Vuejs custom Modal event bus is not firing - laravel

I have created my own custom Modal plugin in vuejs to be added to my Laravel 8 app. The problem I am facing is opening the modal.
I have created the plugin in my app.js file
const Modal = {
install (Vue) {
this.event = new Vue()
Vue.prototype.$modal = {
show (modal, params = {}) {
Modal.event.$emit('show', modal, params)
$event: this.event
I have created two vue components for my modal
<!-- AppModal //-->
<transition name="modal">
<div v-if="visible">
<div class="app-modal" #click.prevent="$modal.hide(name)"></div>
<div class="app-modal-inner">
<slot name="body" :params="params"/>
export default {
name: "AppModal",
data () {
return {
params: {},
visible: false,
props: {
name: {
required: true,
type: String,
methods: {
setVisible () {
this.visible = true
setHidden () {
this.visible = false
beforeMount() {
this.$modal.$event.$on('show', (modal, params) => {
if ( !== modal) {
this.params = params
<!-- AppNonMemberRegisterModal //-->
<app-modal name="register">
<template slot="header">
<h1 class="text-lg-left text-4xl border border-b-2">Register Now</h1>
<template slot="body" slot-scope="{ params }">
<p>You need to register in order to share, comment and like on the site</p>
import AppModal from "../AppModal";
export default {
name: "AppNonMemberRegisterModal",
components: { AppModal },
Where I am firing the event I import the AppNonMemberRegisterModal and I have the following click event: #click.prevent="$'register')".
When the following code is reached Modal.event.$emit('show', modal, params) I get the following error messages in my cnosole console.log(Modal)

Vue 3 removes the Event API (i.e., $on, $off, etc.). The migration guide recommends using tiny-emitter to create your own event bus. That example shows how to create a global bus, but it seems your plugin just needs a local bus, which you could create like this:
// eventBus.js
import Emitter from 'tiny-emitter'
export function createEventBus() {
const emitter = new Emitter()
return {
$on: (...args) => emitter.on(...args),
$once: (...args) => emitter.once(...args),
$off: (...args) =>,
$emit: (...args) => emitter.emit(...args)
Then in your plugin, create a global with app.config.globalProperties, referring to the locally created event bus:
// myPlugin.js
import { createEventBus } from './eventBus'
export default {
install(app) {
const eventBus = createEventBus()
app.config.globalProperties.$modal = {
show (modal, params = {}) {
eventBus.$emit('show', modal, params)
$event: eventBus
And install it:
// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import myPlugin from './myPlugin'
Also be aware that your slot usage in AppRegisterModal.vue needs to be updated to the latest syntax (v-slot or # shorthand):
<app-modal name="register">
<template slot="header">
<template #header>
<template slot="body" slot-scope="{ params }">
<template #body="{ params }">


How to integrate Stripe Checkout in Laravel Vue app

I am trying to integrate Stripe Checkout into my Laravel Vue.js application. I watched a tutorial on YouTube. However, I get the following error.
Vue Stripe will not work on an insecure host. Make sure that your site
is using TCP/SSL.
<div class="py-8 flex justify-center">
<button class=" bg-blue-500 px-2 py-1 rounded text-white" #click="submit">Pay now!</button>
import { StripeCheckout } from "#vue-stripe/vue-stripe";
import axios from "axios";
export default {
components: {
StripeCheckout ,
data() {
return {
publishableKey: "pk_test_51KtYynFJTg08EEU2sYHLN0LKrnZTuJCazai8jmokQ2096V7IXYjX2XsdGi7xh5jOgSCz5nnn7YfJS5afTtEHRSxk00EUEcmhsj",
sessionId: null,
mounted() {
console.log("Component mounted.");
methods: {
getSession() {
axios.get('getSession').then(res => {
this.sessionId =
}).catch(err => {
submit () {
According to the docs you can register it as a plugin where you can define a testMode option to override the insecure host warning
import Vue from 'vue';
import { StripePlugin } from '#vue-stripe/vue-stripe';
const options = {
testMode: true, // Boolean. To override the insecure host warning
stripeAccount: process.env.STRIPE_ACCOUNT,
apiVersion: process.env.API_VERSION,
locale: process.env.LOCALE,
Vue.use(StripePlugin, options);

Laravel vue.js and vuex link body text by id and show in a new component

I am very new to Laravel and Vuex, I have a simple array of post on my page.
test 1
test 2
test 3
I am trying to link the text on the AppPost.vue component and show the post that has been clicked on a new component (AppShowpost.vue) on the same page. I believe I have to get the post by id and change the state? any help would be good. Thank you.
when you click test 1 it will show "test 1" on a new component (AppShowpost.vue)
In side my store timeline.js, I belive I need to get the post by id and change the state ?
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
posts: []
getters: {
posts (state) {
return state.posts
mutations: {
PUSH_POSTS (state, data) {
actions: {
async getPosts ({ commit }) {
let response = await axios.get('timeline')
My AppTimeline.vue component
v-for="post in posts"
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: {
posts: 'timeline/posts'
methods: {
getPosts: 'timeline/getPosts'
mounted () {
My AppPost.vue component. I need to link the post.body to display the post in my AppShowpost.vue component.
<div class="w-full inline-block p-4">
<div class="flex w-full">
{{ post.body }}
export default {
props: {
post: {
required: true,
type: Object
My AppSowpost.vue component that needs to display the post that is clicked.
// Displaypost ?
export default {
// Get post from id ?
Okay you can create a new state in your vuex "current_state", asyou said, you can dispatch a mutation by passing the id to the vuex.
state: {
posts: [],
current_state_id : null
In your mutations
set_state_id (state, data) {
state.current_state_id = data;
On your app post.vue, you can set a computed property that watches the current state
computed: {
currentState() {
return this.$store.getters["timeline/current_state_id"];
And create a watcher for the computed property to display the current id/post
watch: {
currentState: function(val) {
Maybe this will help you. First I will recommend to use router-link. Read about router link here if your interested. It is very helpful and easy to use. But you will have to define the url and pass parameter on our vue-route(see bellow).
1.You can wrap your post.body in router-link as follow.
//With this approach, you don't need any function in methods
<router-link :to="'/posts/show/' +">
{{ post.body }}
2. In your AppSowpost.vue component, you can find the post in vuex state based on url params as follow.
<div> {{ thisPost.body }} </div>
// ****************
computed: {
...mapState({ posts: state=>state.posts }),
// Let's get our single post with the help of url parameter passed on our url
thisPost() { return this.posts.find(p => == this.$ || {}; }
mounted() { this.$store.dispatch("getPosts");}
3. Let's define our vue route.
path: "posts/show/:id",
name: "showpost",
params: true, // Make sure the params is set to true
component: () => import("#/Components/AppShowPost.vue"),
Your Mutations should look as simple as this.
mutations: {
PUSH_POSTS (state, data) {
state.posts = data;
Please let me know how it goes.

Vue.js input validation w VeeValidate - How to avoid onInput action while invalid

I am validating a input field ( required , min length 3 ) with VeeValidate plugin.. it's working fine
but how I can avoid the onInput action to be called ( to avoid commit in store when the input becomes invalid ( as soon as input aria-invalid switch to false )
shortly said : Is there anyway to switch calling/not Calling onInput: 'changeTitle' when the input field aria-invalid is false/true ?
thanks for feedback
<em>Change the title of your shopping list here</em>
<input name="title" data-vv-delay="1000" v-validate="'required|min:3'" :class="{'input': true, 'is-danger': errors.has('required') }" :value="title" #input="onInput({ title: $, id: id })"/>
<p v-show="errors.has('title')">{{ errors.first('title') }}</p>
<style scoped>
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'
export default {
props: ['title', 'id'],
methods: mapActions({ // dispatching actions in components
onInput: 'changeTitle'
import * as types from './mutation_types'
import api from '../api'
import getters from './getters'
export default {
changeTitle: (store, data) => {
store.commit(types.CHANGE_TITLE, data)
updateList: (store, id) => {
let shoppingList = getters.getListById(store.state, id)
return api.updateShoppingList(shoppingList)
.then(response => {
return response
.catch(error => {
throw error
I tried to capture the input value with #input="testValidation) and check for a valid input value (required)
if valid ( aria-invalid: false) then I emit the input value, but the props are not updated in the parent component and the vuex action 'changeTitle' is not triggered
<em>Change the title of your shopping list here</em>
<input name="title" ref="inputTitle" data-vv-delay="1000" v-validate="'required'" :class="{'input': true, 'is-danger': errors.has('required') }" :value="title" #input="testValidation({ title: $, id: id })"/>
<p v-show="errors.has('title')">{{ errors.first('title') }}</p>
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'
export default {
props: ['title', 'id'],
methods: {
testValidation: function (value) {
const ariaInvalid = this.$refs.inputTitle.getAttribute('aria-invalid')
if (ariaInvalid === 'false') {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$emit('input', value) // should change props in parent components
} else {
console.log('INVALID !') // do not change props
onInput: 'changeTitle' // update store
like you access the errors collection in the VUE template, you can also access the same errors collection in your testValidation method
so replace
const ariaInvalid = this.$refs.inputTitle.getAttribute('aria-invalid')
const ariaInvalid = this.$validator.errors.has('title')

Component methods do not fire in Vue

Using Laravel 5.3, I have the following in /resources/assets/js/app.js:
require('./components/test-component'); // custom
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
The component test-component.js is simply
Vue.component('test-component', {
data() {
return {
someData: '' // does work!
mounted() {
console.log('ready'); // does not fire...
methods: {
testMethod() {
console.log('here'); // does not fire...
Then in a Blade template,
<!-- a bunch of HTML markup here... -->
<button type="button" #click="testMethod">Fire a test method...</button>
When a button is clicked, nothing shows in the console. Moreover, mounted does not fire when the form is loaded. At the same time, someData model binding works perfectly!
What I am doing wrong here?
You need to add template to component options:
Vue.component('test-component', {
template: ` <form>
<!-- a bunch of HTML markup here... -->
<button type="button" #click="testMethod">Fire a test method...</button>
You should add a template:
Vue.component('test-component', {
data() {
return {
someData: '' // does work!
template: '<div></div>', // add your template here
mounted() {
console.log('ready'); // does not fire...
methods: {
testMethod() {
console.log('here'); // does not fire...

Vue & Laravel: Access and use eventHub

In resources/assets/js/app.js I have created eventHub Vue instance:
var eventHub = new Vue();
Vue.component('todos-list', require('./components/todos/TodoList.vue'));
Vue.component('todos-add', require('./components/todos/TodoAdd.vue'));
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
How can I use it in components that are created in separate .vue files?
For example, I also have two components:
todos-list located in /components/todos/TodoList.vue, which is used to fetch the data from server-side using vue-resource:
<template id="todos-list-template">
<ul v-if="todos.length > 0">
<li v-for="todo in todos">
{{ todo.title }}
<p v-else>You don't hanve any Todos.</p>
export default {
template: '#todos-list-template',
data() {
return {
todos: {}
mounted() {
this.$http.get('api/vue/todos').then(function(response) {
this.todos =;
methods: {
handleAddedTodo: function(new_todo) {
created: function() {
eventHub.$on('add', this.handleAddedTodo);
destroyed: function() {
eventHub.$off('add', this.handleAddedTodo);
todos-add located in /components/todos/TodoAdd.vue which is used to add (save) the new 'todo' using vue-resource:
<template id="todos-add-template">
<form v-on:submit.prevent="addNewTodo()">
<div class="form-group">
<input v-model="newTodo.title" class="form-control" placeholder="Add a new Todo">
<div class="form-group">
<button>Add Todo</button>
export default {
template: '#todos-add-template',
data() {
return {
newTodo: { id: null, title: this.title, completed: false }
methods: {
addNewTodo() {
this.$'api/vue/todos', { title: this.newTodo.title }).then(function(response) {
if (response.status == 201) {
this.newTodo = { id: null, title: this.title, completed: false }
}, function(response) {
console.log(response.status + ' - '+ response.statusText);
When I add (save) new 'todo' using the todos-add component (TodoAdd.vue) - I want to update data in todos-list component. If I understood well the documentation - for component communication we need to use centralized event hub. And that's what I tried - but I am getting the following error:
eventHub is not defined
I guess because it is defined in app.js, but how can I use in components that are created in separate .vue files?
You are getting this error because eventHub is actually not defined where you are using it. You have to export this from app.js and import in TodoAdd.vue.
in app.js:
var eventHub = new Vue()
exports.eventHub = eventHub
Add this code in TodoAdd.vue:
import eventHub from '/path/of/app'
export default {
template: '#todos-list-template',
This should make eventHub availble in TodoAdd.vue.
As the comment suggests, you may consider using vuex, as you have data whcih is being used across components, and going forward I see chances of getting it more complex, more event handlers and event listerners, which can quickly become a nightmare to manage.
var eventHub = new Vue()
You are getting this error because eventHub is actually not defined where you are using it. You have to export this from app.js file. Use this one
window.eventHub = new Vue()
