XNA 4.0 resources not found - visual-studio-2010

I'm using XNA 4.0 with VS 2010. When I start a new project, a decent amount of the resources have broken links; other sites where people have encountered this problem suggest manually fixing the file paths, which works but is bothersome when I'm creating several new projects (I'm following various tutorials to learn my way around XNA). Does anyone know if there is a way to fix the underlying problem, rather than changing the file paths for each new project?

Are you trying to use Contents of other project in one solution ? Than you add to your Content Project Reference's the external Content you want to use. Jon's answer is already works fine, I already prefer Jon's answer :)

If you put your resources in the Content directory, then copy the Content directory to your new project, it should retain all the files and the links should still be good.
Not sure what the problem is exactly, possibly provide more information on the problem so that we can get a better idea of what is wrong.


Resources Files in Multiple Languages

I'm working on a c# Visual Studio project I've taken over and one thing that is causing me a problem is that a package Castle.Components.Validators is installing every single resource file it has when I build for every single language it knows about. This means that in my eventual program directory I have folders for about 12 different languages. I don't want all those as it clutters things up and tbh I don't use the Validator resource files. How can I stop it including all those resource files?
there might be a more elegant way to deal with this Problem, but an easy one that'll work would be to add a post-build-script to your project, that deletes all the unnessecery files and folders.
Juy Juka

VS F# canopy test adding folder

I want to ask you, if it´s somehow possible, to add folder, to sort out Test´s a little bit.. When i am doing in C# parts, there is normally option
right click-> add ->new folder
In F# case, it looks like it´s missing.
I tried to add it even out of VS, via the Win. explorer, but its not working.
Edit: I have found quite poor solution and that´s actually, that you create new folder in C# part and then cut it out and paste to F# section but it´s a bit weird, so any ideas are welcome.
It is not implemented in VS2013 but you can use F# Power Tools extension (http://fsprojects.github.io/VisualFSharpPowerTools/) or create it manually (http://marcinjuraszek.com/2014/03/folders-in-f-projects-how-to-do-it-what-to-avoid.html)
You can either use F# Project Extender or edit the project file manually. Details are here.
Edit: This article explains how to keep your project organized without folders.

Have multiple directories in processing when using the processing-ide?

I currently began a new project with processing and first started with the
processing-ide that comes together with the installation.
Is it possible to structure the project into subdirectories instead of having to put all classes into the single sketch folder? I looked at the documentation at https://processing.org/ but didn't find any useful information about how to divide projects into manageable source subdirectories. Your help is much appreciated :)
No the default Processing IDE does not support this.
Before switching to another IDE for Processing, keep in mind that Processing 3 will highly focus on creating an entirely new IDE, which "might" add this functionality.

Sharing css/javascript/images between different projects in Visual Studio

I can't seem to figure out the most efficient way to do this.
For example, I have some js files that are needed in both projects(within the same solution), how do I include them without duplicating the actual physical files, which I would rather not do? Same goes for images and css files.
I would also like to know what's the best way to generalize this for including the js resources in other solutions/projects.
VS really seems to be lacking an easy intuitive solution in this retrospect.
Any ideas?
Why does it matter which project they are in? All you really care about is where they get deployed on your web site, and what the path to them from the root of your site is, right? So just pick a place to put them and have and code that refers to them use that path.

Change the location of the ncb file in Visual C++ 2008 (9.0)

I´ve tweaked the VC++ settings so that all of my actual code will go to one place, while compiler generated binaries will go to another. This ncb file is the exception though. It is a quite large IDE generated binary file (Intellisense database). I can´t seem to be able to move it anywhere other than the solution folder. I´ve reasearched on google and found a few references saying that this is impossible. Does anyone have a workaround?
Visual Studio doesn't allow you to move that file. This article on CodeProject shows how one person worked around this problem, by creating a "poor man's" version of symbolic links. This involves hooking Windows' CreateFile function. This approach seems like overkill to me; I think I would just learn to live with this limitation if possible.
