custom gallery from user phone - nativescript

I want to be able to show the user images from his phone gallery, and pick one or more, the images should be displayed in 2 or more columns according to the user choice.
I looked for some plugins, and didn't find one that solves that problem.
Is that possible using conventional Android/iOS functionality?
If not, I could build a custom gallery for the user, but the question is- how do I get all the gallery names (Video/Camera/Screenshots) etc.) and file paths?
Tried to look in nativescript-imagepicker, but it doesn't seem to give me that functionality. Any help would be appriciated

If you like to customise the layout then you got to build one from scratch. You would have to use the native apis, MediaStore on Android / PhotoKit on iOS to read available image list and wrap them on your own layout.


Get image from URL - Power Apps

I'm building a simple app, which shows news from different websites, e.g.
My source is a database with news URLs.
Each article comes with an associated image. I do not have a URL of the image, only URL of news itself.
My question is, how can I get the associated image to appear in my Gallery? Is there a function I could use?
Here is an effect I'm trying to achieve:
Help please,
Ps. I know it is possible, as all rss readers (like Feedly) or even SharePoint news webpart easily pull image just from provided link.. but how?
Are you unable to copy the image path and manually input it into where you want it to go?

Multiple Image Selecting from gallery on xamarin forms

I have a project that I need to select multiple images from gallery on xamarin forms, there is some options like MediaPlugin but this plugin is not allow to select multiple images. there was another option with ELCImagePicker , but now ELCImagePicker is no longer supported on updated xamarin forms (Can not find at NuGet packages). Now there is no any other option to get multiple images from gallery with xamarin forms. Do you know how to do it ? I'm stuck with this.
there I found a library called GMImagePicker ported from written in objective-c. compatible with Xamarin.iOS ,It allows multiple Image selection , be aware that you should do some modifications to work with iCloud. It works with PHAsset. Asset Image stream , file Url and other details can be managed by PHAssetImageManager
GMImagePicker For Xamarin
This question is relatively old, but through the months of building Xamarin software for our clients, I have seen this question pop up dozens of times in the course of searching for various pieces for my code. I figured that since I've found an important answer, I should share it for the sake of anyone else who will come across this question.
James Montemagno has added support for selecting multiple photos using the OP's mentioned MediaPlugin! The previous implementation of calling
MediaFile result = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
returns a single result of type MediaFile. The new implementation
List<MediaFile> result = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotosAsync();
returns a list result of type List<MediaFile>. Make sure to check the documentation on Montemagno's page for the details on how to correctly set up and run the code.
Very important note:
After testing multiple different options, including Montemagno's MediaPlugin, it is clear that picking multiple photos is not supported on certain Android devices, as a function of the manufacturer's software. Multiple folks have opened issues on Montemagno's page, but it's not something his team can fix. I don't have an answer for that upcoming question, but hopefully something will develop soon.

tinyDB storing images (or paths to them) and viewing them

sorry for the inconvenience, i am trying to build an app that helps autistic children communicate by pressing buttons (with pictures) and having them read. That works fine. The issue is about the menu - i want to make it possible for users to upload images via TinyDB (or at least paths to images that should be accessed). I've found tutorials about how to take a picture with the camera and store it on the SD or load such from the ImagePicker, but how could i make it possible for these images to be shown in the app any time it's on?
Do the tutorials to learn the basics of App Inventor!
In TinyDB you only can store text, which means, you store the path to your images there. For easier handling, you could store the paths to the images in a list and the list in one tag in TinyDB. To display the images, you could take a look at this snippet. You also can download the example project there.

How to create About Dialog or About Page?

I am just finishing my latest app but I am straggling with the About page implementation.
How should I create About Dialog or About Page in Windows Phone?
I do not want to use just a plain page with text, because it doesn't look professional. Is there a standard way of doing this? An About page/dialog provided within the framework, for example?
There are many ways you can do this. The best would be if you could download a few of the popular free apps to see how exactly have they implemented it, to get a few ideas.
I prefer to go in one of the following 2 directions:
Custom styled page, that includes icons, developer details, some legal details (which controls did you use, under which licenses etc.) You can even use a pivot page, and then split the details about you, and legal details (and any other details) to multiple pivot items.
Use a popup from Coding4Fun toolkit. Scroll down for a sample of how it looks.

How to Display Dynamic Content below every article?

I am a new developer to Joomla. I am developing a website in which users will be able to write review for the articles. So, here I need to display a review form below every article. How can I achieve this? I have seen some extensions like custom properties which will place content below every article.
I think the best approach is to use an extension that was specifically built for reviews.
There are multiple options available in the Joomla Extensions Directory.
I found out the solution. What I needed was a plugin to display content after every article.
