POWER BI How to create a data table for a histogram - datatable

I have been unable to locate any instructions on how to create the standard data table for a histogram or instructions on how to pivot a data table visual by using a date field(column) as the headers.
Below is a simple example of what I need. Excel calls this a data table. If it is called something else in PowerBI I can't figure it out.
Ultimately, I just need to transpose the relevant data from row format to Column format, but I prefer not to do this for the whole table in the background. I'd prefer to do it just for this visual and leave the background data in its current format for other visuals.

The feature you are looking for is called "Show as a table", you can get it from the "..." menu in the top-right corner of any visual.
It's documented here, although a little out-of-date currently:
FWIW that looks like a clustered column chart, not a histogram. With a histogram, the X axis is typically made up of buckets of a numeric value, whereas your example shows dates.


QGIS how to permanently change the order of records? (Sort records/features permanently and output a new shapefile)

Hello I was wondering if somebody knows a way to sort a table from a layer and then, save the new ordered or export this to a new layer with its table ordered by a preview sort. I have accomplished this by exporting a table as a csv then in excel I would sort the the orders by fields the way I wanted and then reimport on Qgis. I was wondering if this could be done inside Qgis. This would be very helpful because sometime you begin populating a layer and you might want to change drawing order. (this is not referred to columns order, It is referred to row order) hope somebody can point me in the right direction. thanks
For QGIS 3.16 there is an "Order by expression" tool available in the Processing Toolbox under Vector General.
This enables ordering by a specific column and saves the result to a new layer.

Duplicate key measure columns appearing in a matrix

The requirement:
My users want a slicer which displays the dimensions of a data table they can then select from and have the dimensions display in a corresponding matrix visual along with two measures, Sales TY and Sales LY.
Progress so far.
I’ve achieved this by taking the table, selecting the column which indexes the table and unpivoting the rest of the columns. Next I place a slicer on the report and attach it to the unpivoted table’s Attributes field (now renamed as ‘Column’). Finally, I add a matrix visual to the report and add to it the unpivoted table fields Column, Index and Value fields. Now when I click on the slicer, whichever dimensions I select appear in the matrix.
The problem:
However, when adding the measures previously created (Sales TY and Sales LY) to the matrix, each measure is repeated after every column selected for display, whereas I only want the measures to display once.
Does anyone know if this possible? I’ve tried a number of approaches but nothing seems to work. I’m a new user so apologies if this is an FAQ I’ve yet to come across or I’m doing something glaringly obviously wrong. As I say I’m only just starting out in DAX and Power BI. I’m looking pretty hard at table functions and the Switch statement with the hope of calculating the solution somehow but haven’t managed it yet. Any advice, steer or comment greatly appreciated, thanks.

how to set dynamic header using BIRT?

I am newbie to BIRT and unfortunately my first task is over complicated.
I want to create table like this
Birt Report Snap
the columns in this picture must be dynamic. the data for the column name is in database and I have to fetch it and create columns on the go. 2nd to put values against it.
kindly tell me if this thing is doable in birt. I am new to this so please don't give negative ratings
I believe what you are looking for is called a Cross Tab Table.
Here is a tutorial video on it: BIRT - Cross Tab Table
In addition to SBurris answer, which is the way you should try first, I can assure you from my experience that what you want is in fact doable with BIRT, and even in two different ways.
However, some of the minor aspects might be a bit quite tricky for beginners, e.g. the merged cells in the column header, the different background colours and border widths for the columns. So, these style aspects shouldn't matter at first, you can tackle them later.
The first, by far easiest and standard way to achieve this kind of report layout is a cross tab, as SBurris said.
The second option is - depending on the database backend - to use a "normal" Table report item in they layout and to "create the cross tab" with SQL.
This is more powerful IMHO as the BIRT Cross Tab report item, but also more complicated.
For examples, see here:
Pivot / Crosstab Query in Oracle 10g (Dynamic column number)
Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle
How to do Pivoting in Oracle 10g
(you get the idea)
To use this with BIRT, you'll have to select the column title values in addition to the cell values.
You have to decide how many columns do/should fit on your page (if you're using PDF output).
You can use the maximum aggregate function in the visibility expression of the columns to hide empty columns.
If the number of logical columns exceeds the number of columns for a single page, you can extend the idea further by dividing the cross tab into several, each with at most N columns.
However, note that this approach will need an experienced BIRT developer...

Tableau create a table matrix?

I have a CSV file that looks like this. It is in matrix form where cell A1 is empty. I want to visualize this in Tableau like this
How can I build this in tableau to show a matrix?
I tried putting measure name in both the row and column field and measure values in the marks text box but i ended up with diagonal values which isn't what i want.
First structure your data in the form of a table.
A well structured CSV file for Tableau (and most tools) has a single header row that labels each column (so skipping the first cell in the header row is a problem). Then each data row that follows contains only values in each field separated by columns (so there should be no leading row labels)
Order is not significant in a relational table. The rows in a table form a set, not a matrix.
So your CSV should look something closer to
Normally, the prime use of Tableau is display an aggregated summary of the data, not to display each individual data row. So you can put measure_names on columns and measure_values on the text or label shelf to get a summary of each measure (by default a sum)
If all you want to do is to view the underlying data rows in a table for diagnostics, the easiest way is to use the view data button or menu command.
If you want to build a visualization that displays all the data (without summarizing it) in a table, you have two ways to go. The simplest is if you have a unique primary key in your data, you can place it on the row shelf to get a row in your viz for each row in your data.
If your data rows do not have a primary key, you can turn off aggregate measures from the Analysis menu, but then you'll see multiple values in each table cell. Then to get a row in your viz for each row in your data, put the calculation index() on the rows shelf and change it to discrete.

Cross table with two datasets (one as the row and the other as the column)

I have two datasets in my birt report :
Lesson (date)
Student (name)
and I would like to know how to create a cross table using the date (red) as the column names and name (blue) as the row names as shown below :
The cells will stay empty.
I have try to use the Cross Tab but it seems that I can only use one dataset.
For information I am stuck with the version 2.5.2. I say this in case someone writes about a practical functionality available in the later version of birt... :-)
Where both datasets are coming from the same relational data source, the simplest way to achieve this would normally be:
Replace the existing two datasets with a single dataset, in which the two original datasets are cross-joined to each other;
create a crosstab from the new dataset, with the new dataset columns as the data cube groups.
