antrun never copies jars - maven

<copy file="${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar" todir="${project.basedir}/../server/plug
After mvn install, I never see the jarfile copied from target/project.jar to ../server/plugins/project.jar.
Why isn't ant running?

Please see the Maven Lifecycle docs to see a list of the phases in Maven's default lifecycle. Note that deploy phase is after install.
The above POM shows the plugin execution is bound to the deploy phase, but the command run was mvn install. So the execution doesn't run.
You will either need to run mvn deploy, or change the phase to install or earlier phase, to see this command running.


Skip maven-cucumber-reporting plugin when integration test is skipped

This is a basic level question about maven plugin lifecycle.
When I run the command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=false then cucumber report is generated by the following plugin:
If I skip the integration tests using the maven command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=true then the maven build fails with the following error:
Execution execution of goal net.masterthought:maven-cucumber-reporting:5.5.0:generate failed: basedir app/target/cucumber does not exist
To what phase should the plugin be configured so that the maven build does not fail when integration test is skipped?
Add the skip variable to the plugin config whose value is based on whether the integration tests are skipped or not.
in root pom.xml in the properties section add:
Now the plugin generates cucumber-html-reports folder when you run the maven command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=false. If you skip integration tests using the maven command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=true then the cucumber-html-reports folder will not be generated but maven build would still succeed.

How to create a custom maven phase, that will not be run during build?

I would like a plugin to only be run during a new phase. Mainly, I don't want the plugin to run during the build lifecycle.
Something like install:
maven clean build custom:meOnly
Note: I am attempting to call this plug-in:
Plugins consist of goals. If you don't bind a goal to a lifecycle phase, it will not be executed during build. You can, though, start it as plugin:goal from the command line.
There is no need to create an additional phase, a goal will do just fine.

Maven surefire plugin is not using argLine property provided by Jacoco

This question is more focused on understanding maven life circle than in solving a real problem.
We have a project with several maven modules. Both Jacoco and Surefire plugins are configured in the parent pom.xml as follows:
This configuration works well and the jacoco.exec files are created on the target directory when common goals are executed, for instance:
mvn clean install
mvn test
But if we execute the following commands the jacoco.exec files are not created:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
#other actions here...
mvn jacoco:prepare-agent surefire:test
Analyzing the logs with the -X option, surefire plugin indicates that it is going to use the argLine property as it is expected:
The goal jococo:prepare-agent generates the value for this variable correctly:
argLine set to -javaagent:s:\\m2_repo\\org\\jacoco\\org.jacoco.agent\\0.8.0\\org.jacoco.agent-0.8.0-runtime.jar=destfile=S:\\sources\\sofia2-s4c\\config\\services\\target\\jacoco.exec
But when surefire:test is executed it does not use the argLine property:
[DEBUG] (s) additionalClasspathElements = []
argLine SHOULD BE HERE!!!!
[DEBUG] (s) basedir = S:\sources\sofia2-s4c\config\services
We have solved this executing:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
#other actions here...
mvn test
Due to mvn test detect that there are no changes in the compiled classes this is efficient. But I would like to understand why the first approach does not work.
The problem is the <argLine> of the surefire plugin configuration.
Solutions from
Define user property <argLine>...</argLine>. surefire will pick it up. No need to use ${surefireArgLine}
Keep the <argLine> in the surefire plugin configuration, but write it as <argLine>#{argLine} ${surefireArgLine}</argLine>
See also

Maven-antrun No ant target defined - SKIPPED

i am trying to copy a file in my maven multi-module project via antrun plugin. the file is in root of parent project:
<target name="copy and rename file">
<copy file="${basedir}/" tofile="${}/../" />
i run this via mvn antrun:run the problem is i get "No ant target defined - SKIPPED" on parent and on every module. i need it to run only on parent and thought <inherited>false</inherited> would help but i doesn't. But why "No ant target defined"?
<echo message="plugin classpath: " />
command : mvn antrun:run#ant-execute
antrun:run will only consider the plugin's configuration, not that for a specific execution, so the execution you specify is ignored. As Run a single Maven plugin execution? states, you can give your execution an id of default-cli to have it picked up.
However, the execution you configure should already be taking effect during the regular build lifecycle.
just run it like this: mvn antrun:run#copy

Building multiple Maven profiles for a single Jenkins job

I am trying to build multiple Maven profiles in a single Jenkins job. Each profile changes some code and then creates a jar by executing mvn -Pdev install then mvn -Pprod install in the command line (According to Maven using mvn -Pdev,prod install is supposed to work but it isn't working for me). Here are the two profiles in my project's pom.xml:
<!-- prod profile -->
<!-- dev profile -->
<!-- build project with JAVA 1.6 -->
How would I setup Jenkins to automatically build both of these profiles for a single Jenkins job whenever the job is hit for a build? And put both of these jars in the Artifactory? I have very little Jenkins knowledge and there isn't much information on this on the web.
You could create a Jenkins matrix job. A matrix job allows the same job to run with changing settings (in your case: a string).
Each changing setting is called an axis. In your case you would create a string axis containing the two values: dev and prod.
That way your job would run twice, with both values.
However: your usage of profiles is dangerous. Since the profile used to run the build is not codified into your artifact, your break the "one source revision should always lead to exactly the same target artifact" contract of Maven (see: for a more detailed explanation)
Consider creating either two different artifacts using classifier (-dev and -prod) or even better: create two separate modules of your build, each one creating only one of your target artifacts.
In Maven, if you use mvn -Pdev,prod, then you are activating both profiles simultaneously in one command.
It seems you want 2 distinct run of the command, i.e. something you would achieve on the command line by doing 2 builds:
mvn -Pdev install; mvn -Pprod install
In jenkins you can achieve this with either
one free style project job (with 2 shell builders running the mvn -P$PROFILE install tasks)
2 maven type jobs (that you can chain one after the other using "build after other projects are built").
In addition to Matrix job and multiple maven invocations in a free-style job, there's another way: Run top-level Maven targets as a pre-build step and run the other command via maven jenkins plugin.
Make sure that the pre-build step uses the same maven repo as the other command by supplying -Dmaven.repo.local=/${whatever-it-is}/${EXECUTOR_NUMBER}.
Please refer to other answers for details on matrix job, etc.
You can do it by setting different execution ids to each execution and then trigger the command
mvn -Pdev,prod clean package install
