Azure Data Studio (formerly SQL Operations Studio) Chart Results - azure-data-studio

The chart function in Azure Data Studio produces a chart for the following query (under Results > Charts ) when really I want just a simple line chart of run time over time. Seems like the chart results feature in Azure Data Studio does not allow you to fix auto-generate charts?
SELECT run_dt, run_time FROM
('2018-12-19', '42'),
('2018-12-18', '84'),
('2018-12-17', '53'),
('2018-12-14', '58'),
('2018-12-14', '60')
) AS etl_log(run_dt, run_time);

It does look like it's broken -- specifically missing a parameter.
I found the following workaround to help:
Change the parameter Chart Type to "bar".
Change the (now-visible) parameter Data Direction to "Vertical".
Change the parameter Chart Type back to "line".


Superset Chart Builds Not Including Configured Filters

I just started with Superset a week ago and this is my first post.
Using Docker for latest code of the master Superset build.
I'm frustrated that as I configure queries that have multiple variables when I save the chart with no query errors shown and the queries listed in the Filters options -- the resultant chart is not dispaying the queries themselves.
I tried Cases first but the SQL editor kept generating errors, so I watched how Superset by default built Filters and then created queries with Custom SQL that satisfied Superset.
Here is a Partial chart query that includes filter queries producing table columns My intention is to create a stacked bar chart with no time increments , just total number of matching table records --
GROUP BY collection_id,
ORDER BY `COUNT(collection_id)` DESC
LIMIT 1000) AS virtual_table
WHERE ((altersgruppe LIKE %’Baby-Boomer%’
OR altersgruppe LIKE ‘%Gen X%’
AND altersgruppe LIKE ‘%Gen Y%’
OR altersgruppe LIKE ‘%Gen Z%’)
AND (art_interview LIKE '%digital%'
OR art_interview LIKE '%persönlich%')
AND (form_interview LIKE '%Einzelinterview%'
OR form_interview LIKE '%Gruppeninterview%')
AND (stichwort LIKE '%Bestes Erlebnis%'
OR stichwort LIKE '%Schlechtestes Erlebnis%'
OR stichwort LIKE '%Überraschung%')
AND (geschlecht LIKE '%männlich%' OR geschlecht LIKE '%weiblich%' OR geschlecht LIKE '%divers%'))
Yesterday I saw a reference to adding these filter displays manually in the code.
But I decided I'd better check in here first.
I'm using one table in a mysql environment and can provide more data when asked.
It is my hope that some users recognize some of the most likely issues with missing filters and can give me directions to investigate.
Otherwise I can post my total chart query and other settings that might help me get a solution.

Chart - Date Order - Google Data Studio

I'm doind a chart of warehouse income and outcome but X-Axis is not ordering the date correctly
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Try setting the Sort parameter to you date dimension and use Ascending option for it.
Should look like this:
Here you can find detailed docs for all the chart types used in GDS.

POWER BI How to create a data table for a histogram

I have been unable to locate any instructions on how to create the standard data table for a histogram or instructions on how to pivot a data table visual by using a date field(column) as the headers.
Below is a simple example of what I need. Excel calls this a data table. If it is called something else in PowerBI I can't figure it out.
Ultimately, I just need to transpose the relevant data from row format to Column format, but I prefer not to do this for the whole table in the background. I'd prefer to do it just for this visual and leave the background data in its current format for other visuals.
The feature you are looking for is called "Show as a table", you can get it from the "..." menu in the top-right corner of any visual.
It's documented here, although a little out-of-date currently:
FWIW that looks like a clustered column chart, not a histogram. With a histogram, the X axis is typically made up of buckets of a numeric value, whereas your example shows dates.

SSRS Parameter Issue

I am trying to filter data using a text field, However when I specify the available Values to the dataset and field that I am using I recieve this error.
If I remove the Available values, The report runs fine.
I am using Visual Studio Ultimate 2012, with SSRS addon.
The available values can't be populated from the same data source that they are being applied to.
Create a separate data source for your available values and make sure they can populate without user interaction - without their own parameters in other words.
Get the distinct colors list on additional data-set and set it up as default value for your color parameter.
Remember that order of parameters is also important.

Using parameters in reports for VIsual Studio 2008

This is my first attempt to create a Visual Studio 2008 report using parameters. I have created the dataset and the report. If I run it with a hard-coded filter on a column the report runs fine. When I change the filter to '?' I keep getting this error:
No overload for method 'Fill' takes '1' argument
Obviously I am missing some way to connect the parameter on the dataset to a report parameter. I have defined a report parameter using the Report/Report Parameter screen. But how does that report parameter get tied to the dataset table parameter? Is there a special naming convention for the parameter?
I have Googled this a half dozen times and read the msdn documentation but the examples all seem to use a different approach (like creating a SQL query rather then a table based dataset) or entering the parameter name as "=Parameters!name.value" but I can't figure out where to do that. One msdn example suggestted I needed to create some C# code using a SetParameters() method to make the connection. Is that how it is done?
If anyone can recommend a good walk-through I'd appreciate it.
After more reading it appears I don't need report parameters at all. I am simply trying to add a parameter to the database query. So I would create a text box on the form, get the user's input, then apply that parameter programmatically to the fill() argument list. The report parameter on the other hand is an ad-hoc value generally entered by a user that you want to appear on the report. But there is no relationship between report parameters and query/dataset parameters. Is that correct?
My last assumption appears to be correct. After 30 years in the industry my bias is to assume a report parameter actually filters the SQL data using the given parameter. This is not the case with .rdlc files used by Report Viewer. These report parameters have nothing to do with fetching data. Sounds like this was a design decision on Microsoft's part to completely separate the display of data from the fetching of data, hence, Report Viewer has no knowledge of how data may be fetched. Best way for me to conceptualize this dichotomy is to think of Report Parameters more as Report Labels, quite distinct from the dataset query parameters.
