How to retain password for Rsync across the same script? - bash

I have written this script:
for department in A B C E L M V
mkdir -p ./resources/${div}
rsync -Pruzh --copy-links \
${SSH_USER}#server:${department}/foo/files \
${SSH_USER}#server:${department}/foo/photos \
rsync -Pruzh \
${SSH_USER}#server:${department}/bar/documents \
It works perfect except that I have to write my password 14 times which is not really practical.
I have heard of ssh_agent but for some reasons it does not work on my WSL.
Is there any alternative that I can use to type my password only once?

If you are using openssh, then you can set up a master connection and reuse it with something like:
mkdir -p /tmp/sshctl
if ! ssh -nNf -o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPath="${TMPL}" "${DEST}"; then
echo "# Failed to setup SSH ControlMaster. Aborting."
# ...
rsync -e "ssh -o 'ControlPath=${TMPL}'" ... "${DEST}":... ...
rsync -e "ssh -o 'ControlPath=${TMPL}'" ... "${DEST}":... ...
# ...
ssh -O exit -o ControlPath="${TMPL}" "${DEST}"
Be sure to secure the socket.

Best practice would be to set up SSH key pairs for automated authentication; i.e. create an SSH key pair and copy the public key to the server where these files are located, then use the private key in the rsync command: rsync -Pruzh --copy-links -e "ssh -i /path/to/private.key" .... This is fairly simple, secure, and gets rid of the prompt.
You can also use a utility like sshpass to enter the password in the prompt, but that kind of approach is less secure.


sshpass want to use parameter of sftp

Hi i created following script to initialize my storage box to use rsync without password later. Last year it works if i remember correct...
cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/storagebox_authorized_keys
echo -e "mkdir .ssh \n chmod 700 .ssh \n put $.ssh/storagebox_authorized_keys" \
".ssh/authorized_keys \n chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys" | sshpass -p ${storage_password} \
sftp -P ${storage_port} -i .ssh/id_rsa ${storage_user}#${storage_address}
today I get following error:
sshpass: invalid option -- 'i'
but the parameter -i belongs to sftp and not sshpass - is there an possibility to parse the parameters in the correct way?
edit: i switched the position of
-i .ssh/id_rsa ${storage_user}#${storage_address}
and get this error
sshpass: Failed to run command: No such file or directory
edit: it seems like an sftp problem...
after discussion, updating answer to properly support automation
step 1:
create an sftp "batch file" e.g: ~/.ssh/storage-box_setup.sftp
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
put /path/to/authorized_keys_file ".ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
/path/to/authorized_keys_file is a file containing public keys of ONLY the keys that should have access to your storage box (.ssh/storagebox_authorized_keys)
step 2:
update automation script command to
sshpass -p <password> -- sftp -P <port> -b ~/.ssh/storage-box_setup.sftp user#host
the -b flag was the answer you needed.
refer: man sftp
-b batchfile
Batch mode reads a series of commands from an input batchfile instead of stdin. Since it lacks user interaction it should be used in conjunction with non-interactive authentication.
sshpass -p ${storage_password} -- \
sftp -P ${storage_port} -i .ssh/id_rsa \
the -- before sftp is a way to tell sshpass (and most other programs) to stop parsing arguments.
everything after -- is assumed as the last argument, which in the case of sshpass is the command to be executed ssh -i ~/.id_rsa ...
in case you're wondering switching the position of -i tells sshpass to execute -i as a program and hence fails with command not found

Execute commands after sshpass login in the script

I'm an Ubuntu bash newbie. I successfully login to an sFTP server using sshpass. But once the connection is established I also need to download a directory from the server. My script cannot seem to pass the connection line though. This is what I have in my script (.sh) file:
sshpass -p 'MY_PASSWORD' sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss MYUSER#MYSFTPSERVERADDRESS
echo "hello"
get -r Export
In the snipped above, my echo and my get are not executed. The terminal is waiting for my input with a sftp> prompt.
You would be better served using scp instead of sftp and sharing keys instead of putting the password in a script if you're able, but if you must use sftp for some reason, it can take its commands from a heredoc like:
sshpass -p 'MY_PASS' sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss MYUSER#MYSFTPSERVERADDRESS <<EOF
get -r Export
note that echo isn't a valid sftp command.
You can put whatever commands you want sftp to execute before the EOF and it will do them each in turn.
If all you want is to get that directory it's probably still simpler to use scp if you can:
sshpass -p 'MY_PASSWORD' scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -r MYUSER#MYSFTPSERVERADDRESS:Export .

writing shell ssh script for uploading compiled sketch on multiple arduino yun in network

I work with a couple of arduino yuns and want to write a script to upload sketches on multiple of them. Let's assume I have a compiled arduino program:sketch.hex.
Now I'd like to upload this file via LAN. For a single device it works like this.
Copying the sketch onto the device. (password required)
scp sketch.hex root#yun1.local:/tmp/sketch.hex
Opening an ssh session with the device. (password required)
ssh root#yun1.local
And then load the program onto the Atmega with the following 2 commands.
merge-sketch-with-bootloader.lua /tmp/sketch.hex
run-avrdude /tmp/sketch.hex
Now my question would be, how to do this for multiple arduinos (yun1,yun2,...,yunN) without entering actually ssh-ing into each single device in order to run the bottom 2 commands.
Hope the question is not too confusing and thanks a lot in advance.
Update: could figure it out myself. Here is the code in case someone needs it.
# Created by maggu on 21/02/16.
SSHCOMMAND="ssh -p 22 -T -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=no"
for i in `seq 1 $YUNS`
ssh-keygen -R $PREFIXO$i$SUFFIX
sshpass -p "doghunter" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null sketch.hex $SSHACCOUNT:/tmp/sketch.hex
sshpass -p $SSHPASS $SSHCOMMAND $SSHACCOUNT << EOF_run_commands
merge-sketch-with-bootloader.lua /tmp/sketch.hex
run-avrdude /tmp/sketch.hex
# Created by maggu on 21/02/16.
SSHCOMMAND="ssh -p 22 -T -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=no"
for i in `seq 1 $YUNS`
ssh-keygen -R $PREFIXO$i$SUFFIX
sshpass -p "doghunter" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null sketch.hex $SSHACCOUNT:/tmp/sketch.hex
sshpass -p $SSHPASS $SSHCOMMAND $SSHACCOUNT << EOF_run_commands
merge-sketch-with-bootloader.lua /tmp/sketch.hex
run-avrdude /tmp/sketch.hex

how can know ssh is disconected and retry with bash script

I'm using reverse ssh for connecting to remote client , Operator run reverse one time and leave client system
how can i write bash script , when reverse ssh disconnected from server retry to connect to server (ssh)
Use autossh. Autossh "automatically restart[s] SSH sessions and tunnels"
sudo apt-get install autossh
I use autossh to to keep open reverse tunnel that I depend on. It works very well, even with long periods of lost connection.
Here is the script I use to create the tunnel:
autossh -f -N -R 8022:localhost:22 username#host -o "ServerAliveInterval 45" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 2"
I execute this script at boot with this cronjob:
#reboot /home/scripts/./
If you simply want to retry a command until it succeeds, you can use this pattern:
while ! ssh [...]
echo "Command failed, retrying..." >&2
I have a slightly different method.
My method always tries to reconnect you if you have a dirty disconnection: '~.' or 'Connection closed by remote host.'
But if you disconnect with 'CRTL+D' or with 'exit' it just disconnects and show you some info of the connections.
I have a slightly different method.
My method always tries to reconnect you if you have a dirty disconnection: '~.' or 'Connection closed by remote host.'
But if you disconnect with 'CRTL+D' or with 'exit' it just disconnects and show you some info of the connections.
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo '''
Please also provide ssh connection details.
exit 1
while "$repeat"
((retries+=1)) &&
echo "Try number $retries..." &&
today=$(date) &&
ssh "$#" &&
sleep 5
echo """
Disconnected sshx after a successful login.
Total number of tries = $retries
Connected at:
You might want to take a look into ssh options ServerAliveInterval, ServerAliveCountMax and TCPKeepAlive because sometimes your line dies without making this obvious, let me demonstrate:
while true; do
ssh -T user#host \
-o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/tunnel \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=~/.ssh/known_hosts.tunnel \
pkill -f "^sshd:\ user\ \ \ \ $" # needs to be edited for nearly every case
sleep 2
ssh -T -N user#host \
-o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/tunnel \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=~/.ssh/known_hosts.tunnel \
-o Batchmode=yes \
-o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes \
-o ServerAliveCountMax=1 \
-o ServerAliveInterval=60 \
-o LocalForward= \
-o RemoteForward=
sleep 60
You can use netstat -ntp | grep ":22" or ss -ntp | grep ":22" to see established connections to ssh port, then use grep to filter the ip address you're looking for. If you don't find a connection then reconnect the tunnel.
Use autossh if it works on your version of Linux. It did not on mine as it was an outdated Linux distribution for a custom NAS box.
The alternative is a simple bash script in crontab like this:
if ! netstat -planet |grep myserver_ip_or_name |grep ESTABLISHED > /dev/null; then
echo "REVERSE SSH DOWN - Restarting the tunnels"
ssh -fN -R 32999:localhost:22 -R 28080:localhost:80 myusername#myserver_ip_or_name
Replace myusername and myserver_ip_or_name with those of your user and server.
Then add an entry to crontab by typing crontab -e and adding the following line:
1 * * * * /path_to_my_script/
Make sure to have the execute permissions on the script:
chmod 755

Shell repeat execute ssh and scp command

I have two line need to repeat doing in for loop
ssh tam# mkdir -p $location
scp -r $i tam#$location
but each time it need to input password, how can i change code then just need input one time or more fast way
You can use public/private key generation method using ssh-keygen (
And then use the below script.
for VARIABLE in dir1 dir2 dir3
ssh tam# mkdir -p $location
scp -r $i tam#$location
Alternative solution :
You can use sshpass
for VARIABLE in dir1 dir2 dir3
ssh tam# mkdir -p $location sshpass -p '<password>' <command>
scp -r $i tam#$location sshpass -p '<password>' <command>
While public/private keys is the easiest option, without need to change the existing script, there is another option, of using sshfs. sshfs may not be installed by default.
With this approach, you basically mount the remote file system to a local directory, over ssh protocol. Then you can simply use commands like mkdir / cp etc.
NOTE: These command are from YOUR system & not from REMOTE system.
Mounting over ssh is a one time job, which will require your manual intervention. Do this before running the script.e.g. for your case:
mkdir /tmp/tam_192.168.174.43
sshfs tam# /tmp/tam_192.168.174.43
tam#'s password: <ENTER PASSWORD HERE>
& then, in your script, use simple commands like:
mkdir -p /tmp/tam_192.168.174.43/$location
cp -r $i /tmp/tam_192.168.174.43/$location
& to unmount:
fusermount -u /tmp/tam_192.168.174.43
