How do you see the code for locked google forms? - windows

My friend is making an escape room with respond validation and locked mode. You can see the answer for respond validation:
When I tried this with a Chromebook that had been locked, I couldn't use control U or inspect, it just simply doesn't let me.
Is there anyway for me to get the source code?
Ideas: VM (With a Chromebook and may be able to bypass the lock), extension (A way for me to see it). Or is there any other ways for me to get the answers, thanks for reading this.

I don't think you can access the codes.
because the Chromebook will cut off all other web pages from loading, and i don't think an extension can access the google forms when it is on locked mode.
In my opinion, the idea to access the code while it's in locked mode, is impossible.
I'm on my school's Chromebook, so i experienced it.
I hope this helps.
Sorry if my answer/opinion is wrong.


Closing browser without user interaction in Xamarin Forms

I have a scenario where I need to open a browser to remove user cookies for logging out. So the process is:
Open browser (Chrome CustomTab or SFSafariView depending on OS) and point it towards my URL to delete cookies.
Send the user back to the mobile app login screen.
Where I'm having an issue is step 2. How do I go about closing/minimizing the browser without requiring user interaction? The only thing I have found so far is to run System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); which closes the entire app, but I have seen comments online that doing this might cause the app to get rejected by Google and/or Apple.
Any ideas on how I can solve this?
You can put SFSafariViewController inside the navigation controller and then you can dismiss the navigation controller. That's for iOS assuming that you already know when to call this code, just don't know how. For Android... no idea for now, probably you should ask it as a separate question not too many people are experts both for Android and iOS...

How can I lock down a Mac to exhibit one website?

I'm currently working on a website that will be in an exhibition soon. Users will have a keyboard and mouse in front of them, so I need to lock down the machine to be restricted to just one website. Guided Access mode on iOS is a perfect example. I wish Apple had an OS X version for this reason.
I'm currently trying parental controls but it seems to be quite buggy/not responding to my preferences. I'd really love to just have Chrome or Safari locked to fullscreen somehow so users can't exit the browser/redirect to another website.
Thank you in advance!
I'm thinking you could put Chrome in kiosk mode(can't change website) then change the shortcut keys for exiting out of fullscreen mode if you can on a Mac, and maybe having another desktop and monitor for emergencies. I would have made this a comment but I can't :P This isn't really an answer, just a suggestion. It would really be easier on another OS to do the stuff above.
Recently used 'Web Kiosk' software for exactly this purpose:
It has a lot of options for locking down the machine, both in terms of web sites visited, and disabling key commands, preferences, switching apps, quitting apps, etc.
When searching for a solution for this, I was surprised how few options there were. That said, I would give this a look.

Automated web interface testing and locked screens

I'm using my desktop to automate getting files from a site using RAutomation and Watir. I couldn't find anything on how RAutomation works with a locked screen if at all. There might be better ways to do this but I'm now more interested in knowing if it's possible to automate sending keys through RAutomation still works or it doesn't just because of the locked screen.
No, it is not possible to interact with the windows and their controls when the screen has been locked. It is a security feature of Windows.
However, you could do something through Remote Desktop. Maybe the discussion at this issue might help you:

Is it possible to put Google Chrome into a "extension free" mode?

Is there a way to temporary deactivate all (or selected) Google Chrome extensions? This would be handy when I debug pages, since some extensions (eg. AdBlock, Clickable Links etc) modify the content of web pages.
Also sometimes I want to monitor how a page loads via the Chrome developer tool's timeline. But since extension-activity also is recorded it can get a bit messy.
Thank you!
Sorry guys. I should have done some better research before posting here. I searched in chrome web store and found this extension, which seems to do the thing. Sorry for bothering you.
This solution was discarded since a better suggestion was given (see accepted answer).

Ability of "programable background"? (OS X)

is it possible to "program the background"? So like a program, that acts as the background but can handle user input? Couldn't find anything on the web, but maybe I just hit in the wrong keywords.
Any ideas or remarks?
Thanks, zcei
(P.S.: asked that on apple stackexchange before, but was ways too offtopic. Don't know where to ask.)
You are looking for something like active desktop on windows. Above is a quick link on how to display a web page as your desktop. You can setup the web page as you want.
