Re-processing data for Elasticsearch with a new pipeline - elasticsearch

I have an ELK-stack server that is being used to analyse Apache web log data. We're loading ALL of the logs, going back several years. The purpose is to look at some application-specific trends over this time period.
The data-processing pipeline is still being tweaked, as this is the first time anyone has looked in detail into this data and some people are still trying to decide how they want the data to be processed.
Some changes were suggested and while they're easy enough to do in the logstash pipeline for new, incoming data, I'm not sure how to apply these changes to the data that's already in elastic. It took several days to load the current data set, and quite a bit more data has been added so re-processing everything through logstash, with the modified pipeline will probably take several days longer.
What's the best way to apply these changes to data that has already been ingested into elastic? In the early stages of testing this set-up, I would just remove the index and rebuild from scratch, but that was done with very limited data sets and with the amount of data in use here, I'm not sure that's feasible. Is there a better way?

Setup an ingest pipeline and use reindex API to move data from current index to new index (with the pipeline configured for destination index)
Ingest Node


Implements popular keyword in ElasticSearch

I'm using ElasticSearch on AWS EC2.
And i want to implement today's popular keyword function in ES.
there is 3 indexes(place, genre, name), and i want see today's popular keyword in name index only.
I tried to use ES slowlog and logstash. but slowlog save logs every shard's log.
(ex)number of shards : 5 then 5 query log saved.
Is there any good and easy way to implement popular keyword in ES?
As far as I know, this is not supported by Elasticsearch and you need to build your own custom solution.
Design you mentioned using the slowlog is not good as you mentioned its on per shard basis, even if you do some more computing and able to merge and relate them to a single search at index level, it would not be good, as
you have to change the slow log configuration and for every index there needs to be a different threshold, you can change it to 0ms, to make sure you get all the search queries in slow logs, but that would take a huge disk space and would not be good for Elasticsearch performance.
You have to do some parsing of slow log in your application and if you do it runtime it would be very costly.
I think you can maintain a distributed cache in your application where you store the top searched keyword like the leaderboard of a multi-player gaming app, which is changing very frequently but in your case, you don't even have to update this cache very frequently. I would not go into much implementation details, but simple Hashmap of search term as key and count as value would solve the issue.
Hope this helps. let me know if you have questions.

Is is more efficient to query multiple ElasticSearch indices at once or one big index

I have an ElasticSearch cluster and my system handles events coming from an API.
Each event is a document stored in an index and I create a new index per source (the company calling the API). Sources come and go, so I have new sources every week and most sources become inactive after a few weeks. Each source send between 100k and 10M new events every day.
Right now my indices are named api-events-sourcename
The documents contain a datetime field and most of my queries look like "fetch the data for that source between those dates.
I frequently use Kibana and I have configured a filter that matches all my indices (api-events-*) at once, and I then add terms to filter a specific source and specific days.
My requests can be slow at times and they tend to slow down the ingestion of new data.
Given that workflow, should I see any performance benefits to create an index per source and per day, instead of the index per source only that I use today ?
Are there other easy tricks to avoid putting to much strain on the cluster ?

Elasticseach & Kibana - best practice for visualizing one year's logs

I am using ElasticSearch with Kibana to store and visualize data from my logs. I know it is customary to use Logstash, but I just use the elasticsearch Rest API and POST new elements to it.
I am trying to look for best practices in terms of how I should manage my indices, given I have about 50k logs per day, and I want to visualize sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly and sometimes yearly data. And also I have no need for more than one node. I don't need a high available cluster.
So I am basically trying to determine:
-How should I store my indexes, by time? Monthly? Weekly? One index for everything?
-What are the disadvantages of a huge index (one index that contains all my data)? Does it mean that the entire index is in memory?
Thank you.
I like to match indexes to the data retention policy. Daily indexes work very well for log files, so you can expire one day's worth after X days of retention.
The fewer indexes/shards you have, the less RAM is used in overhead by Elasticsearch to manage them.
The mapping for a field is frozen when the field is added to the index. With a daily index, I can update the mapping and have it take effect for the new indexes, and wait for the old ones to expire. With a longer-term indexes, you'd probably need to reindex the data, which I always try to avoid.
The settings for shards and replicas are also frozen when you create the index.
You can visualize them in Kibana regardless of how they're stored. Use the #timestamp field as your X-axis and change the "interval" to the period you want.
Using logstash would be important if you wanted to alter your logs at all. We do a lot of normalization and creation of new fields, so it's very helpful. If it's not a requirement for you, you might also look into filebeats, which can write directly to elasticsearch.
Lots to consider...

Is solr cloud applicable for use case where indexing is offline?

Solr cloud seems to be the suggested method to scale solr in future. I understand that legacy scaling methods (like master slave and replication) still exists. My use case with solr does not have to be near real time (NRT). It is fine if the newly indexed data is visible for searchers after about 1 day.
In the master slave (legacy scaling), I could replicate it once a day. In Solr cloud do i have an option like this?
Also i don't want the indexing to impact the searcher performance during index time. Is there a way to isolate the indexer from searcher shards in solr cloud?
You could skip SolrCloud and just index on a dedicate separate collection.
Then, you bring the new content to each machine individually and do a Core Swap.
Or similar thing using Aliases to point to the newest core/collection. Which also allows you to segment old content and new content into different collections and search them together.
I also used collection aliases in such cases. You can build your index once a day and when it is ready you simply change the alias. I'll give an example
At very begining you create index called: index_2014_12_01. This index is aliased by index_2014_12_01. The next day you build index_2014_12_02 and changing the alias now to point index_2014_12_02 instead of index_2014_12_01.

Use Elasticsearch as backup store

My application receives and parse thousands of small JSON snippets each about ~1Kb every hour. I want to create a backup of all incoming JSON snippets.
Is it a good idea to use Elasticsearch to backup this snippets in an index with f.ex. "number_of_replicas:" 4? Never read that anyone has used Elasticsearch for this.
Is my data safe in Elasticsearch when I use a cluster of servers and replicas or should I better use another storage for this use case?
(Writing it to the local file system isn't safe, as our hard discs crashes often. First I have thought about using HDFS, but this isn't made for small files.)
First you need to find difference between replica and backups.
replica is more than one copy of data at run time.It increases high availability and failover support,it wont support accidental delete of data.
Backup is copy of whole data at backup will be used to restore when system crashed.
Elastic search for back up.. its not good idea.. Elastic search is a search engine not DB.If you have not configured ES cluster carefully,then you will end up with loss of data.
So in my opinion ,
To store json object, we got lot of dbs.. For example mongodb is a nosql db.We can easily configure it with more replicas.It means high availability of data and failover support.As you asked its also opensource and more reliable.
for more info about mongodb refer
In elasticsearch if you create index with more shards it'll be distributed among nodes.If a node fails then the data will be lost.But in mongoDB more node means ,each mongodb node contains its own copy of data.If a mongodb fails then we can retrieve out data from replica mongodbs. We need to be more conscious about replica setup and shard allocation in Elasticsearch. But in mongoDB it's easier and good architecture too.
Note: I didn't say storing data in elasticsearch is not safe.I mean, comparing to mongodb,it's difficult to configure replica and maintain in elasticsearch.
Hope it helps..!
