Difference between Google CalDAV API and Google Calendar API - google-api

I am a bit confused, is Google CalDAV API for managing domain wide calendars and events? Thus Google Calendar API is just for managing users calendar? Or are they same?

CalDAV API will become available for whitelisted developers, and will
be shut down for other developers on September 16, 2013. Most
developers’ use cases are handled well by Google Calendar API, which
we recommend using instead.
Official Google Blog
Apparently Google backtracked and reinstated CalDAV API since developers were depending on it.


Can I get calendar meetings out of MS Teams?

I want to find if you can programmatically get calendar information out of MS Teams.
I was searching but didn't find any information, as with any documentation related to Microsoft you can't find anything useful.
So What I need any of:
some kind of WebHook, maybe that will run my script when new even is added to my calendar.
MS Teams call my script the meeting.
API that will allow exporting events from the calendar, so I can use a cron job to sync with the app I plan to create.
Basically, I was thinking about this tool ntfy. But I don't want to use MS Teams app for my phone if there is one, because I would like to have an app that will integrate with MS teams and Google Calendar. That I have to use at work. I'm a contractor for a software company that has a client that I'm working for. I need to use MS teams for a software company and Google Calendar for the client. Also, I can't log in with my work Google account, because it's blocked for the security of google drive (this at least was the error message). So my own Android app is the only way to have notifications on my phone (I need it because I sometimes forget about the meetings).
How I should create something like this? I only need general advice about integration with MS Teams. What API should I use? Will ask about Google Calendar in another question.
Note that I have zero knowledge about MS Teams, was searching for some developer documentation but was not able to find anything that can be useful for the thing I need.
I don't have any code yet, I'm investigating possibilities.
You could use so-called "graph api", the api Microsoft promotes to interact with anything related to Microsoft, including teams. There is simply a method to get all events for a team (i.e. group):
There is an online sandbox you could use to play with it:

Google plus api shut down

I have seen an update that Google+ APIs will be shut down on March 7, 2019. I am working on a maintenance project which has below two google apis. But I am not sure whether these two calls are google or google plus api. If it is google plus then I have to replace it.
Appreciate your response on this.
Neither of these use the Google+ API. The first is part of the OAuth and OpenID Connect framework and the second is the Google People API.
You should be good for both.

How can I access Gmail's native API?

I would like to access Gmail's native API. Eg,
create a search folder
tag messages
other gmail-specific actions.
There's this similar question, however the question asker seems happy with developing contextual gadgets rather than actually accessing a user's email.
In before anyone mentions: IMAP and POP are generic, non search based protocols and do not provide full access to gmail. Neither gmail.com, nor any of the official Gmail native apps, use IMAP and POP.
Most webmail services have private, non-IMAP/POP APIs and protocols, eg, hotmail (back when it existed used HTTPMail which was reverse engineered and implemented by hotwayd).
I could run Android gmail with a proxy and attempt to reverse engineer the Gmail protocol itself, but I suspect others have had the same need in the past and may already have a solution.
I did find a list of client of Gmail clients on Gmail Agent API but they don't seem maintained past 2004.
Android's Gmail app is using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to push email messages/notifications and sync with the phone. I think that’s “the API” you are looking for. The bad news is that it is obviously very well protected.
You can get started for free with GCM's JSON REST API and use it for your push messaging projects, but forget about using it for your Gmail in the same fashion Google does. The only option for getting a similar efficiency would be using IMAP's IDLE extension, which uses also push.
Focusing on what you need, I think there are decent solutions for the use cases you have listed in your question… You could use a [**Google App Script**][4] or libs like [**GMail for Python**][5], which seems a valid option to me... from the [**GMail for Python GitHub**][6]:
Search emails
Read emails
Emails: label, archive, delete, mark as read/unread/spam, star
Manage labels
If you are developing an Android mobile app Gmail Public Labels API could also be of your interest...
Hope it helps...
EDIT: Google just introduced its GMAIL API
Update June 2014: Google have announced access to the native gmail API.
The Gmail API gives you flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox,
with a natural interface to Threads, Messages, Labels, Drafts, and
History. From the modern language of your choice, your app can use the
API to add Gmail features like:
Read messages from Gmail
Send email messages
Modify the labels applied to messages and threads
Search for specific messages and threads

Building a calendar webapp syncing with Google Calendar, Outlook and Apple Calendar

I am about to build a simple webapp that has several tasks, each of which has got a due date.
I would like this webapp to automatically sync with Google Calendar, Outlook and Apple Calendar - 2-way integration would be a plus.
The webapp is built on a LAMP server.
What's the cleverest way I can go about this from a point of view of limiting the workload as much as possible?
And also, is that even possible? I wasn't able to find an API for Outlook or Apple Calendar.
Is CalDev the answer? Is there any product/software that will do that automatically, so that I need only to sync with it and it will do the rest?
You could do the following:
Synchronize your proprietary calendar with Google Calendar (make this your "master calendar") using the GCal API; if your application can produce a valid ICS file then you can import it directly to Google Calendar. As this feature is discontinued by Google you can use some online WebDAV based import/export service (I use for this Synqya)
Use the WebDAV access to the Google Calendar to synchronize Outlook and Apple Calendar with it using their calendar subscription features (this would be one way sync). If you need secured access to GCal and 2-way sync, it will involve further steps.

Outlook Calendar Sync with custom calendar

We have our own custom calendar in our portal which is developed in Java. Is there a way to sync this calendar with Outlook calendar. I can sync this calendar with Google Calendar as Google Calendar API is available. Does anyone know any documentation or links where I can read about this?
You can use COM to interact with Office products.
If you can sync your proprietary calendar with Google Calendar then you can sync your Google Calendar with Outlook using WebDAV.
So you could:
Use some Outlook plugins to access the Google Calendar using WebDAV API
Use the standard Outlook Publish/Subscribe functionality with some WebDAV based online syncing service (I use Synqya) that allows you to sync your Outlook events with Google Calendar
I am syncing our calendar with google and google calendar with outlook.
