An easy to implement prolog graphical interface [closed] - prolog

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Closed 4 years ago.
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So, I have a college project now that uses Prolog, I'm not the first one to work on the code so it's already pretty huge, but I have to put it working with a Prolog graphical interface, so my question is: is there any Prolog graphical interface that doesn't require me to change the code that's already written?

Another option you might want to look into:

Besides SWI-Prolog own XPCE GUI toolkit, as mentioned in the comments, another possibility is to write the GUI in Java and use the SWI-Prolog JPL library to interface with it. The SWI-Prolog distribution includes some JPL examples that showcase GUI elements.
Adding a GUI interface to what, I assume, is currently a command-line application, will be facilitated if the Prolog application is already abstracting I/O using mechanisms such as the message printing mechanism. If that's already the case, the messages being printed can be intercepted using a hook predicate to display them in GUI elements.


Ontology Validator [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm currently doing a research on developing a web based ontology editor. I need to validate that the ontology edited by my tool is consistent and infer knowledge properly. Also, I would like to get some general statistics regarding the ontology. Is there an ontology validator tool available online which I can use for this requirement? OWL 2 Validator and OWL Metrics don't seem to be working anymore.
Both those tools are just simple web apps using OWLAPI code to carry out the validation. See Profiles in OWLAPI for how to validate an ontology against a profile, and OWLReasoner for ways to test that an ontology is consistent. The second step will also require an OWLReasoner implementation to provide the reasoning services. There are numerous Open Source reasoners, e.g., FaCT++, Pellet, Hermit, Konclude, JFact, and various others that can interface with OWLAPI. See ORE for the most recent competition comparing these reasoners for performance.

Highlight for java? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm basically writing a website with play framework and I want to turn code snippets to nicely formatted, highlighted html code. Is there any java library on maven that deals with raw code formatting to html like linux command "highlight" does? If there's no such thing worst case scenario is I can just invoke that command on linux directly.
I personally use google code prettify:
It's a JavaScript library, very straight forward to use, simply include it on your page, and set the class of your pre element with your Java code in it to prettyprint.
It's what we use for all the syntax highlighting for the code snippets on too. It's also available as a webjar.

Embedded GUI - Similar to GWEN? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wrote a library to use different LCDs, such as TFT LCDs with TouchScreens with an existing RTOS.
The library does include all highlevel routines like drawing lines, circles, render fonts and so on.
Now, I would like to make the library more useful and give it a small GUI toolkit so the user can create buttons, sliders, radio buttons and all the other classical GUI elements.
There is GWEN which works pretty well.
My question: Are there free, opensource libraries like GWEN out there which are easy to use for my purpose?
I cannot take stuff like Qt because I'd need to implement the entire internals like event handling and stuff. Also, the RTOS would need to support POSIX. I really just want the GUI elements, nothing more. It must be very lightweight and only implement all the highlevel classes. It should be as lightweight as possible, because it's supposed to run on small microcontrollers like the STM32F1 (ARM Cortex-M3 with less than 100kB of RAM).
Well, at the end I decided to write my own:
Gwork is a fork of GWEN. You might try that.

GUI test for an app written mainly with Tcl/Tk [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Would really appreciate your help with Tcl/Tk testing framework. I am supposed to test a windows application written with Tcl/Tk, twapi, gdi Do you know a black-box and/or white-box test framework that will help me with GUI testing (generate mouse event, etc etc, and drive the application)? What I expect from the test framework is something like what WindowsLicker allows you to do for Swing.
Tk can generate events with the event generate command, but it will only send these events to itself. You can combine these with the tcltest package to do such testing as you require.
That said, I actually advise splitting up your code so that there is a clear separation between the GUI and the functionality that powers it (the “business logic layer”, to borrow a phrase from server architectures). You can then test your baseline functionality thoroughly without having to fiddle around with testing GUIs, which is enormously easier. Once your BLL is working robustly, testing your GUI then becomes a matter of ensuring that actions in the GUI manipulate the view correctly or translate into appropriate BLL calls (which you know will either work correctly or fail in a way that is clear).

Custom (interactive) shell with Python [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently trying to make some small shell-like utility for a custom script I wrote, so I can easily work with it (it's rather simple, so an interactive shell would be perfect).
Do you have any resources for me on how to create a shell in Python? I spent googling for a while, but all I could find was information about IDLE and similar Python interpreters. But I would rather want to know how to write a completely custom and command line based shell.
My approach would be hooking the stdin/out for commands, but given that the Python library offers so many great utilities, I want to make sure there if there is no better way.
The cmd module in the standard library could be a start -- if you have any trouble using it, please post more specific questions (ideally with some toy example showing what you're trying to achieve and what you're getting instead!).
You might have a look at pyparsing. It is definitely only about lexing and parsing, but that's definitely the hardest part of the problem.
