Add advertisement to a page - codeigniter

I am working on a project made in Codeigniter and want to add some advertisements in it. I am currently running the project in my local machine. Does anyone have any idea where can I get the advertisement scripts for free?
All positive responses are appreciated.
Thanks in advance...

If you are running on local pc, then you don't need online ads like Google Adsense. It's better just add a static banner for now. Static banners are more likely image files. You can have some via: Google Search Ubuntu Banner


Some images only appear in simulator in Actions on Google App and not o real devices

I have put some images in basic cards and in lists in Actions on google app.The problem is some of those images only appear in simulator and not on the real device.
I have tried resizing and scaling the image to those which are showing but that doesn't make any change.Some of those images which are of high quality than others appear on the real device.I don't know why this is happening.I have tested on 2 real devices both of them have the same problem.Can someone please help me?
Are you on the google 'Spark' plan.
If so you cannot access images referenced outside of google storage.
You need a paid plan to access non google url's.
I have some sample projects and my images live in<Your Project ID>/storage/<Your Project ID>
The images stored in this location are rendered with no issue.
Thanks everyone for providing your help,I actually found out the answer.Some of my urls contained whitespace which was handled by simulator but not the phones.So I changed the urls and now it works.

Displaying reCaptcha from html-unit in GUI

I am currently working on a account creator for various websites (Java code can be viewed here:
No I am running into a problem where I need to let the user solve google recaptchas manually, which has worked great for other captchas that are just image based, reference here:
Is anyone experienced in displaying a recaptcha from a headless browser to a GUI so the user himself can solve it?
I hope you could understand what I mean, thanks in advance.

Magento: Previewing template / theme?

I'm a web designer creating a new theme for a client's existing site, I don't have full access to the server so I'm not able to create a staging site for the purpose of testing a theme...
Is there a simple way to preview a custom theme without interfering with the live site in Magento 1.4 similar to Magento Go theme preview? Or if anybody has any other suggestions that would be great.
Many thanks in advance!
You can create a test site on your own PC or Mac with Apache Friends Xampp, Download and install Magento. instruction here.
Now you can play and experiment without taking down a live site.
Be sure to read up on theme building.

Images are not getting display on different browsers?

I am developing one website, in that i am showing some images on click event of some links.
and website is hosted on live web server.
But problem is that when i am visiting this site on my system, all images are getting displayed but when someone else is trying to access then images are not getting displayed.
In short, in some systems, website is working properly in chrome but in some systems images are not getting displayed.
According to me, may be it is an issue of browser compatibility, may be user browser is of lower version and that's why not showing images.
But i don't know whether i am thinking in a right way or not.
please suggest me how to solve such issue??
thanks in advance.

Get homepage content with PHP curl() and push the result into a Flash player with actionscript

It's a freak question, but can you offer me any working solution in flash?
I want to create a website tester, so I want to get the external homepage and render it to the Flash... If it's an image or the full website I accept both.
I remember! Same as just ratio 1:1.
Is there any opensource script for it?
There is wkhtmltopng; IIRC it has PHP bindings also - note that it needs X installed on the server.
