Skip maven-cucumber-reporting plugin when integration test is skipped - maven

This is a basic level question about maven plugin lifecycle.
When I run the command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=false then cucumber report is generated by the following plugin:
If I skip the integration tests using the maven command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=true then the maven build fails with the following error:
Execution execution of goal net.masterthought:maven-cucumber-reporting:5.5.0:generate failed: basedir app/target/cucumber does not exist
To what phase should the plugin be configured so that the maven build does not fail when integration test is skipped?

Add the skip variable to the plugin config whose value is based on whether the integration tests are skipped or not.
in root pom.xml in the properties section add:
Now the plugin generates cucumber-html-reports folder when you run the maven command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=false. If you skip integration tests using the maven command mvn clean install -Dskip.integration.tests=true then the cucumber-html-reports folder will not be generated but maven build would still succeed.


Maven plugin in not getting executed

I have a custom maven plugin but when i use that in my project pom , it does not get triggered !
Here is how i using same:
I am triggering build cycle like mvn install:install or even mvn install ! None of these invoke my maven plugin !

Run a specific plugin before running tests in maven

I have a requirement, where i need to execute a plugin before running unit tests or system tests. Is there any way i can make sure that my plugin executes before mvn test
Sure. Maven build lifecycle runs in phases. Your plugin can be configure to run in a specific phase.
So you can configure it to run in compile phase or in test phase (just declare it before the maven-surefire-plugin for test phase)
Example of configuring plugin phase:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->

Maven tell plugin to not run during phase

Is there any phase I can use to prevent Maven from running a plugin goal or any other way I can tell Maven to skip a plugin goal?
Basically, I want to just run it manually.
<phase >pre-integration-test</phase>
When I use pre-integration-test it runs during mvn install. However, I just want to run it manually.
Phase none worked for my scenario to keep test-jars from being created for specific modules in my multi-module maven project. Like this:

maven tomcat7:run terminates automaticatlly in eclipse

Guys I know its very easy to run tomcat7 plugin in maven(in eclipse) but as I'm new to maven structure I can't figure it out that I was running maven build with "tomcat:run" and was working but I switched to maven plugin tomcat7 configured in pom.xml It starts it and stopped and gives build success msg. how change i make it keep listening?
Here my tomcate plugin settings
<keystoreFile>C:/Users/Sohail Haider/.keystore</keystoreFile>
Take into account the default lifecycle in maven
So, what you are doing in the configuration is starting and stopping tomcat when you are building the project. I think that you have a webapp project and want to run tomcat so you have to remove executions tag from the configuration and just execute mvn tomcat7:run

Maven failsafe plugin not using it.test property?

I have the following configuration for the maven failsafe plugin to run my integration tests (based on the documentation at Failsafe Usage Documentation:
When I try to run an individual test using:
mvn -Dit.test=MyLovelyTest failsafe:integration-test
It does not run my test. It dies with the message: No tests were executed
If I remove the execution definition for verify, then it executes the test as expected. Since I copied the plugin def from the official usage documentation, I'm wondering if there's a bug in the plugin, or is it something I'm doing wrong?
