How to SUM four parameter values - ssrs-2012

I have four parameters in one of my SSRS reports and want to have the summed result of all four parameters values displayed in a textbox.
I added the expression below in a textbox but it doesn’t work for me.
How do I get this to work?
Textbox5 = expression
'=sum(Parameters!Parameter1.Value) + sum(Parameters!Parameter2.Value) +
sum(Parameters!Parameter3.Value) + sum(Parameters!Parameter4.Value)'
Error Message:
The Value expression for the text box 'Textbox5' uses an aggregate
expression without a scope. A scope is required for all aggregates
used outside of a data region unless the report contains exactly one

The issue you're seeing is because you're attempting to SUM something that isn't summable. The expression you need is:
= Parameters!Parameter1.Value + Parameters!Parameter2.Value +
Parameters!Parameter3.Value + Parameters!Parameter4.Value
In other words, you don't need SUM, you just need to add the parameters together.
Here's a very quick/rough and ready report I've thrown together that shows this adding the values from the parameters:


My flow fails for no reason: Invalid Template Language? This is what I do

Occasionally my flow fails and its enough test it manually to running again. However, I want to avoid that this error ocurrs again to stay in calm.
The error that appears is this:
Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Periodo' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'split' expects its first parameter to be of type string. The provided value is of type 'Null'. Please see for usage details.'.
And it appears in 2 of the 4 variables that I create:
Client and Periodo
The variable Clientlooks this:
The same scenario to "Periodo".
The variables are build in the same way:
His formula:
trim(first(split(first(skip(split(outputs('Compos'),'client = '),1)),'indicator')))
His formula:
trim(first(split(first(skip(split(outputs('Compos'),'period = '),1)),'DATA_REPORT_DELIVERY')))
The same scenario to the 4 variables. 4 of them strings (numbers).
Also I attached email example where I extract the info:
output = 7
country = 170
period = 202204012
read_persistance = YES
write_persistance = YES
client = 18277
indicator_group = SALES
Could you give some help? I reach some attepmpts succeded but it fails for no apparent reason:
Thank you.
I'm not sure if you're interested but I'd do it a slightly different way. It's a little more verbose but it will work and it makes your expressions a lot simpler.
I've just taken two of your desired outputs and provided a solution for those, one being client and the other being country. You can apply the other two as need be given it's the same pattern.
If I take client for example, this is the concept.
Initialize Data
This is your string that you provided in your question.
Initialize Split Lines
This will split up your string for each new line. The expression for this step is ...
split(variables('Data'), '\n')
However, you can't just enter that expression into the editor, you need to do it and then edit in in code view and change it from \\n to \n.
Filter For 'client'
This will filter the array created from the split line step and find the item that contains the word client.
`contains(item(), 'client')`
On the other parallel branches, you'd change out the word to whatever you're searching for, e.g. country.
This should give us a single item array with a string.
Initialize 'client'
Finally, we want to extract the value on the right hand side of the equals sign. The expression for this is ...
trim(split(body('Filter_For_''client''')[0], '=')[1])
Again, just change out the body name for the other action in each case.
I need to put body('Filter_For_''client''')[0] and specify the first item in an array because the filter step returns an array. We're going to assume the length is always 1.
You can see from all of that, you have the value as need be. Like I said, it's a little more verbose but (I think) easier to follow and troubleshoot if something goes wrong.

Finding a number in text always gives an error

I have text datatype in a table column [Items], which always ends in a number:
Item 1
Item 3
Using a find formula in a calculated column works if I use text:
=FIND(" ",[Items])
But doesn't work if I use a number:
I have tried using FORMAT(1,"string"), tried looking for the number with and without quotes etc. I tried looking for " 1" with the space but nothing works if I include the number 1 in my formula.
Why not!? This type of behaviour isn't exhibited in Excel so makes it even more frustrating.
i think that you need to pass an argument for what it should return when it doesn't find anything:

Report Builder Expressions

Im new to Report Builder and having issues with some expressions that Im trying to implement in a report. I got the standard ones to work however as soon as I try any distinctions, I get error messages. Over the last couple weeks, Ive tried many combinations, read the expression help, google and looking at other questions at internet sites. To reduce my frustrations, I even would jump to other expressions and walk away hoping I would have different insight coming back.
Its probably something simple or something I dont know about writing expressions.
Im hoping that someone can help with these expressions; they are the versions I get the least errors with(usually just expression expected) and show what Im trying to accomplish.
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)='A' or
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and
=Sum([DOLLARS] case when [RECORDFLAG]='P' then -1*[DOLLARS])
Thank You.
The error message gives you the answer here - no false part of the iif() has been specified. Use =IIF((Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value)=”D”,COUNTDISTINCT(Fields!TICK‌​ETNUM.Value), 0)
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)="A" or "B",SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
This is not how an OR works in SSRS. Use:
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE="A" or Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "B"),SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
The 0s are returned due to your report design. countdistinct() is an aggregate function - it's meant to be used on a set of data. However, your iif() is only testing on a per row basis - you're basically saying "if the current row is thing, count all the distinct values" which doesn't make sense. There are a couple of ways forward:
You can count the number of times a certain value occurs in a given condition using a sum(). This is not the same as the countdistinct(), but if you use =sum(iif(Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D", 1, 0)) then you will get the number of times RECORDFLAG is D in that set. Note: this requires the data to be aggregated (so in SSRS, grouped in a tablix).
You can use custom code to count distinct values in a set. See You can apply this even if you have only one dataset - just reference the same one twice.
You can change the way your report works. You can group on Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value and filter the group to where Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D". Then in your textbox, use =countdistinct(Fields!TICKETNUM.Value) to get the distinct values for TICKETNUM when RECORDFLAG is D.

SQL Server Reporting Studio (SSRS) sorting error

I am attempting to allow a dynamic sort on a text box on an SSRS report. The field upon which I am trying to sort will either have an "A" or a decimal number. I am wanting to sort the decimal numbers in descending order. The expression I am using is:
=iif(isnumeric(Fields!CommScore.Value), (cdbl(Fields!CommScore.Value)*-1),6)
For the decimal number will never be larger than 5. The error I get is:
The sortexpression for the text box 'textbox74' contains an error. Input string was not in a correct format. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)
I imagine this is something simple. What am I doing wrong?
The error relates to the CDbl function throwing an exception when trying to convert A to a number. Yes, I know you're checking if it is numeric first but IIF is not a language construct, it is a function and as a function it evaluates all its parameters before passing them to the function. This means that both the true and false parameters get calculated even though one will be discarded.
Try the Val function. It has the benefit of not erroring when it gets passed non-numeric data - it just does the best it can to convert it.
=IIF(IsNumeric(Fields!CommScore.Value), (Val(Fields!CommScore.Value)*-1), 6)

SSRS 2008: Using StDevP from multiple fields / Combining multiple fields in general

I'd like to calculate the standard deviation over two fields from the same dataset.
MyFields1 = 10, 10
MyFields2 = 20
What I want now, is the standard deviation for (10,10,20), the expected result is 4.7
In SSRS I'd like to have something like this:
=StDevP(Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value)
Unfortunately this isn't possible, since (Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value) returns a single value and not a list of values. Is there no way to combine two fields from the same dataset into some kind of temporary dataset?
The only solutions I have are:
To create a new Dataset that contains all values from both fields. But this is very annoying because I need about twenty of those and I have six report parameters that need to filter every query. => It's probably getting very slow and annoying to maintain.
Write the formula by hand. But I don't really know how yet. StDevP is not that trivial to me. This is how I did it with Avg which is mathematically simpler:
found here:
Btw. I know that it's odd to make such a calculation, but this is what my customer wants and I have to deliver somehow.
Thanks for any help.
CTDevP is standard deviation.
Such expression works fine for me
=StDevP(Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value) but it's deviation from one value (Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value) which is always 0.
you can look here for formula:
standard deviation (wiki)
I believe that you need to calculate this for some group (or full dataset), to do this you need set in the CTDevP your scope:
=StDevP(Fields!MyField1.Value + Fields!MyField2.Value, "MyDataSet1")
