Google plus api shut down - google-api

I have seen an update that Google+ APIs will be shut down on March 7, 2019. I am working on a maintenance project which has below two google apis. But I am not sure whether these two calls are google or google plus api. If it is google plus then I have to replace it.
Appreciate your response on this.

Neither of these use the Google+ API. The first is part of the OAuth and OpenID Connect framework and the second is the Google People API.
You should be good for both.


Why does Google+ API method still work?

My web-app is using Google+ API method called I was notified via E-Mail that this Api is going to shutdown on March 7. I was given a list of methods used by me in that Api and this was the only method in the list.
Today it's March 11 and the method keeps working correctly. Why? Maybe I understood something wrongly?
If you check the top of a lot of the methods in the Google+ documentation you will see this
The Google+ People API list endpoint is deprecated. Consider using the Google People API instead.
On some of the methods that does not appear. IMO that is because some of these endpoints never actual read from the Google+ api rather they were reading from the google people api all along and just got a plus in the name. They may at some point have read from it and were moved when they redid google contacts. The endpoint is part of the google people api and not the google plus api
is the same as
The data for both of those end points comes from google contacts.
Now again this is just my opinion i have emailed google several times and the only answer i got back is we will look into it. I would wait until April if they are still live i guess we are good.

Difference between Google CalDAV API and Google Calendar API

I am a bit confused, is Google CalDAV API for managing domain wide calendars and events? Thus Google Calendar API is just for managing users calendar? Or are they same?
CalDAV API will become available for whitelisted developers, and will
be shut down for other developers on September 16, 2013. Most
developers’ use cases are handled well by Google Calendar API, which
we recommend using instead.
Official Google Blog
Apparently Google backtracked and reinstated CalDAV API since developers were depending on it.

Google Speech API still supported?

I just tried to register a project for use with the Google Speech API, and I couldn't see the API in the the list when I filtered it for the words "speech" or "voice". Is the API still supported?
I just found the new Web Speech API here Did this take the place of the Speech API v2?
You have to be a member of chromium-dev discussion list before you can enable the Speech API in your Google Developers Console.
Go to Chromium Dev group and click Join the list.
Go back to Google Developers Console, select your project, enter APIs & Auth / APIs. You'll now see Speech API. Click to enable it.
Go to Credentials, Create new Key, Server Key. You may optionally specify a list of IPs, for security.
You now may make queries to Google Speech API v2. Keep in mind that this is an experimental API, and limited to 50 queries per day per project.
Please read this older post..
Answered by #gui-ambros
May this help you a little...

A Google API to know which services are enabled?

I'm looking for a Google API call to know which services (Gmail in my case) are enabled for an organization or for a user.
The question has been asked without answer there : Google API for Google Services
If this existed, it would likely be in the Admin SDK rather than the Gmail API. That being said, I've never seen this and wasn't able to find any hint of it within the specific APIs within the SDK (would likely be in the Admin Settings API).
I am pretty sure this isn't possible via API currently.

Google Apps Marketplace Migration

We have a Google Apps Marketplace App. Or more precisely, we have 2: one in the old marketplace and one in the new. Both point to the same URL, both do exactly the same thing (OAuth2 authenticating the user(even users from the old Marketplace,, because we handle this users like the "normal" users coming from the Chrome Web Store ).
Now Google wants us to move the users from the old Marketplace app to the new one.
How do we do that?
According to Google's document we should call an UpgradeApp API for every domain.
This requires that we find out all the domains (we don't know them because we don't care, if the user is a marketplace user or not).
So we should probably use licenseNotification on the old Marketplace app, to find out all domains and migrate them one by one?
To try this, I tried to issue the API from API Explorer ( but got a message (403 FORBIDDEN complaining that I should activate the API . How do I do this? (I already have a project where the Marketplace API and Marketplace SDK is enabled).
Will this approach work at all?
Are there simpler ways of doing this?
The API explorer approach works, I just tried.
Make sure you are providing correct applicationId which is the key here.
