Securing a PHP web application that runs locally (https) - https

I have a PHP / Mysql web application for business management that runs on a local server (Wampserver 2.5)
each customer has a local server on which Wampserver and the application are installed (they cannot connect to a remote server due to the instability of the internet ...)
Because of the latest update of browsers, HTTP pages are opened with a "red unsecured": it is really badly seen by the customers?
I installed SSL on Wampserver but the self-signed certificate is also not valid on the browser
Could you suggest me a solution for that


Connection to HTTPS server offline with a PWA

currently I am working on PWA (progressive web app) that needs fully functional offline capabilities. Currently the client is hosted on Heroku and is fully functional offline, besides one key feature. The PWA is not able to connect to the local server I am running from a separate computer. I made a self-signed cert so the localhost server computer is able to connect to it's running server via HTTPS; but I am unable to connect a different computer on the LAN to the same server. I'm fairly new to certificates and how they work, and I can't seem to figure this one out.
Just needed to make a server endpoint where I could accept the certificate. This was weird initially because the application is a SPA. So currently the user would have to differ for the initial setup.

Laravel switching from MySQL to MSSQL

I'm currently developing a web apps for my client, and my development server (a shared hosting server) only support MySql. But I just came to know that my client on whose server I'm going to deploy the laravel web apps on only support Mssql.
So my question is, later when I deploy the laravel web app on my client's server, what should I do to make the web apps works perfectly well? Is it enough if I just change the default driver from mysql to sqlsrv?

Unable to access Liferay 6.2 on dedicated windows cloud server

We install liferay6.2 in windows dedicated server 2008 r2. Liferay sever is working smoothly in the server but when we are trying to access it from browser then we are unable to access it. Error: server not found. In Liferay we have one portlet for video conference and it is also working fine. We can access the server through RDP(Remote Desktop) but whenever trying to access through browser fail to find the server in web.
May be this issue can be easily handle by the network admin or may be by any Liferay developer.
Does your dedicated server have a public (routed) IP address? Also, check firewalls that might block port 8080 if you have not changed the default port. As you say Liferay is running smoothly - you just can't access it - your problem is most likely rather related to the network configuration, not to Liferay itself

Access the IBM AJAX Test Server over HTTPS?

I'm using the AJAX Test Server in Rational Application Developer. I'm posting a form to another host for authentication. That host takes a URL to redirect to after authentication. However, it insists on using HTTPS whenever it sends the 302 response. The low hanging fruit would be to just use HTTPS locally.
Looking at the launch configuration, the AJAX Test Server appears to be a custom Apache HttpCore server. I haven't spotted anything in the configuration guide.
Is there a way to access this test server via HTTPS?
This is for demo and local development purposes; not production.
Speaking from working with WAS (WebSphere Application Server) in RAD, I'm pretty sure the answer would be yes. The server (at least with WAS) has both secure and "unsecure" ports.
What I have noticed is that when the server is built with the install (at least with the newer versions of the products 7.5+), the ports used are different per install. This is to help with not conflicting with other applications that may use those ports.
So https is probably fine. You just may have to use it over port 302 or some other port.
If there is no admin console for viewing your ports, you could always try the Window | Preferences option under your menu items. Sometimes IBM hides server config stuff in there.

Not able to connect to TFS Server from TFS Proxy

In our office we have setup TFS for project development. The TFS Server is WIN 2003 server SP2 with VSTFS 2008 and is running fine. Now we need to setup a TFS Proxy server on client site for client to access. Before going for the client setup, I wanted to build and test proxy in our office on a dummy server (will call it Proxy server hereon) by keeping it on a different domain. OS configuration of the Proxy server is the same as TFS server. I have installed and configured TFS proxy on Proxy server to connect to TFS Server. Also we have built trust between the two different domains to enable communication. Now problem is that I am not able to at all connect to TFS server. I am trying to connect from Internet Explorer of proxy server using proxy service account. It gives me error: The page cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal server error. The page I was browsing was http://tfs:8080/VersionControl/v1.0/ProxyStatistics.asmx.
I think I have done all the required steps correctly to configure proxy as described in MSDN and also TFS installation guide. Here Proxy service account is a member of ‘Team Foundation Valid Users’ group. I am able to connect to TFS Server (specifying port) using Telnet from command prompt on proxy server as suggested by few sites. The TFS server web sites have been configured to use Integration Windows Authentication. Event Logs on both the servers are also not giving any error. Overall I’m not able to get it done.
Any ideas on what might be the problem???
I think the port number for accessing the proxy server is 8081.
I also do not know why you need to install the proxy server on the the client side. You only need the VS200x on the client side I assume but check on
