Crash reports for OS X apps - xcode

How does one obtain crash reports uploaded to Apple for OS X apps? A user reported a crash with one of my OS X apps, and said he shared the report with Apple. Using XCode 8, I do not see any crash reports for that version or any version of my macOS app. I do see crash reports for an iOS app in XCode.
In iTunes connect, if I navigate to the current version of the OS X app, under the "App Store" tab there is a link for "Crash Reports" at the bottom of the page, but clicking this navigates to a generic FAQ for crash reports, and this has a link which explains how to view crash report in XCode for iOS apps.
I have searched the web for an answer, without success. Is it not possible to get macOS app crash reports?

I may have found my answer in Apple Technical Note TN2123:
CrashReporter currently has a number of limitations.
There is currently no way for third party developers to access the reports submitted via CrashReporter. Apple is aware that there is strong demand for such a facility (r. 3356232). In fact, various third party developers have implemented their own crash reporting mechanisms: these range from the simple (have the application look at its own crash log file at launch time; if it has changed, offer to submit it to the developer) to the exceeding complex (completely reimplement CrashReporter).
This was last updated in 2008.


Users Complain that Xamarin Android App Freezes

I have a Xamarin.Forms Android app on the Google Play store. An overwhelming amount of users are leaving 1 star app reviews of my app saying that the app is "Freezing." They say that nothing happens when they click on a button in the apps UI. I have made doubly sure that no processes are running on the UI Thread that might hold up the UI. I have not been able to recreate this "Freezing" behavior personally. There are also no crash or ANR reports in the Google Play Console (at least not enough to make up for the amount of negative reviews I'm receiving). Has anyone else faced this problem?
Useful Info:
Xamarin.Forms Version:
There is no discrimination between the Freezing behavior and users' Android API Version
The issue is not happening (or is not being reported) on the iOS app.
Do you have a physical Android device to deploy to? Take the apk and side load it, or download from the store, don't use VS to deploy the app on your device.
I had a similar issue and it was the code shrinker in VS. The released version with the code shrinker enabled, caused the app to freeze immediately after the splash screen.
You can disable it by selecting 'nothing' in the code shrinker box in VS.

Mac app rejected as not open in new mac OS 10.14

I have submitted app twice in mac app store and they have rejected with below reason.
Guideline 2.3 - Performance
Your app does not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes.
Specifically, App does not launch from Finder. App icon momentarily appears on Dock but quit itself before being launched.
Best regards,
App Store Review
While I further followed up with apple then they have informed that app is not open in mac 10.14 OS.
Have any one face similar kind of issue and what is resolution steps for such kind of issue?

app written in swift 2.1, xcode 7.2.1, uploaded to itunes with symbols but crash logs not available

I have submitted an app to itunes for Beta Testing in TestFlight.
I followed the submission guidelines and I submitted the app with Symbols.
One of the testers reported that the app is crashing.
In organiser, I can see all my build and the build associated with the issue.
However, wehn I select the App Store --> build [id], I get:
'no crash information is available for this version'
Any idea what might be going on?
Similar (but not identical as I am not getting any reports and am using different ios, xcode, swift) question with no responses here.
This is what happens when a user says they've enabled 'share with developer' when they did not...

Test Flight Beta Testing: Xcode 6.3 Beta 4 does not show crashes

I'm focusing on the new Test Flight procedure. I developed an application (that I submitted through Xcode to the iTunes Connect portal) that crashes if a UIButton is tapped. Since, the application is available for Beta Testing to Internal Testers, I would expect to see a crash log within the new Crashes section of Xcode 6.3 Beta 4 (see Crashes Organizer Help). But nothing. No crashes available.
Is there any particular reason for that? Is this related to the type of testers I'm using? I'm understanding that Xcode 6.3 is Beta version.
Xcode 6.3 has been released and crashes are now available.
Original answer
From Apple documentation
How Crash Logs Are Collected and Aggregated into Crash Reports
Apple provides a service that collects crash logs from users and
organizes them into downloadable crash reports. However, crash logs
are collected only if you upload an app with the symbols. (In the
Archives organizer, select the “Include app symbols for your
application…” box when you upload your app to iTunes Connect.) For
apps released in the App Store, the user must also agree to share
crash logs with developers. TestFlight users automatically share crash
logs with developers. The service that creates the crash reports does
the following:
Collects crash logs from both TestFlight and App Store builds
Provides the total number of unique devices where the crash occurred
Provides a sample set of crash logs for each crash report
Removes all personal user data from the crash logs
Creates crash reports daily
When you open the Crashes organizer, Xcode begins refreshing the crash
reports for your apps. Xcode downloads the top crash reports—crash
reports with the most number of occurrences on unique devices—that
occurred during the past two weeks. However, there may be up to a
three day delay between when you first distribute your app and when
crash reports are available in Xcode.
where emphasis is mine.
So I guess I need to wait.
When you submit a new build to iTunes Connect you will see THIS screen in organizer and you need to make sure the box is checked that says:
"Include app symbols for your application to receive symbolicated crash logs from Apple. "
When setting up an iPhone up for the first time you are asked THIS
If you select "Don't Share" then the crashes won't be reported
P.S. I tried to show images in the post but I don't have any rep yet so it wouldn't let me, the best I could do was link to some images.

You have no eligible Bundle IDs for Mac OS X apps. Register one here

I get the error in iTunes Connect when I select:
Manage Your Applications > Add New App > Mac OSX App
You have no eligible Bundle IDs for macOS apps. Register one here.
When I click on the "register" link, it shows one App ID that I have set up. All of the lights are yellow because my app does not use iCloud, Game Center or Push Notification.
Why is it not finding this App ID, or is there something I can do to "correct" it?
When I go to "Contracts, Tax and Banking", both Mac OS X Free and Mac OS X Paid Applications agreements are listed under "Contracts in Effect".
It seems to me that I have satisfied all prerequisites. What else is there?
Log out of iTunes Connect and log back in fixed it for me.
This just happened to me (though the error was updated to "macOS apps" - which I'm including here for future solution seekers)
You have no eligible Bundle IDs for macOS apps
It seems that for some reason Mac apps have their own section in the developer portal: switch to it before creating the App ID and it'll appear immediately in AppStoreConnect.
This issue appears to have reoccured again during the during the first week of January 2020.
This time, it was likely due to an error in the App Store Connect backend where it was not able to fetch the registered bundle ID from Apple Developer backend.
The same was reported to Apple by many developers (including myself) and the fix was applied by Apple on the backend servers.
A relevant discussion on the Apple Developer Forums can be found here:
The Bundle ID needs to be different than the iOS version of the same app.
