Connection to HTTPS server offline with a PWA - https

currently I am working on PWA (progressive web app) that needs fully functional offline capabilities. Currently the client is hosted on Heroku and is fully functional offline, besides one key feature. The PWA is not able to connect to the local server I am running from a separate computer. I made a self-signed cert so the localhost server computer is able to connect to it's running server via HTTPS; but I am unable to connect a different computer on the LAN to the same server. I'm fairly new to certificates and how they work, and I can't seem to figure this one out.

Just needed to make a server endpoint where I could accept the certificate. This was weird initially because the application is a SPA. So currently the user would have to differ for the initial setup.


Running ASP.Net Web Api inside intranet - cert authority invalid

I made simple API for which is running on my "server" inside local network. When I want to call api from another PC internet browser inside my intranet over i get warning from my browser that my connection is not private NET:ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID. I can proceed as unsafe but i would like to avoid that. The question is what I have to do to have save connection inside my intranet? I'm totally new in that so i'm aware of thing I have to do.
You just need to add a ssl certificate to the hosting IIS server (assuming you are using IIS as the server). You can create a Self-Signed Certificate, buy from the vendors or use free services. Take a look at

Securing a PHP web application that runs locally (https)

I have a PHP / Mysql web application for business management that runs on a local server (Wampserver 2.5)
each customer has a local server on which Wampserver and the application are installed (they cannot connect to a remote server due to the instability of the internet ...)
Because of the latest update of browsers, HTTP pages are opened with a "red unsecured": it is really badly seen by the customers?
I installed SSL on Wampserver but the self-signed certificate is also not valid on the browser
Could you suggest me a solution for that

Accessing a Firebase-deployed App over a VPN

I built an app to offer a client of the company I work for that I deployed to Firebase. It uses Firebase storage for retrieving files as well as the realtime database. It's actually just the front-end portion of a two-app suite I made; the backend portion is used by an admin for uploading files, checking data, etc --- which data then becomes available to view over the frontend. Both use firebase.
It turns out the devices that would need to access the app (tablets mostly) are inside of an extranet with a server that can establish VPN connections only. Now I'm being asked how I can build the app so these devices can access the app.
I don't know much about the inner-workings of Firebase but it seems to me I may have couple of options:
1) Figure out how to make the FB database accessible over VPN (preferable)
2) Reconfigure the app to use something like MongoDB. Instead of deploying on a remote server, let the on-site server service the devices using the app. Send files that are needed by the server via FTP over the VPN, then process these files on-site.
Problem: I'm using a Mac and the on-site server uses Windows. It will be a pain to install things on a Windows machine remotely, let alone set up the VPN.
Any ideas? I'm sure there are parts of this question where I've made wrong assumptions --- I've never needed to do things over a VPN before.

SSL certificate - Use Client certificate installed on server for local testing - Mutual authentication

I have been working with web services connecting to URLs provided by different clients and so far it has all been done using one-way authentication. Now I'm asked to enable 2-way (mutual) authentication for one of the clients. I did a lot of research and reading but still confused about a lot of things.
I could test successfully on my local machine following instructions from various different articles. But the problem is now to deploy it in production.
Here's what I did for testing: I created a test Web service Host and assigned it a self-signed certificate and created a client to test this. After this I created a client certificate using makecert and verified that this is installed via MMC. I then modified my Host app to only allow clients with certificate and tested from client to see the connection refused due to not providing the client certificate. Then I modified the bindings in the client application to include the certificate name and I was able to connect to the Host successfully. So this completes local hosting.
Now the real problem. The tech team is going to create a certificate in "cert store" on the server. And I need to test again to make sure everything works as expected. We have a few different developers who all want to test on their machines on their local code. Can we all use the same certificate somehow? I don't think we would be allowed to import the certificate but what suggestions could I give them so all of us can use the same certificate?
I'm also confused about issues like difference between windows certificate and IIS certificate. What advantages would the IIS certificate provide?
Thanks for help!
Edit: Could one of the differences between installing on IIS be so that the hosted sites be accessed via SSL connection? This would mean we don't really need to install on IIS if it's just a client certificate. Is this correct?

Not able to connect to TFS Server from TFS Proxy

In our office we have setup TFS for project development. The TFS Server is WIN 2003 server SP2 with VSTFS 2008 and is running fine. Now we need to setup a TFS Proxy server on client site for client to access. Before going for the client setup, I wanted to build and test proxy in our office on a dummy server (will call it Proxy server hereon) by keeping it on a different domain. OS configuration of the Proxy server is the same as TFS server. I have installed and configured TFS proxy on Proxy server to connect to TFS Server. Also we have built trust between the two different domains to enable communication. Now problem is that I am not able to at all connect to TFS server. I am trying to connect from Internet Explorer of proxy server using proxy service account. It gives me error: The page cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal server error. The page I was browsing was http://tfs:8080/VersionControl/v1.0/ProxyStatistics.asmx.
I think I have done all the required steps correctly to configure proxy as described in MSDN and also TFS installation guide. Here Proxy service account is a member of ‘Team Foundation Valid Users’ group. I am able to connect to TFS Server (specifying port) using Telnet from command prompt on proxy server as suggested by few sites. The TFS server web sites have been configured to use Integration Windows Authentication. Event Logs on both the servers are also not giving any error. Overall I’m not able to get it done.
Any ideas on what might be the problem???
I think the port number for accessing the proxy server is 8081.
I also do not know why you need to install the proxy server on the the client side. You only need the VS200x on the client side I assume but check on
