Displaying reCaptcha from html-unit in GUI - recaptcha

I am currently working on a account creator for various websites (Java code can be viewed here: https://github.com/xushWT/M2AccountCreator)
No I am running into a problem where I need to let the user solve google recaptchas manually, which has worked great for other captchas that are just image based, reference here: https://github.com/xushWT/M2AccountCreator/blob/master/src/lidev/InternationalAccCreator.java#L22-L33
Is anyone experienced in displaying a recaptcha from a headless browser to a GUI so the user himself can solve it?
I hope you could understand what I mean, thanks in advance.


How do you see the code for locked google forms?

My friend is making an escape room with respond validation and locked mode. You can see the answer for respond validation:
[1]: https://youtu.be/400kENpsAHc
When I tried this with a Chromebook that had been locked, I couldn't use control U or inspect, it just simply doesn't let me.
Is there anyway for me to get the source code?
Ideas: VM (With a Chromebook and may be able to bypass the lock), extension (A way for me to see it). Or is there any other ways for me to get the answers, thanks for reading this.
I don't think you can access the codes.
because the Chromebook will cut off all other web pages from loading, and i don't think an extension can access the google forms when it is on locked mode.
In my opinion, the idea to access the code while it's in locked mode, is impossible.
I'm on my school's Chromebook, so i experienced it.
I hope this helps.
Sorry if my answer/opinion is wrong.

Why add to home screen is not available for non-PWA?

Is there any performance issue in providing A2HS for non-PWA? If not, why web browsers don't give A2HS for non-PWA? I am asking because I have an idea to make an electron based app to provide A2HS for websites. What do you guys think about it?

Images are not getting display on different browsers?

I am developing one website, in that i am showing some images on click event of some links.
and website is hosted on live web server.
But problem is that when i am visiting this site on my system, all images are getting displayed but when someone else is trying to access then images are not getting displayed.
In short, in some systems, website is working properly in chrome but in some systems images are not getting displayed.
According to me, may be it is an issue of browser compatibility, may be user browser is of lower version and that's why not showing images.
But i don't know whether i am thinking in a right way or not.
please suggest me how to solve such issue??
thanks in advance.

Add advertisement to a page

I am working on a project made in Codeigniter and want to add some advertisements in it. I am currently running the project in my local machine. Does anyone have any idea where can I get the advertisement scripts for free?
All positive responses are appreciated.
Thanks in advance...
If you are running on local pc, then you don't need online ads like Google Adsense. It's better just add a static banner for now. Static banners are more likely image files. You can have some via: Google Search Ubuntu Banner

Getting embedded google docs viewer to work under IE 7,8

Wanted to throw this question out to see if there's been any solutions as the Google Doc viewer is amazing.
Creating an iframe with an embedded Google Docs viewer does not work in IE 7,8.
Does anyone have a work around?
I have the same problem, but didn't think it was acceptable to have to ask users to add the URL to their trusted sites in IE.
Luckily I came across the following post:
The embedded version of Google Docs Viewer (gview) will not load its images correctly if third party cookies are disabled. This problem is an issue for most IE users as by default it will be disabled. Below I provide a work around to this problem for at least until google adds a p3p. The original discussion of the issue can be found at google docs help forum.
I've tried this out and it works in IE8, IE7 and IE6.
I just tried an iframe targeting https://docs.google.com/viewer in IE7 and it is working.
But I have ChromeFrame installed in IE - maybe that's the reason it is working for me!
I tested displaying PDFs in Google Viewer with IE8 with following settings.
You may see the solution at http://victoriarange.blogspot.com/2010/07/solution-for-display-problem-of-pdfs-in_24.html
