescript here, so adjust accordingly.
<script src=""></script>
<v-snackbar v-model="snackbar" max-width="100%">
<template v-slot:action="{ attrs }">
{{ text }}
<v-btn color="primary" text fab v-bind="attrs">
<v-icon dark #click="close()"> mdi-close-circle-outline </v-icon>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
export default class Snackbar extends Vue {
get snackbar() {
return this.$
set snackbar(show: boolean) {
this.$store.dispatch('updateSnackbar', { show, text: '' })
get text() {
return this.$store.state.snackbar.text
public close() {
this.$store.dispatch('updateSnackbar', { show: false, text: '' })


v-navigation-drawer controlled state from a sub-component

I have a v-navigation-drawer which can be opened by clicking a button in a sub component.
So I changed v-model="drawer" to simply value="drawer" otherwise I get a warning about mutating a prop which makes sense (feels like doing some dirty angular double-way data binding ^^).
Here's the code:
<Header :toggleLeftMenu="toggleLeftMenu" />
<LeftMenu :show="showLeftMenu" :toggleLeftMenu="toggleLeftMenu" />
export default {
data() {
return {
showLeftMenu: true,
methods: {
toggleLeftMenu() {
this.showLeftMenu = !this.showLeftMenu;
This issue is that the drawer can be closed by clicking on the backdrop (on small devices). I need to plug the backdrop click to toggleLeftMenu prop, but according to the doc, this doesn't seem to be possible.
How can I achieve full control on the component? Is this #backdropClick event missing or something?
I tried to use #input but it creates an infinite loop which also makes sense.
Using vuetify 2.6.1.
I changed v-model="drawer" to simply value="drawer" otherwise I get a warning about mutating a prop
This is not quite the right decision. Of course you should not use drawer as model, but you can create an internalDrawer prop in LeftMenu component, and leave the v-model where it is.
One of the possible ways to resolve your issue is to emit events from both sub-components into its parent.
So let's rewrite your LeftMenu component this way:
<v-navigation-drawer v-model="internalShow" width="200" clipped fixed app>
some drawer data
export default {
props: {
show: Boolean,
data() {
return {
watch: {
show (val) {
this.internalShow = val;
internalShow (val) {
if (val !== {
In this case, every time when the internalShow state changes, an change-drawer-state event will be emitted.
Your Header component can be rewrited the same way:
<v-btn #click="$emit('change-drawer-state')">Drawer button</v-btn>
And this is the code of your parent component:
<Header #change-drawer-state="toggleLeftMenu" />
<LeftMenu :show="showLeftMenu" #change-drawer-state="toggleLeftMenu" />
import LeftMenu from "./LeftMenu";
import Header from "./Header";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
showLeftMenu: false,
methods: {
toggleLeftMenu() {
this.showLeftMenu = !this.showLeftMenu;
Both change-drawer-state event handlers are calling the same method - toggleLeftMenu and then the method changes show prop of navigation-drawer.
You can test this solution in a CodeSandbox playground.

Vuejs custom Modal event bus is not firing

I have created my own custom Modal plugin in vuejs to be added to my Laravel 8 app. The problem I am facing is opening the modal.
I have created the plugin in my app.js file
const Modal = {
install (Vue) {
this.event = new Vue()
Vue.prototype.$modal = {
show (modal, params = {}) {
Modal.event.$emit('show', modal, params)
$event: this.event
I have created two vue components for my modal
<!-- AppModal //-->
<transition name="modal">
<div v-if="visible">
<div class="app-modal" #click.prevent="$modal.hide(name)"></div>
<div class="app-modal-inner">
<slot name="body" :params="params"/>
export default {
name: "AppModal",
data () {
return {
params: {},
visible: false,
props: {
name: {
required: true,
type: String,
methods: {
setVisible () {
this.visible = true
setHidden () {
this.visible = false
beforeMount() {
this.$modal.$event.$on('show', (modal, params) => {
if ( !== modal) {
this.params = params
<!-- AppNonMemberRegisterModal //-->
<app-modal name="register">
<template slot="header">
<h1 class="text-lg-left text-4xl border border-b-2">Register Now</h1>
<template slot="body" slot-scope="{ params }">
<p>You need to register in order to share, comment and like on the site</p>
import AppModal from "../AppModal";
export default {
name: "AppNonMemberRegisterModal",
components: { AppModal },
Where I am firing the event I import the AppNonMemberRegisterModal and I have the following click event: #click.prevent="$'register')".
When the following code is reached Modal.event.$emit('show', modal, params) I get the following error messages in my cnosole console.log(Modal)
Vue 3 removes the Event API (i.e., $on, $off, etc.). The migration guide recommends using tiny-emitter to create your own event bus. That example shows how to create a global bus, but it seems your plugin just needs a local bus, which you could create like this:
// eventBus.js
import Emitter from 'tiny-emitter'
export function createEventBus() {
const emitter = new Emitter()
return {
$on: (...args) => emitter.on(...args),
$once: (...args) => emitter.once(...args),
$off: (...args) =>,
$emit: (...args) => emitter.emit(...args)
Then in your plugin, create a global with app.config.globalProperties, referring to the locally created event bus:
// myPlugin.js
import { createEventBus } from './eventBus'
export default {
install(app) {
const eventBus = createEventBus()
app.config.globalProperties.$modal = {
show (modal, params = {}) {
eventBus.$emit('show', modal, params)
$event: eventBus
And install it:
// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import myPlugin from './myPlugin'
Also be aware that your slot usage in AppRegisterModal.vue needs to be updated to the latest syntax (v-slot or # shorthand):
<app-modal name="register">
<template slot="header">
<template #header>
<template slot="body" slot-scope="{ params }">
<template #body="{ params }">

Laravel vue.js and vuex link body text by id and show in a new component

I am very new to Laravel and Vuex, I have a simple array of post on my page.
test 1
test 2
test 3
I am trying to link the text on the AppPost.vue component and show the post that has been clicked on a new component (AppShowpost.vue) on the same page. I believe I have to get the post by id and change the state? any help would be good. Thank you.
when you click test 1 it will show "test 1" on a new component (AppShowpost.vue)
In side my store timeline.js, I belive I need to get the post by id and change the state ?
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
posts: []
getters: {
posts (state) {
return state.posts
mutations: {
PUSH_POSTS (state, data) {
actions: {
async getPosts ({ commit }) {
let response = await axios.get('timeline')
My AppTimeline.vue component
v-for="post in posts"
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
posts: 'timeline/posts'
methods: {
getPosts: 'timeline/getPosts'
mounted () {
My AppPost.vue component. I need to link the post.body to display the post in my AppShowpost.vue component.
<div class="w-full inline-block p-4">
<div class="flex w-full">
{{ post.body }}
export default {
props: {
post: {
required: true,
type: Object
My AppSowpost.vue component that needs to display the post that is clicked.
// Displaypost ?
export default {
// Get post from id ?
Okay you can create a new state in your vuex "current_state", asyou said, you can dispatch a mutation by passing the id to the vuex.
state: {
posts: [],
current_state_id : null
In your mutations
set_state_id (state, data) {
state.current_state_id = data;
On your app post.vue, you can set a computed property that watches the current state
computed: {
currentState() {
return this.$store.getters["timeline/current_state_id"];
And create a watcher for the computed property to display the current id/post
watch: {
currentState: function(val) {
Maybe this will help you. First I will recommend to use router-link. Read about router link here if your interested. It is very helpful and easy to use. But you will have to define the url and pass parameter on our vue-route(see bellow).
1.You can wrap your post.body in router-link as follow.
//With this approach, you don't need any function in methods
<router-link :to="'/posts/show/' +">
{{ post.body }}
2. In your AppSowpost.vue component, you can find the post in vuex state based on url params as follow.
<div> {{ thisPost.body }} </div>
// ****************
computed: {
...mapState({ posts: state=>state.posts }),
// Let's get our single post with the help of url parameter passed on our url
thisPost() { return this.posts.find(p => == this.$ || {}; }
mounted() { this.$store.dispatch("getPosts");}
3. Let's define our vue route.
path: "posts/show/:id",
name: "showpost",
params: true, // Make sure the params is set to true
component: () => import("#/Components/AppShowPost.vue"),
Your Mutations should look as simple as this.
mutations: {
PUSH_POSTS (state, data) {
state.posts = data;
Please let me know how it goes.

Is it possible to set actions call a function at default pagination of v-data-table?

I would like to call a function when I click the previous button, next button and the rowsPerPage numbers are changed.
Is it possible to use default v-data-table pagination when I use actions-prepend slot?
I tried but it seems not working.
class="elevation-1 block_display"
<template v-slot:items="props">
<td class="text-xs-left">{{ }}</td>
<template v-slot:actions-prepend> // add another button before the default pagination
<v-btn #click='goPrev'> < </btn>
export default {
data() {
methods: {
goPrev() {
// want to call vuex actions
I got an answer which would be better or not.
class="elevation-1 block_display"
<template v-slot:items="props">
<td class="text-xs-left">{{ }}</td>
export default {
data() {
computed: {
get() {
return this.pagination // props
set(val) {
// val: changed pagination value

Vue component does not render and ignores props

I am having a problem with a Vue component which should just show a simple dialog, the component looks like this:
<v-layout row justify-center>
<v-card-title class="headline grey lighten-2">{{header}}</v-card-title>
<v-card-text v-html="text">
<v-flex xs6 md6 lg6 class="text-xs-center">
<v-btn block
<v-flex xs6 md6 lg6 class="text-xs-center">
<v-btn block
export default {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
type: String,
required: false,
default: ""
required: false,
type: String,
required: false,
type: String,
required: false,
default: "OK"
data ()
return {
show: this.value
{ = false;
In app.js I have added the following:
import babelPolyfill from 'babel-polyfill';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
window.Vue = require('vue');
var vueResource = require('vue-resource');
window.socketIo = require('');
Vue.http.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content');
* Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance and attach it to
* the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
* or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.
Vue.component('simple-dialog', require('./components/common/SimpleDialog.vue'));
And on the page where I use the component I have:
<div id="overview">
<simple-dialog show="true"
#close-dialog-event="display_dialog = false"></simple-dialog>
I don't get any errors that the component is not loaded.
And if I try to change the name of the component in the app.js file and then try to load the component it throws an error that the component can not be found. So in others words it seems that it loads successfully. However, if I change the name of the props, e.g. changing
<simple-dialog show="true"
#close-dialog-event="display_dialog = false"></simple-dialog>
<simple-dialog show_bla="true"
#close-dialog-event="display_dialog = false"></simple-dialog>
it does not care. It does not even throw an error about that those props either does not exists or are invalid. The javascript used by the page:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#overview',
What could the problem be? Thanks for any help!
Well, When you're sending the value to the component and your prop show is initialized as an empty object.
value: {}
the pass default value to false
value: {
type: Boolean
default: false
Hope this helps!
