How to create a custom maven phase, that will not be run during build? - maven

I would like a plugin to only be run during a new phase. Mainly, I don't want the plugin to run during the build lifecycle.
Something like install:
maven clean build custom:meOnly
Note: I am attempting to call this plug-in:

Plugins consist of goals. If you don't bind a goal to a lifecycle phase, it will not be executed during build. You can, though, start it as plugin:goal from the command line.
There is no need to create an additional phase, a goal will do just fine.


antrun never copies jars

<copy file="${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar" todir="${project.basedir}/../server/plug
After mvn install, I never see the jarfile copied from target/project.jar to ../server/plugins/project.jar.
Why isn't ant running?
Please see the Maven Lifecycle docs to see a list of the phases in Maven's default lifecycle. Note that deploy phase is after install.
The above POM shows the plugin execution is bound to the deploy phase, but the command run was mvn install. So the execution doesn't run.
You will either need to run mvn deploy, or change the phase to install or earlier phase, to see this command running.

Why does exec-maven-plugin run all phases twice?

When I run a build with maven using the exec-maven-plugin, it runs everything twice for some reason. Is there a way to fix this so it only runs once? I've tried setting my phase in the pom.xml to compile and package and either way, it runs twice. My pom looks like
It turned out that adding the phase tag caused the command to get executed twice. Leaving that out, it is now getting run once as expected. I guess it doesn't matter what phase I give it now, it'll always run the goal, which works for me.
If you need to run this early in the build, excluding the phase isn't an option.
You can do something like this instead in the plugin config:
<phase>none</phase> <!-- disable the default execution in validate phase -->
<phase>generate-sources</phase><!-- now it will run once but in an earlier phase -->
I saw this happening due to the inclusion of:
This seems to be that the maven-source-plugin causes a re-execution of the generate-sources phase. See
Invokes the execution of the lifecycle phase generate-sources prior to executing itself.
If I removed this plugin, the exec goal only executed once.

Maven tell plugin to not run during phase

Is there any phase I can use to prevent Maven from running a plugin goal or any other way I can tell Maven to skip a plugin goal?
Basically, I want to just run it manually.
<phase >pre-integration-test</phase>
When I use pre-integration-test it runs during mvn install. However, I just want to run it manually.
Phase none worked for my scenario to keep test-jars from being created for specific modules in my multi-module maven project. Like this:

Running a plugin goal before the default one

TL;DR: Using maven, I want to run a plugin goal at the beginning of the test phase, before tests actually run. What would be a clean way to do it?
I want to print a message just before the tests actually run. Hence I want to use the echo goal of the echo plugin at the beginning of the test phase (to tell the user that if every tests fail, he'd better have a look at the README since there's a test environment he should set up first)
Attempt n°1
A simple approach could be to run this plugin in the previous phase, process-test-classes.
It works, but it doesn't seem semantically correct to bind this task to this phase...
Attempt n°2
According to Maven documentation, When multiple executions are given that match a particular phase, they are executed in the order specified in the POM, with inherited executions running first., so I tried to set explicitly the surefire plugin:
<echo>*** If most tests fail, make sure you've installed the fake wiki. See README for more info ***</echo>
But tests run before my message is printed.
So, to put it in a nutshell: is there a way to reach my goal, or should I stick to the "process-test-classes solution" even though it seems a bit "hacky"?
As #khmarbaise said, your solution is still hacky, because whole test looks like Integration Test and should be processed by Failsafe Plugin. Failsafe has nice phase pre-integration-test for testing fake wiki etc :)
Based on Guide to Configuring Default Mojo Executions this works for me:
<echo>*** If most tests fail, make sure you've installed the fake wiki. See README for more info ***</echo>
This is very odd for me ;)
I have two plugins with executions bound to generate-sources, one listed first in the list of about 6 plugins and the other listed last. However, the one listed last (which depends on the one listed first) always executes first.
How can I execute several maven plugins within a single phase and set their respective execution order?

Maven - FindBugs Plugin - Exclude from Test Phase

I have the findbugs plugin working fine in my maven setup. I've setup findbugs to execute during the compile phase. I noticed however that it runs during the test phase as well because the test phase also calls compile. Because I have an automated build pipeline that runs all my targets, I don't need findbugs to run during the test phase. I've tried to exclude findbugs from the test phase with the following but no luck yet.
It will not be called based on the running through the life-cylcle via compile it simply is running cause you configured to have two executions one in test and one in compile phase. Findbugs should usually run in the reporting area(site).
Just make a single execution:
The one you like to have. But i recommend to read the documentation cause it should run in reporting area (via site) only.
If you like to run findbugs only during the site generation than just remove it from the usual build area and put into the reporting area instead.
