how to transfer codeigniter site from localhost to live server - codeigniter

I developed a site in codeigniter with basic functionality now i want to update this site to my live server. But when i uploaded my site to live server it shows 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND.
Please tell me what do i need to do. I searched a lot about this but i didn't found any helpful information. So is there any base_url or anything else that i need to change before upload this on live server really appreciate

And remember, many servers are case-sensitive and with CodeIgniter v3 you should change the controller's first letter file and model's first letter file to upper case. That worked for me too.

You have problem with your htaccess file or mod_rewrite is disable on that server.
When you go to page with index.php it works (although css file doesn't work because of bad routing)
also check if $config['index_page']=''; if it should work without index.php

I had the same problem times ago and there are 4 points in codeigniter to care about as I remember:
Check base_url value in your "config.php"
Check database settings in "database.php"
Check .htaccess file contents if you have defined it once
Check routes.php if you have defined any custom routes
That's all!

If you are facing 404 page not found in Codeigniter after upload file local to live server then follow these steps
change your controller and file name first letter capital
same change as above in model class and file name i.e first letter capital
After following steps above your problem can be solve Thank you.


How to Redirect urls after index.php in Laravel

We have a classified website developed in Laravel Framework. After analyzing the url structure I am getting the following issue:
Original Url:
Duplicate Url:
Every url is being duplicated as per the example given above.
Please let me know how to fix the above issue.
I think best option would be to 301 redirect Duplicate url to the Original url.
Please let me know the htaccess rule to fix the issue.
Do you know which version of laravel?
From what you've said this could be happening in the server (htaccess) or the application (laravel).
Laravel is able to handle url manipulation and redirection. The routing logic is usually found on the file called web.php (router.php for older version). It seems that the string 'index.php' is being inserted in the middle of your urls so look for it there.
If it's not happening in Laravel it could be in the htaccess, so look there as well.

TYPO3 HTTPS://www. redirects to Page Not Found

Hope that someone can help me solve this strange https:// behaviour in TYPO3 8.7.2 (and 7.6)
All https:// referrers are working fine. The only one giving a problem is the which produces an url like this: which results in a TYPO3 error: Page not found! ??
I have all rewriting in my Vhost. Only some basic TYPO3 rewrite stuff in the .htaccess file. And some basic TS lines in the config.
The same https request on an other TYPO3 8.7.2 system is working ok! Both settings in the VHost and TSconfig are equal.
So where to look for here? Any idea? Thanks.
your domain duplication can have multiple reasons:
have you configured config.absRefPrefix = / (or have you inserted your domain?)
don't use baseURL!
are your rewrites clean? (no missing protocols?)
do you generate links without protocol?

Magento front end links not working

I am trying to create a test environment for a Magento site. I downloaded all the files and the database and restored to XAMPP. I changed the two base urls in the core_config_data table to http://magento.local/magento/ and modified the Magento config file to connect to the local database. I also added magento.local in the hosts file. I'm using magento.local as I read Magento must have a . in the domain name. The site almost works except on the front end when on http://magento.local/magento/ and try and go to a different page it tries to access http://magento.local/pagename/ and gives a 404 error, i can access through http://magento.local/magento/index.php/pagename. I have also disabled Web Server Rewrites in the backend as I read that is supposed to fix this problem. Any suggestions much appreciated.

How do i fix these wrong URL's in my broken magento deployment?

This is my first attempt at using Magento to develop a site. I have to admit the learning curve has been steep, but i have been able to navigate most of the challenges thus far. Here at the final hurdle, however, i have stumbled.
Apache version 2.2.22
PHP version 5.3.10
MySQL version 5.1.65-cll
Magento is located in a folder on the server named magento one directory down, as in
No images are displayed in the front end or backend. It is as if it cannot access the stylesheets. When viewing the source, i can see that the paths are wrong. It searches for the stylesheets in and not in the magento folder. I can access the backend by typing in and that brings up the backend without any styling. After that however, every request results in 404. The URL looks like without a slash between admin and index. Introducing that slash manually after every 404 results in correct page being displayed (still without styling). So clearly the problem is here, but i can't seem to fix it. And YES, i do have the slash after the path in the database for both secure and unsecure.
Attempts to solve:
Changed the url’s in database link
Changed app/etc/local.xml to use correct database
Changed .htaccess to include this line: RewriteBase /magento/ (but i
removed it again)
Deleted the appropriate cache and sessions folders
Tried some of the suggestion given here link
Now, i am stuck. I have worked my way through error upon error (no fault of Magento, just the learning curve) and i am tired… :-( If someone can please give me some advice as to what to try next, it would be greatly appreciated.
I found these links of the (seemingly) similar problem. Clearly there is something happening here. The other thread never solved the issued, just found a work around. Is it possible that we have run into a bug? Something is stripping that slash out and it isn’t any of the usual suspects… dum dum dum

After moving CI from one provider to another I get white screen of death on my homepage

I have moved my CodeIgniter application from my first server provider where everything works great to another one ( because of better speed etc.) and I have now two strange problems with WSOD.
When I go to my homepage I get a WSOD.
Well, I tried to remve the index.html file in the root and it magically works.
My question is why I need to remove the index.html file if it is there as a default file in CI package?
Is this a problem of the server? What should they change so I can leave index.html in my root? Should they enable some module or?
I think it is better for security reason to have index.html in the root folder or am I wrong?
My another problem is that when there is a redirect, e.g. on login, submiting form. I get after hitting submit a WSOD. But only when the validation is successful, so I am asssuming that the redirect failed.
One thing to notice. I am not using refresh as the second parameter, bacause it causes problems WSOD on my localhost.
Could this be a problem?
Which Apache or PHP server configuration paramter could cause this problem?
EDIT: I tried redirect('admin', 'refresh'); and also redirect('admin', 'location', 301); but I am still getting WSOD :(.
EDIT 2: Could this be an issue of disabled FastCGI PHP5?
EDIT 3: My base url in config file is OK: $config['base_url'] = ''; . It has the trailing slash and everything what is needed. I am not using subfolders etc.
EDIT 4: I have changed the title of this post to be clear that everything works on my first provider, but this problem emerges after moving to another
OK, so after enabling showing errors in index.php (changing production to development mode) I saw that the problem was on the first line of the form_validation_lang.php file in my application/language/english folder. But I didn't saw any whitespaces before the first UTF-8 without BOM and BANG!... the problem disappeared. Probably the BOM was the troublemaker. However, I still don't know how could it work on the previous hosting.
