Why does Google+ API method people.me still work? - google-api

My web-app is using Google+ API method called people.me. I was notified via E-Mail that this Api is going to shutdown on March 7. I was given a list of methods used by me in that Api and this was the only method in the list.
Today it's March 11 and the method keeps working correctly. Why? Maybe I understood something wrongly?

If you check the top of a lot of the methods in the Google+ documentation you will see this
The Google+ People API list endpoint is deprecated. Consider using the Google People API instead.
On some of the methods that does not appear. IMO that is because some of these endpoints never actual read from the Google+ api rather they were reading from the google people api all along and just got a plus in the name. They may at some point have read from it and were moved when they redid google contacts. The people.me endpoint is part of the google people api and not the google plus api
GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/userId
is the same as
GET https://people.googleapis.com/v1/{resourceName=people/*}
The data for both of those end points comes from google contacts.
Now again this is just my opinion i have emailed google several times and the only answer i got back is we will look into it. I would wait until April if they are still live i guess we are good.


Can I get working places for all users from organization using calendar API?

I wonder if I can get working places for all users from organization using calendar API. Coworkers from my organization uses google calendar to mark if they work from home or office. I attach screen to show what I am talking about.
I've searched many endpoints from calendar API but did not find suitable one. Is it possible to get those information from API?
It is not yet possible to retrieve those information from the API.
But Google already documented it (tutorial, API reference) and it should come at some point in the (hopefully) near future.
Here is the related issue in their tracker : https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/199918380

Is there an API for extracting rubric grading data in Google Classroom?

I have read a helpful post for grades...
Is there an API for extracting grades in Google Classroom
and the API for grading...
but haven't been able to see anything for rubric grading data yet. Or am I missing it?
Unfortunately, at this time, there isn't a way of getting Rubrics from the Classroom API.
Feature Request:
There is already a report on Google's Issue Tracker which request this feature to be added to the API:
Add Rubrics to Classroom API
It appears that Google does seem to know about this and has responded on the above feature request. What you can do it hit the ☆ next to the issue number in the top left on the aforementioned page - this lets Google know more people are wanting this feature to be implemented and so it is more likely to be seen to faster.

My Google API keeps returning a limit reached error, when I am sure I am under the limit

I am currently building a NodeJS backend app that is querying the Google Calendar API. I have setup a new project on Google Cloud API platform and have generated all the required credentials. As stated by the google calendar API page, the allowed queries per day is 1,000,000. Since I am only querying for testing purposes at the moment, I am sure that I haven't even hit a 100. Yet whenever I try to query the API it returns the error:
"The API returned an error: Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Also I have noticed that the dev console has generated a API key for me. Where am I supposed to put that?
My initial thinking is that Google API requires me to perform an additional signup using some CLI tools or something along those lines to signup. If not, where am I supposed to sign up?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I already have all the information from the cloud platform such as client_id, client_secret, project_id.
In "Error: Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded", they key word is Unauthenticated. Your request to the Calendar API is missing an OAuth Access Token. You will need to research Google OAuth.
This question has been answered many times. Please learn how to search SO for similar questions whenever you post a new question. https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=google+oauth+%22daily+limit+for+unauthenticated%22
To anyone who comes across this post in the future. I fixed the issue by using the project generated by Google Calendar API site (https://developers.google.com/calendar/quickstart/nodejs) by clicked the big blue "Enable the google calendar api" and then changing the name of the quickstart project that was generated. I don't know why it works now but it does and it's been working quite stably so far. Lets see how to goes.

Google plus api shut down

I have seen an update that Google+ APIs will be shut down on March 7, 2019. I am working on a maintenance project which has below two google apis. But I am not sure whether these two calls are google or google plus api. If it is google plus then I have to replace it.
Appreciate your response on this.
Neither of these use the Google+ API. The first is part of the OAuth and OpenID Connect framework and the second is the Google People API.
You should be good for both.

gData API - "This feed is read-only" error when adding to Google Calendar

I'm using Google Apps for my domain, and trying to enable access to the calendar on my website.
The problem is that I get This feed is read-only error every time I try to add an event to the calendar. Here's where I post to: Link (dead link)
You're using the basic feed, which according to the documentation is always read-only. Use a feed URL ending in private/full or private/full-noattendees instead.
(Disclaimer: I work for Google, and as part of implementing the calendar side of Google Sync I've had some experience of working with the GData APIs, but anything I write here must be taken to be the views of a private individual rather than as official Google policy etc :)
