Change Base URL in Laravel 5.5 - laravel

I 'm trying to change the base URL to I changed the .env file and updated the config/app.php file as well. I tried to solve the issue many different ways, but nothing happens.
How can I change the URL?

I am trying to change base URL to
May I suggest reading up on routing with Laravel? You can achieve this by adding this to your web routes file.
Route::redirect('/', '/home');


Clone Laravel Proyect

i try to copy laravel proyect (server to localhost) but the proyect don't have any documentation. i copy the proyect in new laravel proyect and work i think, becouse it show the login, but when i try to get in i get this error
the url is diferent because in the login show this
in the server doesn't exist the folder webservices, i think is internal url but i don't know how check this.
thanks for your advises
You need to update the .env file values to make it work on your machine.
Most likely the APP_URL is wrong in there.
You can learn more about what is going wrong by looking at the doc at

Passing more than one parameters in route messes up my view

I am a beginner to laravel. When I pass more than one parameter through the route my view gets messed up. For example when my route is {{URL/product}}. It is ok, but when try it the other way i.e {{URL/product/anything}}, the view is messed up.
[This is the correct view][1]
These are my routes :
Route::get('/addproduct' , 'AdminController#add_product')->name('add_product');1
(not working)
Route::get('/add/product' , 'AdminController#add_product')->name('add_product');This one is not working
I haven't changed anything but my web.php file.
This is probably because of how you are linking to your assets. You are most likely using relative URLs. Try using one of the URL helpers to generate absolute URLs for you.
href="{{ asset('css/somefile.css') }}"
Laravel 7.x Docs - Helpers - URLs asset

How to Redirect urls after index.php in Laravel

We have a classified website developed in Laravel Framework. After analyzing the url structure I am getting the following issue:
Original Url:
Duplicate Url:
Every url is being duplicated as per the example given above.
Please let me know how to fix the above issue.
I think best option would be to 301 redirect Duplicate url to the Original url.
Please let me know the htaccess rule to fix the issue.
Do you know which version of laravel?
From what you've said this could be happening in the server (htaccess) or the application (laravel).
Laravel is able to handle url manipulation and redirection. The routing logic is usually found on the file called web.php (router.php for older version). It seems that the string 'index.php' is being inserted in the middle of your urls so look for it there.
If it's not happening in Laravel it could be in the htaccess, so look there as well.

Laravel project custom domain

I am using custom configuration of domain names for my laravel project test as test.local . When I ran this project as test.local in google chrome , it shows laravel homepage. But, when I go to any other routes it shows internal server error.
Can anyone have any solution?
Just add index.php after the url, and then go to specific route
So in your routes file eg. web.php, do this if you need to, this adds on a domain limitation.
Route::group(['domain' => env('APP_URL', 'test.local')],function () {
In you .env file, define the app url, you may use https if required
After all, I would strongly suggest you to check you nginx file to see if you are pointing the path to the right one. And also check if index.php is added into the index file property.

how to transfer codeigniter site from localhost to live server

I developed a site in codeigniter with basic functionality now i want to update this site to my live server. But when i uploaded my site to live server it shows 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND.
Please tell me what do i need to do. I searched a lot about this but i didn't found any helpful information. So is there any base_url or anything else that i need to change before upload this on live server really appreciate
And remember, many servers are case-sensitive and with CodeIgniter v3 you should change the controller's first letter file and model's first letter file to upper case. That worked for me too.
You have problem with your htaccess file or mod_rewrite is disable on that server.
When you go to page with index.php it works (although css file doesn't work because of bad routing)
also check if $config['index_page']=''; if it should work without index.php
I had the same problem times ago and there are 4 points in codeigniter to care about as I remember:
Check base_url value in your "config.php"
Check database settings in "database.php"
Check .htaccess file contents if you have defined it once
Check routes.php if you have defined any custom routes
That's all!
If you are facing 404 page not found in Codeigniter after upload file local to live server then follow these steps
change your controller and file name first letter capital
same change as above in model class and file name i.e first letter capital
After following steps above your problem can be solve Thank you.
