SQL Server Reporting Studio (SSRS) sorting error - sorting

I am attempting to allow a dynamic sort on a text box on an SSRS report. The field upon which I am trying to sort will either have an "A" or a decimal number. I am wanting to sort the decimal numbers in descending order. The expression I am using is:
=iif(isnumeric(Fields!CommScore.Value), (cdbl(Fields!CommScore.Value)*-1),6)
For the decimal number will never be larger than 5. The error I get is:
The sortexpression for the text box 'textbox74' contains an error. Input string was not in a correct format. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)
I imagine this is something simple. What am I doing wrong?

The error relates to the CDbl function throwing an exception when trying to convert A to a number. Yes, I know you're checking if it is numeric first but IIF is not a language construct, it is a function and as a function it evaluates all its parameters before passing them to the function. This means that both the true and false parameters get calculated even though one will be discarded.
Try the Val function. It has the benefit of not erroring when it gets passed non-numeric data - it just does the best it can to convert it.
=IIF(IsNumeric(Fields!CommScore.Value), (Val(Fields!CommScore.Value)*-1), 6)


My flow fails for no reason: Invalid Template Language? This is what I do

Occasionally my flow fails and its enough test it manually to running again. However, I want to avoid that this error ocurrs again to stay in calm.
The error that appears is this:
Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Periodo' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'split' expects its first parameter to be of type string. The provided value is of type 'Null'. Please see https://aka.ms/logicexpressions#split for usage details.'.
And it appears in 2 of the 4 variables that I create:
Client and Periodo
The variable Clientlooks this:
The same scenario to "Periodo".
The variables are build in the same way:
His formula:
trim(first(split(first(skip(split(outputs('Compos'),'client = '),1)),'indicator')))
His formula:
trim(first(split(first(skip(split(outputs('Compos'),'period = '),1)),'DATA_REPORT_DELIVERY')))
The same scenario to the 4 variables. 4 of them strings (numbers).
Also I attached email example where I extract the info:
output = 7
country = 170
period = 202204012
read_persistance = YES
write_persistance = YES
client = 18277
indicator_group = SALES
Could you give some help? I reach some attepmpts succeded but it fails for no apparent reason:
Thank you.
I'm not sure if you're interested but I'd do it a slightly different way. It's a little more verbose but it will work and it makes your expressions a lot simpler.
I've just taken two of your desired outputs and provided a solution for those, one being client and the other being country. You can apply the other two as need be given it's the same pattern.
If I take client for example, this is the concept.
Initialize Data
This is your string that you provided in your question.
Initialize Split Lines
This will split up your string for each new line. The expression for this step is ...
split(variables('Data'), '\n')
However, you can't just enter that expression into the editor, you need to do it and then edit in in code view and change it from \\n to \n.
Filter For 'client'
This will filter the array created from the split line step and find the item that contains the word client.
`contains(item(), 'client')`
On the other parallel branches, you'd change out the word to whatever you're searching for, e.g. country.
This should give us a single item array with a string.
Initialize 'client'
Finally, we want to extract the value on the right hand side of the equals sign. The expression for this is ...
trim(split(body('Filter_For_''client''')[0], '=')[1])
Again, just change out the body name for the other action in each case.
I need to put body('Filter_For_''client''')[0] and specify the first item in an array because the filter step returns an array. We're going to assume the length is always 1.
You can see from all of that, you have the value as need be. Like I said, it's a little more verbose but (I think) easier to follow and troubleshoot if something goes wrong.

run time error '6' Overflow in visual basic 6.0

I am getting a run time error '6' Over Flow in vb 6
The "Overflow" error means that you are trying to put a number into a variable (or property etc), and the data type of the variable doesn't allow numbers that large.
Make sure that numbers used in calculations that are coerced into integers do not have results larger than integers.
What is the type of the data in the database?
My guess is that ADO returns it as either a String or a Decimal, and Decimal values only "fit into" a Variant in VB6.
VB6 has no syntax for a Decimal literal, however you can use something like:
... inline, or declare a Const as in:
Private Const BigVal As Currency = 111010114289#
I you have to put a large number in a small variable, like C, check Remove integer bound check in project properties (if you are not compiling as PCode)

Tibco - Compare values activity

Let's say I have a value that is passed to a process. What activity should i use to compare this value with another?
I know it may seem a foolish question, but i am new to this.
Assuming you are talking about BusinessWorks, comparing text values of XML attributes or elements is done with XPath using the '=' sign. You don't need to use any specific activity to do so. This can actually be done on any branch (with the "Success with condition" switch) or on the input tab of any activity.
For instance, if you want to compare the text values of 2 elements, you can use an XPath formula like this:
$Start/root/myString1 = $Start/root/myString2
This formula returns true if myString1 and myString2 have the same text value, false otherwise.
Then you can, for example, use this formula as a test condition for an "If" or a "Choice" statement on an input tab of any activity.

Type mismatch error while reading lotus notes document in vb6

Am trying to read the lotus notes document using VB6.I can able to read the values of the but suddenly type mismatch error is throwed.When i reintialise the vb6 variable it works but stops after certain point.
ex; address field in lotus notes
private function ImsField(pValue)
end function
Like this I am reading the remaining fields but at certain point the runtime error "13" type mismatch error throwed.
I have to manually reintialize by
set doc=view.getdocumentbykey(doclist)
The type mismatch error occurs for a certain field. The issue should be a data type incompatibility. Try to figure out which field causes the error.
Use GetItemValue() instead of short notation for accessing fields and don't use ImsField():
The type mismatch is occurring because you are encountering a case where pValue is not an array. That will occur when you attempt to reference a NotesItem that does not exist. I.e., doc.MissingItem.
You should not use the shorthand notation doc.itemName. It is convenient, but it leads to sloppy coding. You should use getItemValue as everyone else is suggesting, and also you should check to see if the NotesItem exists. I.e.,
if doc.hasItem("myItem") then
end if
Notes and Domino are schema-less. There are no data integrity checks other than what you write yourself. You may think that the item always has to be there, but the truth is that there is nothing that will ever guarantee that, so it is always up to you to write your code so that it doesn't assume anything.
BTW: There are other checks that you might want to perform besides just whether or not the field exists. You might want to check the field's type as well, but to do that requires going one more level up the object chain and using getFirstItem instead of getItemValue, which I'm not going to get into here. And the reason, once again, is that Notes and Domino are schema-less. You might think that a given item must always be a text list, but all it takes is someone writing sloppy code in an one-time fix-it agent and you could end up having a document in which that item is numeric!
Checking your fields is actually a good reason (sometimes) to encapsulate your field access in a function, much like the way you have attempted to do. The reason I added "sometimes" above is that your code's behavior for a missing field isn't necessarily always going to be the same, but for cases where you just want to return a default value when the field doesn't exist you can use something like this:
lsaddress ImsField("address","")
private function ImsField(fieldName,defaultValue)
if doc.hasItem(fieldName) then
end if
end function
Type mismatch comes,
When you try to set values from one kind of datatype variable to different datatype of another variable.
dim x as String
Dim z as variant
z= Split("Test:XXX",":")
The above will through the error what you mentioned.
So check the below code...
lsaddress = ImsField(doc.address)
What is the datatype of lsaddress?
What is the return type of ImsField(doc.address)?
If the above function parameter is a string, then you should pass the parameter like (doc.address(0))

Excel UDF returns a huge number

Excel AddIn using Excel DNA, VS2008, C#,
MyUDF(param1, parm2)
when I type in "=MyUDF" and hit enter, Excel displays a huge number like 970063926
and my c# code for MyUDF is not run
Anyone know what is this huge number?
This is just a bit of weird behaviour of Excel. The number being returned is an internal identifier for the UDF function, and by entering the function name without any brackets, you're causing it to be treated like a named range not a function. If you want to call the function with no arguments, use:
...if you type =MyUDF then you're asking Excel to dereference the function name, in the same way that it would dereference =A1 to the value in cell A1 or =MyNamedRange to whatever that named range referred to.
I don't think there's any practical use for the behaviour you've observed, but it certainly isn't going anywhere near your code to get this value that is being returned, so don't worry you haven't done anything wrong!
Is there any way to avoid this behavior?
If no parameter is specified, I would like the =MyUDF to return error instead a number.
