How do I upload an image onto a pycharm project? - image

I am making a chess program for school. I have the first part of the code, but I need the images for the pieces to be in the project files. I can open my files within the project, but annoyingly cannot find a way to save them in the project.
I have had a look around, but haven't found any help on it online, making me think I must be missing something really simple. Your help would be very much appreciated.

Found the answer:
just need to upload it into the files along with the main venv library and the main program.


how to download source jar file for org.gradle.kotlin.dsl

Is there any way to download gradle-kotlin-dsl-6.6.1.jar source file by idea or manually with a link?
I wanted to read the source code of the functions in this dependency, I couldn't find the source code also.
I reasoned that, since the plugin is working for me, the code must've been downloaded. What I've found is that (in Android Studio under Linux), if I ctrl-click on a keyword in (anything, I think, but in this case) a build.kts file it takes me to the definition.
Doing this, I can then hover my cursor on the tab name and it shows me where the file is. Mine is way down under /.gradle, but the point is it does tell me where.
So, while I haven't found the jar file itself, I'm thinking that each of the files found like this are part of it. Does that help enough, or at least a bit?

is there any way to change .exe file into .apk?

i made a python script with tkinter, python and i turned it into a program folder with .exe file that woks correctly using auto py to exe .
I m asking if there is a similar solution to turn this exe folder into an apk file and thanks
I think I understand the substance of your question.
I am not too much in the style of putting -1 on questions because I believe that no question is good or bad.
Be aware that there is no miracle method to transform your script into an android application. There are solutions to do things with python and android (notably Kivy) but not with Tkinter ...
Happy development!
See you soon
Actually there are ways of changing exe files to apk, but some controls (touch, scoll) doesn't always work as you might expect it to.
You can find how to do this here although I wouldn't exactly recommend it

How do I combine my game.exe and "media" folder into one .exe file?

I've been searching for this for ages but no solutions. It's simple. I've created a C++ game. So I have a game.exe and next to it I have a folder named "media" from where the game takes all the images and sounds it needs. Now obviously when other people play the game I don't want them to see the media folder. I want to combine them into one .exe file. Can someone PLEASE explain to me how to do this like I'm five?
There are several ways to achieve your goal:
Simple add the content of your folder as resources to your project (
Create a resource-DLL (How do I create a resource dll) and link it to your project
In both cases the sounds and bitmaps will be not visible (binary) - that is what you want, isn't it?
It's not so obvious to hide the media folder, games often have a lot of folders.
In c# you can add pictures as resources to the project, so it gets embedded into the exe. There must be something like this in c++.

How To Export exe files in Visual Studio With All Used Files

So I have been working on a few projects using audio and images from files in Visual Studio C++. As of now they are just test projects, but I am going to be moving now towards making 2D games for fun using SFML and a few different audio libraries. The problem is this, I want to give out my games to others so they can play and test them, and I may try to develop some sort of Multiplayer for some, thus increasing my desire to give it out to others, however I do not know how I can give them the games with all the files included. I used to just be able to grab the exe files out of the debug or release folder, but these projects have files they rely on.
So here is my question, is it possible to export an exe file that contains all the other files (wav's, jpg's etc.)? If this question sounds overwhelmingly stupid then tell me, because I have very little idea of what an exe is, and whether it can hold those files (I am used to java, where u can simply export something into a runnable jar and because it is an archive, with all of the resources prepackaged in there, I don't know if an exe shares these traits). If this is not possible, or there are better alternatives, what are they? I have seen things and know how to load sounds from arrays of data, would that be a better solution? Or are there other options? On top of that, in the debug and release folder there are several DLL files which I need to run the project, is there a way to compress these into the exe or will those have to be in the same folder as the exe no matter what?
The real question here is what is the best way to export an exe file of my project so that I can utilize all of my sound and image resources as well as the dll's into an easy to distribute copy? Thank you in advance to any advice.
It's not possible to export an exe that contains your exe and multiple other files. You can use an installer (such as InnoSetup, which is free), or bundle the extra files into a resource and load them from resource at runtime. (The first has the benefit of being able to ask the user where to install, create shortcuts and folders, Start Menu items, etc.).
There's two easy ways to make a file that you can easily give to people to test and/or play your game.
The first option is using an installer, as mentioned in Ken White's answer. It's a good method for "final" releases, but it adds an extra step if you just want to send a copy of your game to someone to test it.
The second method is put all your files into a single .zip file (or .rar, or Basically, this is a lot like Java's .jar file, with all the dlls, image files, and sound files into a single file. Recent versions of Windows have the ability to create zip files built in, so the best way to do it is just zip up the Debug or Release version with all the files, and unzip to an empty folder somewhere, and test the game. Doing that will let you make sure you got all the files you need. This way, you can easily send your game to someone, they can simply unzip it to a folder somewhere, and play, no messing about with installers.
The bonus third option is sticking the files into a resource and loading them at runtime, or similar things (it's possible to get really fancy and combine all the files into a single EXE, but it's not exactly easy, and not really advisable).

XNA 4.0 resources not found

I'm using XNA 4.0 with VS 2010. When I start a new project, a decent amount of the resources have broken links; other sites where people have encountered this problem suggest manually fixing the file paths, which works but is bothersome when I'm creating several new projects (I'm following various tutorials to learn my way around XNA). Does anyone know if there is a way to fix the underlying problem, rather than changing the file paths for each new project?
Are you trying to use Contents of other project in one solution ? Than you add to your Content Project Reference's the external Content you want to use. Jon's answer is already works fine, I already prefer Jon's answer :)
If you put your resources in the Content directory, then copy the Content directory to your new project, it should retain all the files and the links should still be good.
Not sure what the problem is exactly, possibly provide more information on the problem so that we can get a better idea of what is wrong.
